
  1. 二是规制非政府公共组织替代模式的建立。

    The secent , is to regularize the substitute mode of the non-governmental public organizations .

  2. 行政主体可以界定为享有行政权、以自己的名义实施行政管理活动的组织,其包含行政机关、法律、法规、规章授权组织和非政府公共组织。

    It contains government , the organization authorized by law , laws , regulation and non-government public organization .

  3. 新公共管理之非政府公共组织对行政主体理论产生了很大冲击。

    The non-government public organization in new public management has greatly impacted the theory of subject of administration .

  4. 这就决定了我们必须讨论政府供给非政府公共组织的相关问题。

    This comes to a decision that we should discuss the problems about government supplying the non-governmental public organizations .

  5. 社区公共组织是一种特殊的非政府公共组织,作为自治性组织它们在构建和谐社会中有着独特的功能和作用。

    Community Public Organizations are special NGOs , as autonomous organizations , they play unique functions in building harmonious society .

  6. 所以,讨论非政府公共组织的供给问题对于现实的发展显得较为重要。

    So , to discuss the supply of non-governmental public organizations seems to be more important for the development of reality .

  7. 同时,政府经济人的存在使得我们还必须采取措施矫正其对于非政府公共组织的供给行为。

    At the same time , the existence of government economic person make us adopt the measure to correct its behavior of supplying the non-governmental public organizations .

  8. 本文通过对日本政府管理非政府公共组织的最新资料和数据的调查研究,试图找出其经验的可借鉴之处。

    This paper tries to find the experience which can be used for reference through the research to the latest materials and data on Japanese non-governmental public organizations .

  9. 文章通过对非政府公共组织政策倡导功能的合理界定,完整分析了非政府公共组织在公共政策制定具体环节中的作用发挥。

    The article give a reasonable definition on the non-governmental organizations ' function of policy advocacy , and completely analysis the role of non-governmental public organizations in public policy .

  10. 当国家能力不能够提供满足所需的公共物品需求量时,政府会允许甚至自己启动非政府公共组织的初始过程。

    When the nation can 't provide enough public goods to satisfy the demand , the government will allow or even start the beginning process of non-governmental public organizations by itself .

  11. 公共服务社会化实质是政府收缩公共服务范围,将原来由政府承担的一些公共服务职能大量的转移给非政府公共组织和私人部门。

    In essence , the socialization of public service means diminishing the functions of government in public service and transferring some of its functions to non - government organiztions and private sectors .

  12. 即:具备社会服务功能的非政府公共组织是可以而且应该通过其自身的政策倡导功能积极、主动、有效的参与到公共政策制定过程中去。

    Namely : the social service functions with the non-governmental public organizations can and should adopt its own policy advocacy in an active and effective participation to the course in the formulation of public policy .

  13. 因此,非政府公共组织要想充分发挥其优势并有大的发展,就需要有一系列的制度保障,特别是在政治、法律以及自身建设等方面。

    So , if NGPO wants to give full play to its advantages and greatly develop , there must be a series of institutional safeguards , especially those from politics , laws and its own constructions .

  14. 对于旨在调节社会利益的公共政策而言,政府不再是惟一制定者与决定者,更多的公众以组织的形式将自身的利益加以表达,这其中包括各种私人组织、非政府公共组织。

    The government is not longer the sole policy makers or decider . More publics expressed its own interests with the form of organization . It includes various private organizations and non-governmental public organizations ( NGOs ) .

  15. 最后,文章从非政府公共组织、政府、私人组织这三方面分析了非政府公共组织参与公共政策制定的阻碍因素,并指出了相应的应对举措。

    Finally , the article analysis the impediments for the non-governmental public organizations in making public policy from three aspects of the non-governmental public organizations , governments , private organizations . And give the corresponding response measures .

  16. 正是政府与政府人之间有可能存在的性质差异,决定了我们还必须从微观层次上&政府人这一角度来讨论政府供给非政府公共组织这一问题。

    The property differences between the government and government person , decide that we also need to discuss problem that the government supplies the non-governmental public organizations in the tiny view layer - the angle of government person .

  17. 为此文章的第一部分介绍了日本非政府公共组织的渊源、各历史阶段日本政府对非政府公共组织的管理,以及在政府的管理下日本非政府公共组织的发展过程;

    For that reason , the first part of the paper introduces the history of Japanese non-governmental public organizations , the government 's measures and their effects and the development of Japanese non-governmental public organizations under the governmental interference ;

  18. 本文从历史发展视角和地区比较视角分析得出:社会自主性的大小决定了一个国家(地区)对非政府公共组织的供给可能性之大小;

    Analyzing by the angle of view of the history development and the region comparison , we get that That social activity is strong or weat decides the possibility of a nation ( region ) supplying the non-governmental public organizations .

  19. 日本历史上受我国的文化影响很深,中日两国大众的意识形态也相近,这就使得日本政府在管理非政府公共组织方面的经验对我国政府有极大的借鉴意义。

    In history , Japan was deeply affected by our culture , and the ideologies of the Chinese and the Japanese are also alike , which make it greatly useful for us to use Japan 's experience on developing non-governmental public organizations for reference .

  20. 但是,现实中又不乏有理性经济人供给非政府公共组织的情况,因此,需要采取一定的规范措施来规范其行为,实现理性经济人向理性公益人的转变。

    But , the cases of the rational economic-spirited person supplying the non-governmental public organization in the actuality exist , therefore , we need to adopt certain measures to regularize its behavior , to realize that the rational economic-spirited person changes to the rational public-spirited person .

  21. 新公共管理运动中,大量原先由政府承担的社会公共管理职能转由非政府的社会公共组织履行。

    In the New Public Management , the social public organizations carried out a lot of social public management function which were charged with government formerly .

  22. 不论是20世纪70年代以来的新公共管理运动,还是20世纪90年代兴起的社团革命,都毫无疑问的揭示了非政府的社会公共组织的兴起与发展。

    No matter the New Public Management in the 1970s , or the association revolution in the 1990s , all demonstrate that the social public organizations are developing .

  23. 除了公共的社会组织系统外,社会中还存在着一些合法的非公共性的社会组织系统,在非国家或者社会的组织性集体事务中也完全可以产生职务行为。

    In addition to public social organizations , there exits in society some non-public legitimate organizations , which provides the possibility of the appearance of duties in non-state or social collective affairs .

  24. 对如何解决个体理性和集体非理性导致的公共组织管理两难困境的研究主要形成了市场型和政府型两类文献。

    The study about how to solve the dilemma of management caused by the individual rationality and the collective non-rationality has formed two kinds of documents , which are market-like and the government-like documents .