
  1. 区域交通需求关联因素分析研究。

    Study on analysis of regional transport demand association factors .

  2. 但这种解法使得运算过程变得很烦琐,而且,在实际应用中,有些物料的运输规划,存在着供给关联和需求关联的情况,必须放在一个模型中统一考虑。

    While there is connection between different materials on supply or demand , the different materials must be considered in one model .

  3. 一旦他将新需求关联到正确的模型元素,更新便被完成,他再检入文件。

    Once he 's associated the new requirement with the correct model element , the update is complete and he checks the files back in .

  4. 构建局部溢出模型,分析要素空间集聚的需求关联、溢出等外部规模经济效应与环境污染、拥挤等外部不经济效应对区域经济协调发展的作用机制。

    This paper builds a local spillover model to analyze active mechanism of external economies of scale effect of spatial agglomeration , which are demand related and spillover , and external diseconomies of environmental pollution , crowding on regional economic coordinated development .

  5. 本文试图通过弹性经济学方法,把反映国民经济发展的总量指标与社会经济发展对主要木材产品需求关联起来,发现国民经济发展对木材产品需求的一般规律。

    This text attempt through elastic economics methods , reflect total amount of national economic development index and social economic development products demand getting related to main timber , find the universal law to the timber products demand of national economic development .

  6. 数据开采中基于用户需求的关联模型

    The Association Model Based on User 's Requirement in Data Mining

  7. 居民夏季用电需求灰色关联预测模型的研究

    Research of Grey Correlation Model for Forecasting Residential Power Demand in Summer

  8. 色彩教研与色彩流行趋势和市场消费需求的关联性研究

    Study on Relevance of Color Education , Color Trends and Market Needs

  9. 培训活动必须与业务需求相关联,而不仅仅是当前最新最热门的研讨会。

    Training activities must be linked to business needs and not just to the latest and hottest seminar in town .

  10. 可跟踪性经常与需求相关联,但是我们也可以通过跟踪其它的类型的产物和关联中受益。

    Traceability is usually associated with requirements , but we can also benefit from tracking other types of artifacts and relationships .

  11. 质量政策应与制造业者组织目标和其顾客之期望及需求相关联。

    The quality policy shall be relevant to the manufacturer 's organizational goals and the expectations and needs of its customers .

  12. 其次,从影响合作学习的综合因素考虑,提出促进合作学习的方法,改善合作学习的环境,该方法将学习效果与社会需求相关联。

    Secondly , considering the comprehensive factor of influencing cooperative learning , this paper proposes the method of promoting cooperative learning and improving cooperative learning environment .

  13. 在此基础上,利用灰色关联分析方法分析了影响主因子与城市居民国内旅游需求的关联程度,确定了影响旅游需求的最主要的因素。

    In the following , the correlative degree between factors and tourism demand is quantitatively measured by gray correlation analysis , as finds out the most important factors impacting on domestic tourism demand .

  14. 因此本文运用了灰色需求的关联分析方法,遵从数据可获得、可量化和独立性的原则,定性分析了与玉米加工品国际物流相关的影响因素。

    In this article the gray relational analysis method is used , conforming to the data available , quantizing and independence , and quantitative indicators used for the qualitative analysis of factors of international logistics of processed corn products .

  15. UML模型元素与需求之间的关联性通常对您的开发组织有着至关重要的作用。

    The linkage between UML model elements and requirements is often of critical importance to your development organization .

  16. 描述了知识挖掘Agent的逻辑结构与功能,分析了客户需求知识中关联规则挖掘的方式,从而获得需求结点间关联的强弱程度。

    The logic construction and function of knowledge discovery Agent is described , the mode of client requirement knowledge associated rule digging is analyzed , so it can acquire a strong or weak connection degree within nodes .

  17. 货币需求的态势关联分析

    Relational Analysis of the Tendency of the Demand for Money

  18. 现在我要检查产品结构和产品需求是如何关联在一起的。

    I 'll now examine how the product structure and the product requirements can be related .

  19. 追踪是这样一种技术,在系统中它能为不同层次的需求之间提供关联。

    Traceability is a technique that provides a relationship between different levels of requirements in the system .

  20. 同有关软件需求及与其关联的业务规则的讨论类似,业务规则也可以同特定的用例步骤相联系。

    Similar to the discussion about software requirements and their association to business rules , business rules could be linked to a particular use-case step .

  21. 论文分析了攻击识别的需求与模糊关联规则挖掘的有关概念,并且以此为基础构建了一个攻击识别系统。

    This literature analyses the requirements for attack recognition and the relevant concepts about the mining of fuzzy association rules , and then sets up a system for attack recognition .

  22. 从这样的经验里,他们获得(指挥的)本能和直觉,或者说这样的知识存在于对战术性的和作战性的可能与需求的相互关联的理解。

    From this experience , they gain the instincts and intuition , as well as the knowledge that underlie an understanding of the interrelation of tactical and operational possibilities and needs .

  23. 通过分析名牌生态系统成员的构成及其特点,探讨了生态系统成员利益需求及相互关联性,进而建立名牌生态系统成员的利益平衡模型与协调机制。

    The paper makes a system analysis to the constitutes and the characteristics of the famous brand ecosystem members . And illustrate the demands and its relations of them , set up the benefits balance model and harmony mechanism .

  24. 为了阐述旅游产业内部各产业之间的需求与供给关联以及旅游产业与国民经济其它产业的技术经济联系,本章还对产业关联理论以及需求与供给理论进行了讨论。

    To elaborate the association of demand and supply within tourism industry and technical economic ties between tourism industry and other industries of the national economy , this paper also discussed the industry association theory and the demand and supply theory .

  25. 通过因子分析,提取了促使潜在消费者成为现实消费者的7个潜在因子,分别为环境因子、需求因子、关联因子、体验因子、支持因子、兴趣因子、观赏因子等。

    Through factor analysis , 7 potential factors of impelling potential consumers into realistic consumers are discovered , which include environment factor , demand factor , related factor , experience factor , support factor , interest factor , viewing and admiring factor , respectively .

  26. 以供电企业的典型业务&业扩报装作为实证分析对象,分析了业扩流程的跨部门需求细分与关联模块,验证了业务流程分析和业务流程集成模型。

    With a typical power supply enterprise business-Business Expanding Installed as the empirical analysis of the object , the paper analysis the industry demand of inter-sector breakdown of processes and associated modules for Business Expanding Installed and validates the business process analysis and business process integration model .

  27. 顾客需求与工程特性关联关系的确定是QFD的难点与重点。

    The determination of functional relationships between the customer needs and the engineering characteristics is the key to Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) .

  28. 定义阶段启动项目,通过问卷调查收集到客户之声,继而定义关键质量特性(CTQ),并将需求与CTQ进行关联。

    In the definition phase , a customer survey used to gather the Voice of Customer ( VOC ) . Then the Critical to Quality ( CTQ ) defined . Then the CTQs were associated with the VOC .

  29. 影响房地产市场需求因素的灰色关联度分析

    Grey Correlative Degree Analysis of Factors Affecting Demands in the Real Estate Market

  30. 解释买者的支付意愿,消费者剩余和需求曲线之间如何关联。

    Explain how buyers'willingness to pay , consumer surplus , and the demand curve are related .