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  • 网络Qingzhou City
  1. 2001~2003年在山东省青州市温室中进行了2次减量甲基溴、覆盖不透膜(VIF膜)土壤消毒试验。

    Two times experiments of dosage reduction of methyl bromide ( MB ) and covering virtually impermeable film ( VIF ) were carried out in Qingzhou city ( Shandong province , China ) from 2001 to 2003 year .

  2. 青州市仁河灌区灌溉项目环境影响评价

    Qingzhou City Ren River Irrigation Area Irrigation Project Environmental Impact Assessment

  3. 方法对青州市242例GBS患儿进行回顾性流行病学调查、临床观察、免疫学检测及微量元素检测。

    Methods The investigators made clinical observation on the242children with GBS and made a epidemiological retrospective investigation .

  4. 当前县域信用担保的主流模式:基于青州市三种信用担保的比较

    The Mainstream of Current Intra-county Credit Guarantee-Comparisons among Three Patterns in Qingzhou

  5. 近20年青州市自然降水的宏观特征与变化趋势

    Macro-character and Variation Tendency of Precipitation in Qingzhou , Shandong for Last 20 Years

  6. 方法通过收集1993&2001年9年的结核病投入财务报表,了解青州市结核病配套经费及卫生事业经费的落实情况;

    Methods Data from 9 years annual regular and financial reports were collected to study funds input .

  7. 第六部分是加快青州市老年人社会保障发展的对策建议。

    Part VI is to accelerate the development of social security of older persons Qingzhou policy proposals .

  8. 青州市花卉产业集群在推动青州市经济和社会发展过程中起到了重要作用。

    Qingzhou flower industry cluster play an important role in promoting economic and social development of Qingzhou City .

  9. 2007年青州市农村居民艾滋病防治知识知晓现状调查。

    The survey of knowledge level bout AIDS among residents in the rural area of Qingzhou City in2007 .

  10. 区域农地整理质量评价及其时空配置研究&以山东省青州市为例

    Quality Evaluation for Regional Farmland Consolidation and Spatio-temporal Collocation-A Case Study in Qingzhou County , Shandong Province of China

  11. 第二,薪酬、职位晋升是最为青州市基层公务员重视的激励措施。

    Second , salary , the position is the most Qingzhou promotion of grass-roots civil servants of the attention incentives .

  12. 昨日,有群众向本报反映,近日山东省青州市出台了一项新规定。

    Yesterday , some people reported to our newspaper office the new rule newly laid out by Qingzhou City , Shandong Province .

  13. 本文旨在通过对青州市东关回族社区的个案研究,考察城市世居回族价值观变迁的问题。

    This paper aims at Dongguan Muslim community , Qing zhou City , A Case Study of Value Change City native Muslim population problem .

  14. 因此,构建青州市小型农田水利建设的投融资机制对于青州市农业发展具有重要作用。

    Therefore , the construction of Qingzhou city construction of small-sized irrigation and water conservancy investment mechanism for agricultural development of Qingzhou city has .

  15. 青州市农民专业合作社发展存在的主要问题是组织规模偏小、经营合作社的专业人才缺乏、内部运行不完善等。

    Too small scale , lack of professional managers , and deficiency of inner operation are factors that hamper the development specialized farmers cooperatives in Qingzhou .

  16. 作者在对青州市植物资源进行调查时,发现过一块重要的残碑和一处碑文,经仔细研读,发现其均与当地的自然保护有关。

    In an investigation on plant resources of Qingzhou , we fined a broken stele on which there are two inscriptions relating the local nature protection .

  17. 据新华社报道,山东省青州市一些地方被传出部分蔬菜商贩使用甲醛溶液喷洒白菜进行保鲜。青州市是我国最大蔬菜生产基地。

    Formaldehyde-tainted Chinese cabbage in Qingzhou , Shandong Province , the country 's largest vegetable production base , has exposed some clandestine market practices , Xinhua reported .

  18. 农民专业合作社对青州市农村经济发展和农民收入提高起到了积极作用,但也面临一些问题。

    Specialized farmers cooperatives contributed to development of rural economy and income of farmers in Qingzhou , but some difficulties exists in the development of specialized farmers cooperatives .

  19. 本研究希望达到抛砖引玉的效果,通过对青州市石灰岩矿山地质环境治理的剖析,以引发出更多的类似议题。

    This research hopes to achieve the effect of forward , through to the Qingzhou limestone mine geological environment management analysis , in order to cause more similar topics .

  20. 第三部分结合青州市的实际情况分析了我国地方政府职能转变的现状,指出了地方政府职能的三位现象,并对原因进行了分析。

    The third part , analysis the actual situation in Qingzhou of local government functions transformation , proposed the three phenomena of local government functions , and analyzed the reasons .

  21. 第四部分是青州市老年人社会保障问题分析,基于实地调研,分析了青州市农村老年人社会保障所面临的主要问题和产生问题的原因。

    The fourth part is the social security system Qingzhou old problem analysis , field-based research , analysis of Qingzhou rural elderly social security faces major problems and causes of the problems .

  22. 虽然青州市花卉产业集群取得了较大的成绩,但与花卉产业发达国家和地区相比,还存在着较大的差距,也存在着一些问题。

    Qingzhou flower industry cluster has made great achievement , but compared with the developed countries and regions of the flower industry , there is still a significant gap and some problems still exist .

  23. 本文为青州市构建以国家财政支持为平台的小型农田水利建设投资平台提供一定的理论参考。

    In this paper , for the construction of Qingzhou city with the national financial support as a platform for the construction of small-sized irrigation and water conservancy investment platform to provide certain theory reference .

  24. 但从分析结果来看,薪酬需求仍然非常重要,占主导地位,因此提高青州市基层公务员的薪酬收入对完善激励机制非常重要。

    But from the analysis result , compensation demand remains very important , accounting for the leading position , and therefore improve the Qingzhou grass-roots civil servants to improve income salary incentive mechanism is very important .

  25. 随后以山东省青州市的农村幼儿园为研究对象在调查研究的基础上分析了当前农村幼儿教育存在的主要问题以及产生这些问题的原因。

    Subsequently , taking the rural kindergarten in Qingzhou , Shandong Province for example , it analyses the existing problems and their causes of the rural early childhood education on the basis of investigation and research .

  26. 第五部分是加快青州市农村公路建设发展的对策建议,首先进行了经验借鉴研究;之后提出了青州市农村公路发展的对策。

    Part V is to accelerate the Qingzhou rural highway construction and development of policy proposals , first of all draw on the experience carried out studies ; after the proposed road development in rural areas Qingzhou response .

  27. 第四部分是青州市农村公路发展中存在的问题与原因分析,并剖析了问题产生的原因。

    The fourth part is Qingzhou rural road development and causes problems in analysis , analysis of Qingzhou City After the first two phases of the development of rural road construction problems , and analyze the causes of the problem .

  28. 目前青州市农机安全监理业务管理系统已部署完善,通过测试,系统基本能够满足青州市农业机械安全监理管理业务需求,极大程度地规范农机安全监理管理与有效调控,提高了办事效率。

    The system has passed the test and can basically meet the business needs of Qingzhou Agricultural Machinery Security Supervising Management . It standardizes the management and effective control of agricultural machinery security supervision on a great degree , and raises working efficiency .

  29. 第三部分是青州市农村公路发展现状及其对青州的影响分析,介绍了青州市农村公路发展现状;以青州市黄楼镇为例,对农村公路对青州的效果进行了分析。

    The third part is Qingzhou Development of rural highway that is the impact on the Qingzhou paper introduces the status of road development in rural areas Qingzhou ; to Qingzhou TOWN , yellow , for example , on rural roads on the effect of Qingzhou were analyzed .

  30. 青州市已婚育龄妇女的意愿生育理想子女数虽接近于更替水平,但与生育政策允许生育子女个数存在较大差距,也远远高出限制政策下的实际生育水平。

    The survey found Qingzhou City , married women of childbearing age will planning ideal number of children close to replacement level fertility policy , and allowed the birth of the number of children there is a gap , but also far higher than the actual level of fertility .