
fánɡ yù shānɡ biāo
  • defensive trademark
  1. 防御商标是指商标所有人在不同类别的商品或服务上注册若干个相同的商标。

    Defensive trademark means the trademark holder registers some uniform trademarks in various different kinds of productions and services .

  2. 建立联合商标和防御商标注册制度;

    Setting up the system of joint and defensive Register of trademarks ;

  3. 联合商标作为一种防御商标,在许多国家得到认可与应用。

    The union-trademark which is one kind of defense trademark obtains the approval and the application in many countries .

  4. 最后制定出防御商标和联合商标的防御制度,利用商标自身的特性达到反淡化的目的。

    At last establish defense system of defense trademark and unite trademark , use trademark itself characters to achieve the aim of anti-dilution .

  5. 原来的商标为主商标,注册在其他类别的商品或服务上的同一商标为防御商标。

    The initial trademark is the master one , while registered uniform trademarks in other kinds of production and services we called defensive ones .

  6. 分析了不使用的正当抗辩理由、提出了防御商标和联合商标不适用该项制度的观点。

    Analyse the reasonable justification of the cancellation , proposed the viewpoint that the defensive trademarks and the associated trademarks are not suitable for the cancellation . 4 .