
  • 网络time data type
  1. Representdate/timecolumnsastextitems选项允许控制日期和时间数据类型在类型树中的创建方式。

    The Represent date / time columns as text items option lets you control how date and time data types are created in the type tree .

  2. 持续时间数据类型(或时间段数据类型)用于定义一段时间间隔。

    The duration data type is used to specify a time interval .

  3. 日期时间数据类型用于指定一个日期值和一个时间值。

    The datetime data type is used to specify a date and a time .

  4. 它们可以为日期或时间戳数据类型。

    They can be date or timestamp data types .

  5. 采用面板数据是因为面板数据兼有横截面数据及时间序列数据类型,其最大的优点在于能够解决所谓遗漏变量的问题,也即内生性问题。

    We use panel data for the panel data have both cross-sectional data and time series data type . Its biggest advantage is the ability to solve the problem of the so-called omitted variable which named the endogenous problem .

  6. 本文介绍了一种新型热危险性分析仪器&绝热加速量热仪的设计原理和内部结构,运行模式以及所能获得的温度、压力和最大温升速率时间等数据类型。

    This paper introduced an new instrument which was used in thermal hazard analysis-accelerating rate calorimeter ( ARC ) . Its design principle and inner structure , run modes and the data types including temperature , pressure and the time to maximum temperature rise rate were presented .

  7. 支持针对日期、日期时间、时间数据类型以及其他类型(比如说颜色)对编辑器进行定制

    Support for custom editors for date , dateTime , time datatypes , and other types such as color

  8. 由于时间序列的数据类型复杂且具有高维性、噪声干扰及波动性等特点,因此时间序列挖掘是数据挖掘中的一个重要研究方向。

    Time series are complex types of data . They often have high dimensionality , noise and various distortions etc. Time Series Data Mining ( TSDM ) is one of the most important research fields of Data mining .

  9. DataStage为操作日期/时间数据和执行数据类型转换等提供大量内置函数。

    DataStage provides a number of built-in functions for manipulating date / time data , performing data type conversions , and so on .

  10. 时间序列数据包括多元时间序列和一元时间序列两种数据类型。

    Time-series data , including two types one is multivariate time series , the other is one variable time series data .