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  • 网络Jottings from the Thatched Abode of Close Observations;Fantastic Tales By Ji Xiaolan
  1. 《阅微草堂笔记》中的谈狐说鬼&兼与《聊斋志异》比较

    The Talk of Foxes and Ghosts in Jottings from the Thatched Abode of close Observations-And comparing with

  2. 《阅微草堂笔记》是一部内容丰富、思想驳杂的笔记小说,涉及社会生活的各个层面。

    Yuewei Caotang Notes is a book full of thoughtful contents covering all aspects of social life .

  3. 在第一章中对《阅微草堂笔记》中的几类主要的狐形象进行分析,并指出由此体现出来的狐世界的秩序和规范。

    Chapter One classifies and analyses main types of Fox images in the Notes and further indicates the order and norms of the Fox world .

  4. 热忱与冷峻的背后&《老实人》和《阅微草堂笔记》的文化意蕴初探

    Behind the Zealousness and Cold Heart & Preliminary Exploration on Cultural Connotations in " Honest Man " and " Notes on Reading ` Wei Cao Tang ' "

  5. 纪昀的西域谪戍生涯及《阅微草堂笔记》反映西域风土人情的特点《离骚》奠定了我国迁谪文学的审美基调

    Ji Yun 's Exile to the Western Regions and Characteristics of the Conditions and Customs Reflected in His Sketches of Yue-Wei Humble Cottage LI SAO : THE AESTHETIC KEYNOTE OF CHINESE EXILE LITERATURE

  6. 同样的作品还有蒲松龄的短篇小说集《聊斋志异》、袁枚的《子不语》、纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》等。

    Likewise are the short story collections like Pu Songling 44 Strange Accounts from , the Leisure Study , Yuan Mei ^ u What Confucius did not Say f , , and Ji Yun u Essays from the Short Grass Hall " ?

  7. 因此,《阅微草堂笔记》并非结构松散粗糙,人物形象苍白呆滞的作品,而是清代拟魏晋小说的文言笔记小说的高峰。

    So , Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes is not the works with " loose and rough structures , pale and dull images ", but a classical sketchbook peak , at which Qing Dynasty imitated the novels of the Wei and Jin dynasties .