
  • 网络raynaud phenomenon;Raynaud's phenomenon;Raynaud's phenomenon, Rp
  1. 雷诺现象与内脏系统损害的不同无统计学意义。

    Raynaud phenomenon and visceral system damage to different without statistical significance .

  2. 认为肺血管的病变及雷诺现象可能与免疫异常有关。

    The pulmonary vasculitis and Raynaud phenomenon might be related to immunologic abnormalities .

  3. “不幸的是,目前对于继发雷诺现象的治疗方式对于临床医生来说并非最佳且充满挑战性,同时可用于治疗的药物也很有限,”Dr。

    " Unfortunately , current therapy for secondary Raynaud 's phenomenon is suboptimal and challenging to the clinician , as there are limited drugs to treat it ," Dr.

  4. 目的:探讨雷诺现象(RP)患者甲襞区域血流量和微循环的变化。

    Objective : To probe the change of local blood flow volume and nailfold microcirculation of Raynaud 's phenomenon ( RP ) patients .

  5. 死亡组与存活组的单因素比较分析发现pSS的死亡高危因素有:男性发病、肺部受累、浆膜腔积液、雷诺现象及肺动脉高压等。

    The high risk factors of death were male patients , lung involvement , serositis , Raynaud ′ s phenomenon and pulmonic hypertension .

  6. 相比而言,继发雷诺现象指存在合并某相关疾病如SLE和硬皮病的病症。

    By comparison , secondary RP refers to the presence of the disorder in association with a related illness , such as systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma .

  7. 而两组患者皮肤硬化、雷诺现象、吞咽困难、肌肉痛、抗核抗体阳性和抗Scl-70抗体检出率等差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences in skin sclerosis , Raynaud 's phenomeon , dysphagia , myalgia , positive antinuclear antibodies and anti-Scl-70 antibodies between the two groups .

  8. 结论CTS治疗雷诺现象疗效满意,气胸是CTS较常见的并发症,操作方法的改良可以有效降低气胸发生率并提高治疗有效率。

    Conclusions Pneumothorax is a common complication of chemical thoracic sympathectomy . Improvement of procedure can reduce the incidence of pneumothorax and increase the effective rate .

  9. 结论SLE患者出现雷诺现象提示较易发生肺动脉高压、心脏受累和免疫学异常,对伴雷诺现象的SLE患者应注意其心肺状态,以便早期诊断和治疗。

    Conclusions The Raynaud ′ s phenomenon in SLE patients seems susceptible to pulmonary hypertension , cardiac involvement and immunologic abnormalities . The function of heart and lung and pulmonary hypertension should be paid attention to in these cases .

  10. 与pSS患者比较,SLE-SS患者年龄小,发病早,雷诺现象、关节炎、皮肤黏膜病变发生率高,抗SSA抗体阳性率高。

    Compared with the pSS patients group , SLE-SS patients were younger , with a higher frequency of Raynaud ′ s phenomenon , arthritis , mucocutaneous involvement and anti-SSA .

  11. 与非肺部表现起病的其他病例比较,除典型DM皮疹外,其余肺外临床特征如炎性肌病、多关节炎/关节痛、发热、技工手、雷诺现象等均无统计学差异;

    Compared with the cases not began with pulmonary abnormities , the clinical features of extra-pulmonary , such as inflammatory myopathies , polyarthritis / polyarthralgia , fever , mechanician hands , Raynaud ′ s phenomenon , showed insignificant statistical difference , except typical DM rash .

  12. 分析性别、年龄、贫血、高血压、雷诺现象、血管炎、肾脏受累、抗磷脂抗体、柯兴征以及糖皮质激素用量和免疫抑制剂的应用与AVN发生的关系。

    The relationship between sex , age , anemia , hypertension , Raynaud ′ s phenomenon , vasculitis , renal involvement , anticardiolipin antibodies ( ACL ), Cushing syndrome , glucocorticosteroid dosage , immunosuppresive agents and AVN of bone was analysed .

  13. 结果:MCTD最常见的临床表现为雷诺现象,其次为发热、关节肿/痛和肌炎,有肺间质病变朋市动脉高压的患者肌炎和硬指/手指肿胀的出现率高;

    Results : The primarily incipient symptoms of MCTD were Raynaud 's phenomenon , the next symptoms were febrile 、 arthralgia / arthritis and myositis . Myositis and sclerodactyly / finger swollen were easy to be seen in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension / pulmonary interstitial fibrosis .

  14. 末梢血管病变以雷诺现象多见。

    Raynaud 's phenomenon was common in damage of peripheral vessels .

  15. 无雷诺现象等系统损害。

    No Raynaud s phenomenon and internal organ involvement were observed .

  16. 一名患者雷诺现象完全消失。

    One patient experienced a complete resolution of Raynaud 's phenomenon .

  17. 化学性胸交感神经节切除术治疗雷诺现象73例

    Chemical thoracic sympathectomy for Raynaud 's phenomenon : Report of 73 cases

  18. 诱发因素&患者注意到暴露在冷温下可触发雷诺现象。

    Provoking factors – Patients note that exposure to cold temperature triggers RP.

  19. 雷诺现象患者的区域血流量及微循环变化

    Change of Nailfold Blood Flow Volume and Microcirculation in Patient with Raynaud 's Phenomenon

  20. 伴雷诺现象的系统性红斑狼疮42例分析

    Clinical Analysis of 42 Cases of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus With Raynaud ′ s Phenomenon

  21. 雷诺现象的转归研究

    Study on the evolution of Raynaud 's phenomenon

  22. 西洛他唑治疗继发性雷诺现象的临床观察

    Effect of Cilostazol on Secondary Raynaud 's Phenomenon

  23. 如果这些症状单独出现而无任何合并的疾病,则认为是原发雷诺现象。

    RP is considered primary if these symptoms occur alone without evidence of any associated disorder .

  24. 雷诺现象是对遇冷或情绪应急的一种过度的血管反应。

    Raynaud 's phenomenon ( RP ) is an exaggerated vascular response to cold temperature or emotional stress .

  25. 雷诺现象在年轻妇女、较年轻组和家族中有雷诺现象的成员更常见。

    RP is more common among young women , younger age groups , and family members of patients with RP.

  26. 典型的雷诺现象发作以单个手指开始,然后对称性累及双手的其他手指。

    Raynaud 's attack typically begins in a single finger and then spreads to other digits symmetrically in both hands .

  27. 初发症状以关节痛或关节炎(52.9%)、雷诺现象(353%)为主。

    The main initial symptoms were arthrodynia / arthritis ( 52.9 % ) and Raynaud phenomenon ( 35.3 % ) .

  28. 发生率&最近进行的社区调查评估了一般人群的雷诺现象的发生率。

    PREVALENCE – Community-based surveys have only recently been performed to estimate the prevalence of RP in the general population .

  29. 无雷诺现象的系统性硬化患者NO水平明显高于无雷诺现象的系统性红斑狼疮患者(P<0.01);

    The NO levels of SSc without RP are significantly higher than those of SLE without RP ( p < 0.01 );

  30. 雷诺现象的发作也可出现在交感神经系统刺激之后(如情绪紧张,突然惊吓)。

    An attack of RP may also occur after stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system ( such as emotional stress , sudden startling ) .