
  • 网络Defense White Paper
  1. 从《防卫白皮书》看日本对华安全政策

    The Japanese Security Policy to China from the view of White Book of Defense

  2. 一份长久期待的防卫白皮书不久后将面世,预计其中将建议加强军事力量。

    A long-awaited defence white paper that is soon to appear is expected to recommend heavily strengthened armed forces .

  3. 中国指责日本防卫白皮书,称东京用所谓的中国威胁论当作其扩充军备制造的借口。

    China is criticizing a Japanese defense white paper , accusing Tokyo of using its claims of the so-called China Threat as an excuse to justify a military buildup .

  4. 日本去年的防卫白皮书只是表示,日本需要谨慎关注中国的军事现代化。日本防卫官员也一直否认他们将中国视为威胁。

    Last year , the white paper said only that Japan needed to watch China 's military modernisation carefully and defence officials have consistently denied that they regard Beijing as a threat .

  5. 中国外交部在其网站发布了一份类似声明,称中方对日本新版《防卫白皮书》表示强烈不满,并明确提及日本在二战期间对亚洲国家的侵略。

    China 's Foreign Ministry issued a similar statement on its website , expressing ' strong dissatisfaction ' with the white paper , and making a pointed reference to Japanese aggression in Asia during the Second World War . '