
  • 网络Rating;Readership;seen-assciated
  1. 图书馆提高国民阅读率的对策

    Some countermeasures of raising people 's reading rate for libraries

  2. 公众阅读率低迷的原因及其对策建议

    Research on People 's Low Reading Rate and Suggestions

  3. 您可能已经阅读率低的心脏病在法国。

    You may have read about the low rate of heart disease in France .

  4. 培育和谐图书馆文化是提高全民阅读率的有效途径

    Fostering harmonious library culture is an efficient way to raise the percentage of civil reading

  5. 为了所谓的阅读率和点击率,他们不择手段,以放弃社会担当为代价。

    In order to promote the reading and clicking rate online , they take all means and discard social responsibility .

  6. 事实上,我会避免在周末发送邮件,因为我认为周末的邮件阅读率不会高。

    Indeed , I 'd actually avoided sending the email on weekends because I thought it would lower the open rate .

  7. 最新调查:我国国民阅读率首次低于50%。面临阅读危机。

    The latest investigation shows that , for the first time , our national reading ratio has decreased to 50 % .

  8. 2007年网络阅读率为36.5%首次超过图书阅读率。

    In 2007 the rate is 34.7 % and the internet reading rate is 36.5 % , which exceeds book reading rate for the first time .

  9. 据调查显示,国民阅读率持续走低;大学生阅读状况也不容乐观,令人担忧。

    According to the survey , the rate of civil reading continued to be low , and the college students ' reading pessimistic situation give some cause for concern .

  10. 结合我国的实际情况,接受美学对于报纸新闻传播的启示主要有报纸的生命在于接受,报纸需要发行量更需要阅读率;

    According to the actual condition of China , its enlightenments on newspaper media include the following aspects : the key role of the newspaper lies in reader 's reception ;

  11. 他们并没有分散注意力,而是与网页的其它部分内容融为一体,这让他们减少了对读者的视觉刺激,也使这一广告形式获得成功的阅读率。

    They aren 't distracting and blend in with the rest of the content on the page , making them less visually irritating to the reader and ultimately more successful .

  12. 1995年,该报创办《调查·观察》专刊,登载民调报道,连续三年成为该报读者阅读率最高的版面之一。

    In 1995 , the newspaper organized " Investigation Observation " column to publish the opinion poll reports . This column once became one of the most popular pages of this newspaper for continuous 3 years .

  13. 自从今年3月中国召开年度立法会议以来,该条例便一直在酝酿中,而这么做的动力来自一份新研究调查。调查显示,尽管中国是世界上最多产的图书生产国之一,但中国人的阅读率偏低。

    The regulation , which has been in development since the country 's annual legislative conclave in March , is motivated by new research showing Chinese people reading books at a relatively low rate despite the country being one of the world 's most prolific book producers .

  14. 英语快速阅读理解率标准的论证

    Comprehension criteria in fast reading

  15. 本文的主要创新点:1.提出了基于检测距离的融合检测方法来提高单标签阅读识别率。

    Fusion detection method depended on working distance is proposed to improve the identification probability for single tag ; 2 .

  16. 在训练前,Diane和John的一般阅读和理解率接受了测量,因此可以用来和训练后水平作比较。

    Before the training Diane and John 's normal reading and comprehension rates were measured , so it could be compared with post-training .

  17. 阅读:覆盖率、识读率和字词比

    Reading : Coverage Rate , Readable Degree and the Ratio of Characters to Words

  18. 绘本是儿童早期阅读中接触率最高的图书类型,儿童绘本的设计创作隐含了引导、传播、培养等多个方面的现实要求。

    Picture books are the most accessible type of reading material for children in their early stage of reading . The design and drafting of a picture book implies practical requirements from various aspects including guidance , communication and cultivation .

  19. 在使用阅读策略的成功率上优秀阅读者是否比较差阅读者高?

    Do good readers use reading strategies more successfully than poor readers ?

  20. 英语阅读速度与理解率概定

    English Reading Speed and the Conception of Comprehensive Rate

  21. 随着多媒体技术在小学阅读教学中使用率的提高,电子化阅读成为一项重要的阅读技能。

    With the increasing use of multimedia technology , e-reading has become an important reading skill .

  22. 因为转载率表明学术期刊所载文章的知名度和读者的阅读量,引用率则表明学术期刊所载文章的学术影响力。

    Since reprint rate indicates the fame and the number of readers of the scientific papers printed in the periodicals and quote rate indicates the academic influence of them .

  23. 但是在高考当中阅读理解的得分率却是最低的。阅读教学高投入、低产出的现象十分普遍。

    But unfortunately the scores of English reading comprehension are not satisfactory among the NMET English test . The phenomenon of " more input and less output " is still common in English reading teaching .

  24. 最后的调查结果明显地表明03115班在阅读速度、理解率、词汇、语法等方面取得了很大的进步。试验后的阅读水平高于试验初的起始水平。

    Final results show obviously that needs analysis really influences reading teaching . Class 03115 makes great progress in reading speed , comprehension rate , vocabulary , grammar , etc. The ending reading level is higher than the starting reading level .

  25. 这份覆盖了我国29个省(区、市)45911名受访者的调查显示,2015年我国成年国民数字化阅读方式的接触率约为64%,上升了5.9个百分点,图书阅读率为58.4%,仅上升了0.4个百分点。

    About 64 percent of adults read digitally in 2015 , up 5.9 percentage points , while 58.4 percent read paper books , only a 0.4 percentage-point increase , according to an annual survey on reading habits , which polled 45911 adults in 29 provincial divisions .

  26. 模型采用三层BP网结构,以照度条件和桌面明度作为网络的输入参数,将一定时间内相对阅读作业总量和相对阅读准确率作为模型的输出参数。

    Typical back-propagation net ( BP net ) with three layers is selected , whose inputs parameters are illuminance and desktop 's brightness , and outputs are relative reading gross and reading accuracy .

  27. 可是在具体的课堂阅读教学中,阅读教学的低效率仍是一个令人担忧的事实,阅读教学中存在很多问题,引起了我们的关注和思考。

    But in the concrete classroom reading teaching , reading teaching of low efficiency is still a worrying fact , reading teaching has many problems , caused our attention and thinking .

  28. 据研究结果发现,阅读水平差的读者不能在规定的时间内完成阅读任务并且准确率较低,然而阅读水平高的读者为了记忆短文能立即进行字处理并能很快得到意思。

    It is found that poor readers could not finish the task of word recognition within time and their accuracy rates are quite low , whereas good readers processed the physical words immediately and translated them into meanings quickly in order to memorize the passage .

  29. 本文作者将主位理论运用于一个相对偏远地区的高中英语阅读课堂,以期发现主位理论对提高英语水平相对落后的高中学生的英语阅读准确率和阅读速度的相关性影响。

    The writer of this thesis applied the Thematic Theory to English reading class in a rural high school in order to identify the relationship between the application of the Thematic Theory and the reading accuracy and fluency .

  30. 讨论了学生在英语阅读理解中的难项&推断题,分析了造成这一现象的原因,并提出了运用逻辑知识,提高阅读理解率的一些具体办法。

    This paper discusses a difficult item-inference which the students encounter while reading , points out its reasons and puts forward some concrete methods to enhance the students ' comprehension rate with logic knowledge .