
  • 网络The Blue Nile;Blue Nile River
  1. 在苏丹首都,另一条名为青尼罗河的大河与白尼罗河汇合。

    At Sudan 's capital , another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile .

  2. 而在埃塞俄比亚全国,中国承包商建设着公路和电信设施,并将在北部的青尼罗河(BlueNile)上游建造一座大坝,提供埃塞俄比亚急需的电力。

    Around the country , Chinese contractors have been building roads , telecommunications infrastructure and , at the headwaters of the Blue Nile in the north , a dam to produce much-needed power .

  3. 青尼罗河和白尼罗河在什么地方汇合?

    Where does the Blue Nile meet the White Nile ?

  4. 塔纳湖上,青尼罗河的入口。

    The estuary of blue Nile on lake Tana .

  5. 苏丹首都,位于青尼罗河与白尼罗河交汇处。

    The capital of Sudan located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile .

  6. 尼罗河是由卡盖拉河、白尼罗河、青尼罗河三条河流汇流而成。

    The Kagera River Nile , the White Nile , Blue Nile convergence from the three rivers .

  7. 毋庸置疑,尼罗河是世界上最长的河。其两个主要的支流分别为白尼罗河和青尼罗河。

    Undoubtedly , it is the world 's longest river and has two major tributaries which are White Nile and Blue Nile .

  8. 青尼罗河为尼罗河提供主要流量,是大部分水的来源。

    Blue Nile is the source of much of the water as well as brings a great deal of fertility to the river Nile .

  9. 青尼罗河发源于埃塞俄比亚的群山之中,那里每逢雨季,山洪暴发,大量的雨水和泥沙注入尼罗河河谷。

    The Blue Nile rises in the mountains of Ethiopia , where seasonal rains cause the annual floods that inundate the Nile Valley with water and silt .