
xiāo shòu qú dào
  • distribution channel
  1. 《案例》:JCL公司&销售渠道的冲突与重整管理

    JCL & Distribution Channel Conflicts and Channel Re-engineering

  2. 在中国,商场也是一个重要的销售渠道。

    Department stores in China also play an important role as a distribution channel .

  3. 这个休假季中,梅西相对的亮点在于其线上销售渠道,该领域的销售額增长达到了两位数,而实际订单也增长了25%。

    One   relative   bright   spot   for   Macy 's   during   the   holiday   season   was   the   online   channel ,   where   it rang   up   " double-digit "   increases   in   sales   and   a   25 %   increase   in   the   number   of   orders   it   filled .

  4. 同时为了保持价格的吸引力,PC厂商们都尽量地减少销售渠道的流通成本。

    At the same time for keep appeal of price , PC manufacturers try hard to reduce circulation cost of marketing channel .

  5. 在激烈的市场竞争中,销售渠道已经成为PC厂商最重要的战略资源之一。

    In the fierce market competition , the channel has already become one of the most important strategic resources of PC manufacturer .

  6. 成都TY公司手机销售渠道分析

    The Analysis of ChengDu TY Company 's Sales Channel of Mobile Phone

  7. UT斯达康公司手机产品销售渠道管理策略的研究

    Selling Channel Management Strategy of UT Starcom Handset

  8. 第三,Internet的广泛应用,电子商务的兴起与快速发展,使企业的销售渠道、营销方式、客户服务模式等面临着新的变革与创新。

    Thirdly , because of the wide use of internet and high-speed development of e-commerce , the sale channel , marketing model and consumer service pattern of enterprises are faced with a change and new ideas .

  9. 在对我国PC市场的现状进行深入研究的基础上,分析了PC市场在核心技术,服务、销售渠道、市场管理等方面存在的问题;

    This article , based on thorough research of China 's present conditions of PC market , analyses the problems of PC market in core technology , service , sales channels and marketing management .

  10. 公司CEO托德·彼德森将保全业务看作一种面向客户的销售渠道所售商品从智能温控器到照明控制系统乃至屋顶太阳能系统无所不包。

    CEO Todd Pedersen sees the security business as a way to sell his customers everything from smart thermostats , to lighting control systems to even rooftop solar systems .

  11. 本公司目前代理求购全国各地PVC树脂,糊树脂,SG-5树脂,扩大销售渠道。

    The company is currently acting buying throughout the PVC resin , resin , resin , expand SG-5 sales channels .

  12. 所以,研究UT斯达康公司的小灵通销售渠道及销售策略,对UT斯达康公司的未来的3G手机产品销售有着重大的借鉴价值。

    Therefore , the research company UT Starcom PHS sales channels and marketing strategies , the future of UT Starcom 3G mobile phone products from great value .

  13. Intel日前与以色列首席科学家办公室达成了一项合作意向,在这次合作中Intel将为以色列本地的软件公司提供设备、技术以及销售渠道支持。

    Chicago ( IL ) - Intel and the Israeli Office of the Chief Scientist have agreed to provide local software companies with equipment , technology and access to distribution channels .

  14. 它们将早先投入在货源方面的投资抽出,同时还抽回对销售渠道的部分投资(Chandler,1990)。

    The enterprises took out the investment in the aspect of goods sources , and took out the partial investments in sale channel ( Chandler , 1990 ) .

  15. 杨说:DELL的扩张规划中一部门是重建其销售渠道,这将更依重于和销售伙伴的合作,进行扩大其消费者和小型企业的销售。

    Yang said that Dell 's expansion plan is part a sales channel restructuring in which it will rely more heavily on sales partners to expand its consumer and small-enterprise business .

  16. 笔者希望本文能为CA酒业有限公司开拓新的销售渠道提供理论上的参考,同时对其他区域品牌白酒企业的渠道操作能起到一定的参考作用。

    I hope this article will provide a theoretical reference to embark on long-term planning and sustainable development of the CA alcohol Corporation . At the same time , reference to marketing channel design of some other primary scale liquor companies .

  17. 劳斯莱斯董事长兼首席执行官伊恩•罗伯逊(IanRobertson)指出:普通汽车公司倾向于把汽车推给下面的销售渠道,指望人们来买。

    Conventional car companies tend to push cars down a pipeline and expect people to buy them , says Ian Robertson , Rolls-Royce 's chairman and chief executive .

  18. 首先明确了销售渠道的概念和功能,进而根据斯特恩(Stern)等学者的研究成果,给出了销售渠道的设计模型。

    First of all , clear the concepts of the marketing channels and functions , and according to the research results of Mr. Stern and other scholars , give the design model of sales channels .

  19. 美国苹果公司(Apple)在中国获得了针对其店铺设计中的某些独特元素而授予的专利。苹果产品,甚至销售渠道,在中国大陆都遭到猖獗的抄袭,苹果公司此举就是为了避免受到抄袭。

    Apple has been granted patents on some of the distinctive elements of its store designs in China as the US company acts to protect itself better against rampant copying of not only its products but also of its sales channels on the Chinese mainland .

  20. 卡曼说:“可口可乐拥有销售渠道,可以将Slingshot送到有需要的人手中。”

    Says Kamen ; " coke has the distribution channels to get the slingshot into the hands of those who need it . "

  21. 本文在分析销售渠道改变后COFCO公司物流服务质量和成本存在的问题的基础上,给出了改善的对策。

    Based on the analysis of problems existing on the logistics service quality and delivery cost , the paper presents several effective countermeasures for COFCO company .

  22. 推行CPFR有助于企业造就高周转率、降低库存、改善缺品并拓展产品销售渠道。

    It is good for enterprises to promote CPFR so as to manage the high velocity , relief the storage , improve the shortage and develop the sales channel as well .

  23. XY银行自开展个人理财业务以来,在组织架构,理财产品的类型及销售渠道,个人理财业务流程,理财产品的销售及收入等方面都取得了较大的发展。

    Since the launching of XY Bank personal financial service , organizational structure , the type of personal financial products and sales channels , personal finance business processes , financial product sales and revenue and other aspects have had a larger development .

  24. 关于铁路客运公司销售渠道的思考

    Some Thoughts on the Sales Channels of Railway Passenger Transport Companies

  25. 可能在管理销售渠道上也犯了一些错误。

    Probably we made some mistakes in managing the sales channel .

  26. 第一部分主要对销售渠道理论进行了研究。

    The first part mainly studies about the marketing channel theory .

  27. 扁平化是企业销售渠道创新之路

    Hierarchical System is an Innovation Way of Enterprise Marketing Channel

  28. 第五章是药品销售渠道的改进和构建。

    Chapter five is for improvement and construction of medicine marketing channels .

  29. 第三,提出了三种新型的药品销售渠道模式。

    Thirdly , it proposes three new medicine marketing channels .

  30. 信任是稳定销售渠道的前提。

    The faith is the promise that makes the marketing channel stable .