
  • 网络bronze weapon
  1. 我们用X射线荧光光谱滤纸片法分析了四个古代青铜兵器中的Cu、Pb、Sn含量,铜的测量结果与化学法一致。

    We have measured the content of Cu , Pb and Sn in four samples of the ancient bronze weapon using X-ray fluorescence filter paper method .

  2. 至今从坑里出土的青铜兵器超过一万件。

    Each figurine was armed with a bronze weapon of that period .

  3. 古代青铜兵器中主要元素的X射线荧光光谱分析

    The Determination of Main Elements in Acient Bronze Weapons by X-Ray Fluorescence Method

  4. 我国航天微电子技术古镇青铜兵器

    Space Microelectronics Technology of China Bronze wares in ancient Yunnan province

  5. 第三章讨论东周时期的青铜兵器。

    Chapter three is on bronze weapons of the Eastern Zhou .

  6. 以戈、钺为主要的青铜兵器等特征。

    Ge and Yue are the main bronze weapons .

  7. 试论秦代青铜兵器的设计意义

    Discuss the Design Meaning of Bronze Weapon in Qin-dynasty

  8. 中国古代陨铁刃青铜兵器

    Ancient Chinese Bronze Weapons with Meteoritic Iron Blades

  9. 成都市博物院几件院藏青铜兵器的分析研究

    Study on bronze weapons in Chengdu Museum

  10. 吉林省博物院藏传世先秦青铜兵器初步整理

    An Initially Study on the Collection of Bronze Weapons of Pre-Qin Period in Jilin Province Museum

  11. 武士手持一刀见血的青铜兵器,在为其站岗。

    Armed with real bronze weapons still sharp enough to draw blood , the soldiers stood guard .

  12. 第四章,山东地区商西周青铜兵器的组合研究。

    Chapter four & a combinative study of bronze weapons in Shang and Western Zhou dynasties in Shandong area .

  13. 青铜兵器出土量大,并且不让市场买卖,因此价格上不去。

    There 's many bronze weapon unearthed , and is forbidden to trade , so the price can 't go up .

  14. 对出土青铜兵器的铭文特点及其与周边地区的关系进行了分析和研究。

    Based on this , the inscription and nationality-belonging of bronze weapons and its relationship with the surrounding areas have also been explored .

  15. 根据山东地区青铜兵器形制、分期和组合的系统特征,山东地区商西周青铜兵器存在一定的小区域差异,均可分为四个区。

    According to the bronze weapon stage and combo system characteristics , Shang and Western Zhou bronze weapons in Shandong area can be divided into four districts .

  16. 在回顾湖南东周青铜兵器的出土历程后,将这一过程分为两段,即第一个阶段为1949年至1976年;第二个阶段为1977年至今。

    The author review the process of the discovery of the bronzen weapons of Eastern Zhou Dynasty in Hunan province and divide it into two stages : the first stage is from 1949 to 1976 , the second is from 1977 until recently .

  17. 他们用青铜来制造兵器、礼器和饰品,在当地发展起了庞大的青铜业,此点可由当地出土的铸模、铜矿以及带有铜锈的熔渣证明。

    They made weapons , ceremonial vessels , and many ornaments of this metal , and developed an extensive bronze industry right on the spot , as proved by the remains of moulds , bronze ore , and slags attached by copper rust .

  18. 考古学家已经发现了这样铸成的古代青铜剑和其它兵器。

    Archaeologists have discovered ancient bronze swords and other weapons , made by casting in this manner .

  19. 前人的研究也多有涉及,但研究的重心多集中于青铜礼器方面,数量较多的青铜兵器尚未有全面系统的分析。

    Relevant researches can be found in previous studies ; however , the research focus is mainly on the bronze ritual vessels . Comprehensive and systematic analyses of bronze weapons which are greater in number , however , have not been done yet .