
qīnɡ tónɡ shí dài
  • Bronze Age
青铜时代 [qīng tóng shí dài]
  • [Bronze Age] 以使用青铜工具为特征的人类文化时期,欧洲大约始于公元前3500年,西亚和埃及则更早些

  1. 中国东北地区西南部旧石器时代至青铜时代人地关系发展阶段的量化研究

    Quantizing Research on the Stages of the Relationship between Natural Environment and Man in the Southwest Part of Northeast China from the Paleolithic Period to Bronze Age

  2. 到公元前2000年,中国人已进入青铜时代(BronzeAge),并开始用于写字。

    By 2,000 BC , Chinese people had entered the Bronze Age and had begun to use writing .

  3. 新疆青铜时代古代人骨中痕量元素的ICP-AES法测定

    Determination of Trace Elements in Bronze Age Human Bone in Xinjiang by ICP-AES

  4. 河内自遥远的青铜时代(theBronzeAge)就一直是文化中心,要真正了解它的现代形象,游客应该通过艺术而非建筑去发现这座城市。

    Hanoi has been a cultural center as far back as the Bronze Age ; to really get a sense of its modern persona , explore it through art rather than architecture .

  5. 这次挖掘使一批数目惊人的青铜时代人工制品重现天日。

    The excavation exposed a staggering numBer of Bronze age artifacts .

  6. 中国古代青铜器分别起源于西北地区和中原地区,青铜时代开始于公元前2000年前后。

    The Bronze Age of China began in about 2000 BC .

  7. 青铜时代中晚期辽西地区农业活动特征

    Agricultural Characteristics of Middle-late Bronze Age in Western Liaoning Province

  8. 在青铜时代,人类更加堕落。

    During the age of Bronze men became further degenerated .

  9. 中国青铜时代不存在失蜡法铸造工艺

    No Wax-lost Casting Craft at the Bronze Age in china

  10. 长白山地及其延伸地带青铜时代墓葬研究

    Study on Tombs of Bronze Age in Chang-bai Mountains and Their Stretches

  11. 中国甘肃酒泉青铜时代人类股骨化学元素含量分析

    Chemical element analysis of bronze age human femurs in China

  12. 东北青铜时代的发展进程及特点

    The Process of Development and Characteristics of Bronze Age of Northeast China

  13. 是被隔离的青铜时代的文化。

    It 's actually a Bronze Age culture that 's been isolated .

  14. 商朝标志着青铜时代的到来。

    The Shang Dynasty marked the coming of Bronze Age .

  15. 大约是青铜时代早期。

    It was around the beginning of the bronze age .

  16. 云南昌宁坟岭岗青铜时代墓地

    Bronze Age Graveyard of Fen Ridge , Changning County , Yunnan Province

  17. 香港的青铜时代及其分段

    The Bronze Age in Hong Kong and Its Remains

  18. 一件新月形的青铜时代的金属装饰品。

    A crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age .

  19. 他认为这种陶器是青铜时代的遗物。

    He attributes this pottery to the Bronze age .

  20. 青铜时代的人遗留下许多足以说明其文化的文物。

    The Bronze Age people left behind many material witnesses to their culture .

  21. 他的第一个伟大作品《青铜时代》就是创作于这个时期。

    His first great piece The Age of Bronze was created at that time .

  22. 大约在距今3000年的时候,大理地区进入了青铜时代。

    Around as early as 3000 years ago , the Bronze Age set in .

  23. 公元前3000-1100克里特的青铜时代的文明。

    The bronze-age culture of Crete 3000-1100 BC .

  24. 我们在东卡累利阿发现他的葬墓,建于青铜时代。

    The grave in East-Karelia where we found him dates to the bronze age .

  25. 甘肃酒泉青铜时代人类骨骼的病理鉴定

    Pathological diagnoses of human bones of the Bronze Age in Jiuquan county , Gansu Province

  26. 商周时期是中国古代青铜时代的繁盛辉煌时期。

    Shang and Zhou period was a great prosperity of Bronze Age in ancient Chinese .

  27. 烧杯文化在青铜时代达鼎盛时期于阿尔卑斯山一带,而不是在英格兰。

    The Beaker Culture had its Bronze-age heyday in the Alps , not in England .

  28. 从青铜器的演变过程解读青铜时代的艺术美

    The Evolution from the Bronze Age to the Bronze Age Art of Interpretation of the Beauty

  29. 青铜时代汉水流域居住地理的初步考察

    An Investigation on the Settlement Geography in the Reaches of Hanshui River in the Bronze Age

  30. 甘肃酒泉青铜时代人类头骨种系类型的研究

    Racial characteristics of the human skulls from the Bronze Age site of Jiuquan county , Gansu