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  1. Bingham体的连续流和阵性流研究中无量纲参数讨论

    Discussion on the Dimensionless Parameters in the Investigation of Bingham-Fluid Continual and Intermittent Flow

  2. 粘性泥石流体应力过冲特征与阵性流形成机理初探Bingham体的连续流和阵性流研究中无量纲参数讨论

    An approach to relationship between over-stress behavior and forming mechanism of viscous debris flow surges Discussion on the Dimensionless Parameters in the Investigation of Bingham-Fluid Continual and Intermittent Flow

  3. 粘性泥石流体阵性流形成机理研究

    Study on forming mechanism of viscous debris flow surges

  4. 阵性泥石流的平均流速与加速效应

    Average Velocity and Acceleration Effects of Intermittent Debris Flows

  5. 太平天国运动对八旗的冲击泥石流的阵性波状运动

    Exercise . The Impact on the Eight Banners by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

  6. 345例短阵性室速患者的检测和临床分析

    Clinic analysis of 345 cases with paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

  7. 实验观察到的前连合核自发放电神经元有不规则或规则的连续性放电活动,少数神经元有短阵性放电或不放电。

    Most of the ACN neurons observed exhibited irregular or regular continuous firing , a few in short-bursting pattern or silent .

  8. 海上的风完全可能象陆上的风一样具有阵性,且它在两地改变方向同样频繁。

    Winds are just as likely to be gusty at sea as on land , and just as likely to change direction as not .

  9. 逆温层内部湍流强度的时-空变化是不连续的,动量和热量的输送在时间上是阵性的,在高度上是分层的。

    The time-height variation of turbulent intensity in the inversion layer is incontinuous , the transfer of momentum and heat is gusty with time and sandwich with height .

  10. 方法回顾分析心脏远程监护过程中1例无症状性心肌缺血、1例窦性停搏和1例短阵性室性心动过速患者的心电图。

    [ Methods ] Three records of electrocardiogram were analyzed retrospectively , one was silent myocardiac ischemia , one was paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia , the other was sinus arrest .

  11. 通过粘性泥石流体阵性流的野外观测和最新研制的泥石流流变仪应用,含有砾石的粘性泥石流体具有明显的应力过冲、触变能量、剪切稀化和双屈服应力等流变特征被得到研究。

    By using the latest rheometer specially designed and observation of surges in viscous debris flows , the rheological characters of viscous debris flow with gravel have such as over stress , thixotropy energy , stress dilution and yield stress were been researched .

  12. 本组室上性心律失常发生率最高,其中室上性早搏78例(82.97%)、短阵性室上速26例(27.6%);

    In CABG group , the incidence of the supraventricular arrhythmia was highest , in which supraventricular premature ( SVP ) was 82 . 97 % ( 78 / 94 ), supraventricular tachycardia ( SVT ) was 27 . 6 % ( 26 / 94 ) .

  13. 本文分析了江苏2005年到2006年冬春季发生的大风过程,研究发现冬春季沿海大风多由强冷空气引发,并具有一定的间断性、持续性、突发性和阵性特点;

    This article analyzed the gale process of Jiangsu in winter and spring from 2005 to 2006 , the research had discovered the coastal gale in winter and spring many by strong cold air , and had certain discontinuity , the endurance , the burst characteristics and blast nature characteristic ;