
wēi liàng
  • trace;trace amount;grain;suggestion;drop;microscale;breath;iota;tinge;shadow;bagatelle;soupcon;scruple
微量[wēi liàng]
  1. 方法:MTT微量酶反应比色法。

    Methods : MTT microscale zyme reaction colorimetry was used .

  2. 研究了MBTH法测定织物中微量甲醛的原理及条件。

    The determination principle and conditions of the microscale formaldehyde in fabric by using MBTH method were studied .

  3. 分析显示,尸体中有微量砒霜。

    Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body .

  4. 验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。

    The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach .

  5. 虽然可能无法阻止孩子饮用可能含有微量化学物质的自来水,但让孩子远离最近喷洒过化学物质的草坪和刚刚干洗过的衣服对他们的健康不会有坏处。

    While it may be impossible to prevent kids from drinking tap water that may contain trace amounts of chemicals , keeping kids away from lawns recently sprayed with chemicals and freshly dry-cleaned clothes can 't hurt .

  6. 许多这些产品都含有微量的腐蚀剂,化学物或抛光剂。

    Many of these products contain mild abrasives , chemicals or polishing agents .

  7. 营养爱好者指的是根据微量营养元素选择食物的人。

    Nutritarian refers to a person who chooses foods based on their micronutrient content .

  8. 老鼠被注入丙酸盐,即用微量灌肠剂传递该物质,模拟肠道细菌释放丙酸盐的过程,这同样延长了老鼠在跑步机上的奔跑时间。

    Then mice that were treated to proprionate , which was delivered via teeny tiny enemas to mimic12 its release by gut bacteria , similarly extended their treadmill time .

  9. “隐性饥饿”与传统意义上因缺乏食物而导致的饥饿不同,它是由于长期缺乏维生素和矿物质而导致的微量营养素缺乏症。因为没有明显的症状,所以人们很少会意识到自己处于“隐性饥饿”状态。

    Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food . It is micronutrient deficiency caused by a chronic1 lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs , so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it .

  10. 方法采用微量血样品,改进提取线粒体DNA的方法;

    Methods improving the method of extracting mtDNA from the whole blood ;

  11. 铬蓝黑R分光光度法测定钢中微量铬

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamounts of Chromium in Steel with Chrome Blue-Black R

  12. 向日葵种子不同部位微量提取DNA用于PCR的研究

    DNA extraction from different part of oil sunflower mature seeds for PCR analysis

  13. 微量Mg对高压电子铝箔腐蚀结构的影响

    Influence of trace Mg on corrosion structure of high voltage aluminum foil

  14. P(204)Li在有机相形成反向胶束过程的微量量热法研究

    Microcalorimetric Study on the Formation of Reversed Micell in P_ ( 204 ) Li Organic Phase

  15. 微量B、Mg对TiAl金属间化合物热变形行为的影响

    The effects of B and Mg on the hot deformation Of TiAl

  16. 微量Al、Si、K掺杂钼合金材等的性能及应用

    The Properties and Applications of The Doped Mo With The Trace Al , Si and K

  17. ICP-AES法测定人体胎盘血清中15种微量元素

    Determination of fifteen trace elements in Human Placenta Serum by ICP-AES

  18. ICP-AES测定钼铁中微量锑和锡

    ICP-AES determination of micro amounts of antimony and tin in ferromolybdenum

  19. 化学光谱法测定高纯氧化钇中微量轻、中稀土杂质&HEH(EH)P萃取富集法

    Chemico-Spectral Determination of Trace Amounts of Rare Earth Impurities in Yttrium Oxide of High Purity By Cross Current Extraction

  20. 常数换算法在ICU微量用药中的应用

    Application of constant conversion in microdosis medication for ICU patients

  21. 采用内标-脉冲雾化进样法,建立了微量体液的ICP-AES分析方法。

    A method of ICP-AES by the internal-standard-method and pulse-nebulization was established .

  22. 其中聚碳硅烷(PCS)中的活性基团和碳纤维的化学反应并不严重,而微量的氧气和杂质对碳纤维的化学损伤影响很大;

    However , the oxygen and impurities can hurt carbon fibers largely .

  23. 所确立的方法无需掩蔽剂和其它分离手段,即可直接用于Pt-Pd催化剂中微量钯的测定,结果满意。

    The proposed method has been applied satisfactorily to the direct determination of palladium in Pt-Pd catalysts .

  24. MTT比色微量分析显示细胞活力下降(P<0.001)。

    MTT assay showed that cell activity was decreased remarkably ( P < 0.001 ) .

  25. 猪脑内微量注射大豆黄酮对血浆LH水平的影响

    Effect of Daidzein with Intra-cerebral Micro-injection on Plasma LH of the Pigs

  26. 微量Mg,Zr在GH698合金析出相间的分配及其对相组成的影响

    Distribution of Mg and Zr in precipitated phases and its influence on phase constituent of Superalloy GH 698

  27. 固相萃取ICP-AES法测定多种微量元素的研究

    Analysis of Multi Trace Elements by Solid Phase Extraction ICP AES with Microcrystalline Naphthalene

  28. 用Chelex-100快速提取微量血痕中的DNA

    A Quick Method of Extraction of DNA by Chelex-100 from Trace Bloodstains

  29. 方法用微量凝集试验(MAT)检测抗体。

    Method A microscopic agglutination test was used .

  30. 微量固溶Nb在钢中的作用

    Effect of Micro Nb Soluted in Steel