
  • 网络demand coefficient method
  1. 目前大部分港口主要采用需要系数法来计算负荷的无功功率,采用母线上并联电容器的方式来补偿无功功率。

    Nowadays , most ports traditionally adopt parallel connected capacitors to compensate reactive power .

  2. 其次根据住户数和户型情况进行了负荷计算,负荷计算时采用了需要系数法。

    Second , in accordance with the number and size of households the load is carried out , the load calculation method adopt needs .

  3. 提出需要系数法应结合高校特点进行适当的修正,并给出了修正需要系数法的概念。

    It was pointed out that the method of needful coefficient should be amended combining with the characteristics of university , and the concept of the correctional needful coefficient method was given .

  4. 在照明的设计中,本着节能的原则,选择荧光灯为光源,通过运用需要系数法进行照度计算,确定最佳光源数,为员工和顾客们创造了一个良好的工作环境。

    In lighting design , in line with the principle of energy conservation , choose fluorescent lamps as light source , through the use of illumination required coefficient calculation method to determine the optimum number of light , for employees and customers to create a good working environment .

  5. 比如,在求解两点边值问题时就需要特别注意,这时需要采用待定系数法,最后会涉及到系数方程组的求解;

    Special attention should be paid when we apply the decomposition method to two-point boundary value problems , it is necessary to solve a algebraic system ;