
fēi zhènɡ ɡuī jiào yù
  • non-formal education;informal education
  1. 农村非正规教育促进农村社区发展等。

    The informal education is developed as drive for the development of the rural community .

  2. 这意味着正规和非正规教育、乡村小学工作、在大学设立研究机构、建立成人培训系统,以及更多的其他方案。

    This means formal and informal education , working with rural primary schools , setting up research facilities at universities , establishing training programs for adults and much more .

  3. 教育可以分为正规教育和非正规教育。

    Education can be divided into formal education and non-formal education .

  4. 加开发署非正规教育:青年中心项目信托基金;

    CIDA Trust Fund for non-formal education : youth centres project ;

  5. 中美非正规教育比较研究

    Comparative Research on Non-formal Education between China and America

  6. 海洋环境教育主要是通过正规教育和非正规教育两种途径加以实施。

    Marine environmental education puts in practice by means of formal and non-formal education .

  7. 识字和识字后非正规教育

    Literacy and post-literacy non-formal education

  8. 通过参加四环游戏小组这种非正规教育活动,这些儿童及其家长发生了很大的变化。

    After participation of irregular educational activity such as Fourth Ring Play Group , great changes ares .

  9. 西部失辍学大龄女童接受非正规教育的状况&中英大龄女童合作伙伴项目甘肃点调查

    Adolescent girls ' condition of receiving informal training & ACWF / DFID program survey in Gansu province

  10. 目前农村留守儿童正处于成长阶段,然后对于孩子们的成长来说,只接受正规教育的远远不够的,非正规教育中的家庭教育对于人的成长及成功的社会化至关重要。

    To the Left-behind Children , they are at growing stage , the family education is very important to them .

  11. 基于对四个投资主体的投资动机分析,本研究试图提出一个以投资主体为研究起点的非正规教育体系框架。

    Based on the analysis of motives of four investors , the study is sketched out an non-formal education system framework .

  12. 与组织完备的正规教育相比,大多数国家非正规教育最大的不足在于缺乏足够的基础设施。

    One of the greatest weaknesses of NFE in many countries has been an inadequate infrastructure , certainly as compared with the well-organized system of formal education .

  13. 它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。接受比较非正规教育的人可以学习专业技能。

    It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning . Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence .

  14. 从仅注重正规的中小学教育到关注正规教育,非正规教育、非正式教育及私立教育。

    From giving attention to formal education of primary schools and middle schools merely to concern for formal education , informal education , irregular education and private education .

  15. 从非正规教育的概念、特点、作用以及理论依据四个方面进行论述,使人们对非正规教育有一个总体的认识;

    This part focuses on the concept , the characteristics , the functions as well as the basis of theory to enable people to have an over-all understanding of non-formal education .

  16. 协助低学历、低技术、弱势的一群,克服障碍;通过非正规教育及培训机会,提升他们的就业能力和就业机会。

    Providing opportunities for the less educated , low skilled , and disadvantaged groups to overcome barrier and access to employment opportunities , raising employability among them through informal education and training .

  17. 它改变了传统的教育理念,使教育不再是学校教育的同义语,而是包括了正规教育和非正规教育、学校教育和社会教育等一切教育形式,并贯穿于人的一生。

    It has reformed the traditional educational ideas and made education no longer is the synonym of school education , but include any forms of education and throughout all life of everyone .

  18. 自1992年以来,蒙古开始利用捐赠资金发展远程开放教育,进行面向成人和青少年的非正规教育,在职教师培训和大学教育。

    From 1992 onwards open and distance education ( ODE ) was introduced to Mongolia for non-formal education for adults and young people , for in-service teacher education and for university , through donor-funded projects .

  19. 大力发展非正规教育,积极推进农村教育结构多元化,促进城乡经济协调发展。

    Necessary to devote major efforts to developing non-regular education , actively to push on the plurality of the rural educational structure , so as to promote the coordinate development of the urban and rural economy .

  20. 印度独立后,政府通过颁布普及义务教育法、开展非正规教育等措施使农村教育得到进一步的发展,但依然存在许多亟待解决的问题。

    After winning the national independence , through issuing the compulsory education law , carrying out informal education and the like , rural education developed further , but there were still many problems waiting for being resolved .

  21. 第二,从法律依据、任务与职能、教育形式、类型和范围等角度对中美非正规教育进行阐述,概括中美非正规教育的发展情况;

    Part two , it elaborates the Chinese and American non-formal education from the legal bases , duties and functions , education forms and types and scopes , it summarizes the development of Chinese and American non-formal education .

  22. 所谓的正规教育就是指学校教育,而把一切有别于学校教育的其它教育形式,我们统称为非正规教育,其中包含了家庭教育的形式。

    So called the formal education is the " school education ", and all forms of education that different of the school education , we are collectively called the " non-formal education ", which contain " family education " .

  23. 它可以在任何场合下进行,在淋浴时,在工作时,在厨房里或拖拉机上。它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。

    It can take place anywhere , whether in the shower or in the job , whether in a kitchen or on a tractor.It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning .

  24. 第一章从政策与课程开发、教师培训与能力建设、教学学习方法及活动和非正规教育几个方面介绍国际科教合作的历史和现状。

    In the first chapter , I will introduce the history and current progress of international science and education collaboration in four respects : policy and curriculum development , teacher training and capacity building , teaching and learning activities , and informal education .

  25. 非正规老年教育与老年人社会参与

    " Informal " Old-age Education and Social Participation of the Elderly

  26. 非正规学前教育研究概述

    The Research Outline of Non-regular Preschool Education

  27. 非正规幼儿教育探析

    On Non - regular Children Education

  28. 从对目前世界各地非正规学前教育的组织形式、教育对象、课程实施、家长参与等方面的分析中可以得到启示,从而进一步促进我国这项事业的发展。

    Inspirations can be drawn from the non-regular education forms around the world , education objects , the curriculum implements and parents ' participation to further promote the development of the cause .

  29. 幼儿园非正规性科学教育活动的意义及实施策略

    The Significant and Implementation Strategy of Informal Science Educating Activities in Kindergartens

  30. 从空间上看,终身道德教育既包括正规的学校道德教育,也包括非正规的家庭道德教育和社会道德教育。

    From the space , life-long moral education involves regular school education , irregular family moral education and social moral education .