
shuānɡ shǒu jiàn
  • two-handed sword
  1. 它是亚瑟王的双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。

    It is the two-handed sword of King Arthur and depicted over the door of the Cadet Chapel .

  2. 这个小技巧让你可以用一个法师装备双手剑,或盗贼拿法杖。

    With this little trick you can get a Mage to wear a Two-Handed Sword , or a Rouge with a Staff .

  3. 所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。

    All Date units have a charge bonus , and their fearsome no-dachi samurai , with two-handed swords , are cheap to recruit and maintain .

  4. 这个“无刃部”能够减少持握的距离,而带有“无刃部”的双手剑在主剑身突出的地方通常会制有一个较小的护手。

    The ricasso could be gripped in close quarters combat . These kinds of Zweihaenders usually had a smaller , secondary guard that protruded from the main blade .

  5. 双手剑主要是用于对抗长距离战争中的长矛和战戟的,一些双手剑的剑身上有一段较钝的地方,它略高于主防护位置,被叫做“无刃部”(或“卡榫”)。

    Primarily used against pikes and halberds at longer ranges , some also had an unsharpened part of the blade - called a ricasso - just above the primary guard .

  6. 双手剑需要双手使用,其剑柄到剑尖长达到178厘米(70英寸),其重量可达到1.4到6.4千克(3-14磅)——但是达到一定重量的剑往往只能应用在仪式上。

    Zweihaenders were two-handed swords that stretched upward of 178 centimeters ( 70 in ) and weighed anywhere from 1.4-6.4 kilograms ( 3-14 lbs ) , though the heavier examples tended to be purely ceremonial .

  7. 高地剑士身穿链甲,挥舞双手巨剑,作战极为凶残。

    Shock troops wielding a large two-handed sword and armoured in chain .

  8. 骑在最前面的人穿了一件花斑影子山猫皮做成的披风,握着一把双手巨剑。

    At their head rode a big man in a striped shadowskin cloak , armed with a two-handed greatsword .

  9. 双手巨剑需要紧密掌握方可挥洒如意。

    Literally meaning two hander 's , in German , in reference to the grip needed to wield their massive swords .

  10. 她捡起狮牙,站在他跟前,双手握剑。

    She picked up Lion 's Tooth where it had fallen , and stood over him , holding the sword with both hands .

  11. 格雷果爵士双手握剑,猛力朝少年的胸部挥击,立刻把他从马鞍上轰飞出去。

    Ser Gregor swung his sword , a savage two-handed blow that took the boy in the chest and knocked him from the saddle .

  12. 洛杉矶雕塑家乔治坦利被选为小雕像的制作者,其形象是一位双手握剑,站在胶卷上的骑士。

    Los Angeles sculptor George Stanley was selected to create the statuette-the figure of a knight standing on a reel of film , hands gripping a sword .

  13. 在他右肩之后,可以见到一把脏污的皮革剑柄,大抵是他的双手巨剑太长,没法佩在腰间。

    Above his right shoulder the stained leather hilt of the blade strapped to his back was visible ; a two-handed greatsword , too long to be worn at his side .

  14. 这不是双手挥的巨剑。

    This is not a greatsword that is needing two hands to swing it .

  15. 双手剑士身穿板甲,挥动双手巨剑,极为训练有素。

    These well trained warriors are protected by plate armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword .