- 网络Rainforest Alliance;RA-Rainforest Alliance

Mars will work largely with the Rainforest Alliance , which encourages farmers to preserve their environment .
Other " certified coffees " are those grown organically and Rainforest Alliance accredited beans , a scheme which protects the environment .
While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .
It has pledged that all cocoa in its Cte d'Or and Marabou chocolates will be Rainforest Alliance-certified by 2012 .
This was a positive step that brought important social and environmental issues into the public domain through the Fairtrade Foundation and the Rainforest Alliance , for example .
In recent years , however , the firm has made huge efforts to promote social responsibility and sustainability , working with activist groups such as the Rainforest Alliance .