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lì shū
  • official script, an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty;official script,an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty
隶书 [lì shū]
  • [official script,an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty] 一种汉字字体,由篆书简化演变而成,汉朝的隸书笔画比较简单,是汉朝通行的字体

隶书[lì shū]
  1. 这是特别有用的时候,微软简隶书字体下载节省硬碟分割区到CD或DVD的。

    This is especially useful when saving hard drive partitions to CD 's or DVD 's.

  2. 清代隶书勃兴的原因及其审美特征

    The Cause to Revive and Aesthetic Characteristic of Li-Calligraphy in Qing-Dynasty

  3. 作为书法家和书法理论家,提倡北碑,其行草和隶书皆为世人所珍。

    As a calligraphist and calligraphy theorist , he promoted north tablet .

  4. 当今隶书创作的时代特征

    On Characteristic of the times about Li shu Creation

  5. 隶书的出现,是书法史乃至文字史上的一次重大变革。

    The emergence of li calligraphy is an important reform in Chinese calligraphy .

  6. 可以说,中国文字系统到了隶书已经成熟。

    It can be said that Chinese writing reached its maturity at this time .

  7. 隶书真是书法史上瑰丽的一章。

    The development of li calligraphy is an important chapter in Chinese calligraphy history .

  8. 作为书法艺术,隶书打破了原来篆书单一用笔的局限。

    Li calligraphy broke the limitations of the zhuan type and diversified Chinese calligraphy .

  9. 这是隶书的萌芽。

    This was the beginning of Li calligraphy .

  10. 论隶书的变形与夸张

    On the Deformation and Exaggeration of Li Script

  11. 中美大学校园空间之比较伊秉绶隶书空间美之管窥

    Comparison of Campus Space between China and America

  12. 清代隶书的复兴及其文化基础

    The Renaissance of a Clerical Style of Chinese Calligraphy in Qing Dynasty and Its Culture Foundation

  13. 通俗隶书与典型隶书在十六国时期走上了同步式微的道路。

    The demotic Clerical script and typical Clerical script declined simultaneously in the period of sixteen kingdoms .

  14. 隶书上承篆书遗脉,下开楷书之源,更能体现中国书法的变形与夸张。

    Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script .

  15. 大体说来,从隶书到今天使用的现代汉字,形体上没有太大的变化。

    In general , there have been few significant changes from the Official Script to today 's modern Chinese characters .

  16. 通过本论文的研究表明东北地区目前已知有蝗虫117种,隶书于7科,40属。

    Through the present research indicated the northeast area has known 117 species belongs to 40 genera in 7 families .

  17. 通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。

    The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script .

  18. 两汉时期字体由篆书向隶书过渡,处于古今文字转变的重要时期。

    Han Dynasty is an important transitional period of character in which seal character transited to Lishu in ancient and modern .

  19. 宋人的隶书审美观念及实践成果与元、明人的完全不同,不可并列而论。

    People 's lishu aesthetic standards and practice achievement of Song dynasty are totally different with Yuan dynasty 's and Ming dynasty 's.

  20. 在小篆被当作官方字体使用的同时,在民间又出现了由小篆草写形成的另一种字体,即隶书。

    While the used periods of the seal character , another kind of character form appeared in the folk , named official script .

  21. 在文化大冲撞、变革的背景下,隶书的创作与传统汉隶有了极大的区别。

    There is great difference between Li Shu creation and tradition Han Dynasty Li Shu under the background of cultural bump and change .

  22. 最后,联系实际,分析清初隶书对当代隶书创作的启示。

    Finally , according the reality , it analyzes the enlightenment of the Lishu in the early Qing Dynasty to the contemporary creation of Lishu .

  23. 汉代石刻多集中于东汉中期之后,这些石刻文字中绝大多数己较为接近成熟的隶书。

    The Han Dynasty carved stone concentrates after Eastern Han Dynasty intermediate stage , in these carved stone writing overwhelming majority already closer mature official script .

  24. 比如字体一般用的是宋体、楷书、隶书以及篆书以及古代和现代的书法名家的手书体等。

    For example , the font is generally used in the font , the script , script and seal character and ancient and modern calligraphy calligraphy etc. .

  25. 作为儒家思想的表现载体的庙堂汉碑隶书是书法艺术走向自觉和成熟的结果。

    As the carrier of Confucianism , the official script on the stone tablet of Confucius temple has been the result that calligraphy advances towards self-conscious and mature .

  26. 第一章以隶书的波磔笔画为例,分析波磔笔画轮廓与字内空白的关系。

    The first chapter to the official script zhe wave stroke as an example , analysis of the relationship between the blank zhe wave stroke contour and words .

  27. 平城时期魏碑体书法的特点是介于隶楷之间,笔者将其具体分作隶楷书和楷隶书两种,并对这两种书法作品作了简单的介绍。

    Author divided the specific calligraphy into two kinds , official-regular script and regular-official script . and make a brief introduction to the two kinds of calligraphy works .

  28. 在书法上,他隶书、行、草、楷诸体都精通,尤其是他的汉隶著作在当时就深受世人的赞赏,在明清书法史上影响深远;在绘画上,他也博采众长而自成一家。

    In calligraphy , his official script , lines , grass , Kai were proficient , especially his creations of Han Li were appreciated by people at that time .

  29. 它以汉代官方正体的隶书身份,挤身于碑碣林立的东汉文化之林,显示了古代地方文化的高水平和高品位。

    It brought out high standard and grade of ancient local culture that the tablet stood in culture circle with a forest of tablets of the East Han Dynasty .

  30. 从甲骨文到竹简隶书到怀素的狂草,相同的字在历史演变中形式发生了那么多变化,而其本质承载的含义相比之下几乎是不变的。

    From oracles to clerical script to cursive writing , same character in its historic evolution changed its shape in various ways , but its rudimental meaning stay relatively unchanged .