
fēi mìng
  • Unnatural;death by accident or violence;abnormal death
非命 [fēi mìng]
  • [abnormal death;violant death] 遭遇祸害而死亡

  • 死于非命

非命[fēi mìng]
  1. 不为横死非命所夭。

    He will not suffer from unnatural death .

  2. 需要强调一点,我们这里谈论的是自杀或自然死亡而非命丧他手而被剥夺生存权利。

    It is important to consider that we refer to self-determined or natural death and not death resulting from someone directly removing from you your life , thereby restricting your right to live .

  3. 这样,沃尔克认为,可以断定,对可以制人非命的病毒拥有更高抵抗力的原因就在于患者自身机体的特点。

    In this way , Volcker believes that it can be concluded on the people that can have a higher non-life of virus resistant to reason is that the characteristics of a patient 's own body .