
jí zhù
  • variorum;focus
集注 [jí zhù]
  • [focus] [注意力] 集中

  • 同学们的目光都集注到老师身上

  • [variorum] 汇集前人对某书的注释,有时附上自己的见解,多用做书名,如《诗经集注》

集注[jí zhù]
  1. 你有莎士比亚集注本吗?

    Do you have a Shakespeare variorum ?

  2. 这种集注的学术版本真的给读者一种自己选择的氛围,而不是独断地强加给读者,某种特定的版本。

    Really the atmosphere of a variorum scholarly edition is an atmosphere of take your choice , not a kind of tyrannical imposition on the public of a particular version of the text .

  3. 集注版的集注版或原文的,或与其有关的。

    Of or relating to a variorum edition or text .

  4. 《难经集注》的文献研究

    Literature Study of the Book Nan Jing Ji Zhu

  5. 东西双方的目光都集注于场中二人的角斗。

    All in the hall were intensely fastening their eyes on the two fighters .

  6. 从《唐钞<文选集注>汇存》论陆善经《文选》注的特色与得失

    On the Characteristics and the Gains and Loss of Lu Shan-jing 's Notes to

  7. 集注本中的善注在较多数情况下要优于刻本系统的李善注。

    The Annotations good note in the case of a greater number is superior edition Annotation .

  8. 本文从三个方面进行论述:第一章太康文学与《文选集注》概述。

    This paper discusses three aspects : The first chapter of Taikang literature and anthology variorum overview .

  9. 从注释到创构:两种定向两个标准&以朱熹《论语集注》为例

    Two Orientations , Two Standards : the Cross-textual Interpretation of Zhu Xi 's Collected Annotations on the Analects

  10. 宋代理学的逻辑&以朱熹的《四书集注》为考察文本

    Logic of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty & Regarding Zhu Xi 's Connotation of Four Books as Study Text

  11. 当今世界的注意力已经集注于纤维素物质作为燃料、食物、化学制品的开发和利用上面。

    Recently , the world-wide attention has focused on the development and utilization of cellulosic materials as a source of energy , food and chemicals .

  12. 她的进展并不迅速,因为她的心思和目光仍然集注在那件想必有趣而又可怕的物体上。

    Her progress was not quick , for her thoughts and her eyes were still bent on the object so well calculated to interest and alarm ;

  13. 集注本之所以具有重大的版本价值主要源于其所据底本在时间上早于诸宋刻《文选》。

    Variorum of the reason why the major version value from it , according to the master copy earlier in time than Yu Zhu Song engraved anthology .

  14. 多次造访中国,我得以收藏至为稀罕的古籍,如元明间刻本,朱熹撰写的《四书集注》。

    My many trips to China enabled me to collect such extremely rare and ancient publication as the Yuan / Ming edition of Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi .

  15. 姚文燮是清初有名的诗注家,他在他著名的《昌谷集注》中采用了一种以史注诗的文本解读方法。

    YAO Wen-xie , a famous annotator of classical poetry of the early Qing Dynasty , uses the approach of text interpretation by way of historical annotation of poetry in his well-known ;

  16. 《文选集注》的价值主要体现在两个方面:一、《文选集注》在时间上早于宋刻本《文选》注,具有重要的版本价值。

    The variorum anthology value mainly manifests in two aspects : one , in anthology variorum predates the Song Dynasty block-printed edition anthology note , has the important value of the version .

  17. 古钞本《文选集注》是把李善、《文选钞》、《文选音决》、五臣、陆善经等多家注按照一定体例汇编而成的古代抄本。

    Ancient Chao Ben anthology was put on Li Shan , notes , sound , five servants , will Lu Shan jing and many other note according to a certain style of ancient manuscripts compiled .

  18. 通过以上对《集注》的考订、评析与学术探讨,拟使有关问题更加清晰,可望为医界研究、学习该书提供一些较为科学、可靠的参考意见。

    From the above research on Ji Zhu , it is expected to clarify the problems concerned and make a full sense of this book , and provide medical system more scientific and reliable reference .

  19. 亚里士多德以及苏哥拉底,柏拉图,伽林,季诺,塞尼加都在那里,可是,但丁结尾罗列的不是希腊,也不是罗马,而是和他作集注的阿渥柔斯。

    Aristotle is there with Socrates and Plato , Galen , Zeno and Seneca , but Dante ends the list with neither a Greek nor a Roman but'with him who made that commentary vast , Averroes ' .

  20. 太康文学是古代文学一个重要分期,古钞本《文选集注》残存的太康文学作品及注释对太康文学的研究具有十分重要的文献价值,对其做系统的整理研究很有必要。

    Taikang literature ancient literature an important staging , ancient Chao Ben anthology variorum remnants of the Taikang literary works and comments on Taikang literature research has very important literature value , on the system study is necessary .