
  • 网络indirect judgment
  1. 此调整方法的基本思想是通过计算直接判断信息与间接判断信息之间的偏差,找出需要调整的元素,然后综合考虑2类判断信息对此元素进行调整。

    The essential idea of the method is to look for the elements needing correcting , with the deviation between the direct judgment information and the indirect judgment information . Then considering the two kinds of information , this paper adjusts the elements to improve the consistency of judgment matrices .

  2. 这一检测方法对于间接判断脐带缠绕的松紧程度切实有效,更适合临床需要,可以为脐带绕颈孕妇分娩方式的选择提供有价值的决策依据。

    This method is practical and effective for indirect judgment the tightness of umbilical cord around neck , and this method is more suitable for clinical needs , It can provide a effective decision-making reference for the pregnant women with umbilical cord around neck to choose the appropriate delivery methods .

  3. 通过测量在线取样的间苯二酚-甲醛树脂(以下简称RF树脂)溶液的当量粘度,来间接判断RF树脂的粘合性能。

    This paper has predicted indirectly by means of measuring the equivalent viscosity of resorcin-formaldehyde resin liquor ( thereinafter referred to as RF resin ) .

  4. 方法将人工污染HBV的口腔器械分别采用戊二醛擦拭消毒法、戊二醛浸泡消毒法、压力蒸汽消毒法,消毒后的器械用ELISA法检测HBsAg,间接判断HBV的存在。

    Methods After dental instruments contaminated with HBV were sterilized with three different disinfection methods , ELISA method was used to examine disinfection efficacy of HBsAg .

  5. 结论尿LAP、NAG、GPDA活性测定可较灵敏地反映HBV慢性肝病出现的早期肾脏损害,并可间接判断慢性肝病肝功能的损害程度;

    Conclusion The levels of LAP , NAG and GPDA in urine can be used as a sensitive index for indicating complicated renal damage in early stage for chronic liver diseases associated with HBV infection , and also indirectly indicating the damage of liver function .

  6. 目的:了解低氧及耐力练习对骨骼肌氧化酶、糖酵解酶和肌球蛋白Ca-ATPase的影响,从而间接判断低氧及耐力训练条件下肌肉收缩速度及耐力等特性的改变。

    The objective of this study was to investigate the change in oxidative enzyme , glucolytic enzyme and myosin ATPase activity in the condition of endurance exercise and hypoxia , from which we can determine the change in contract velocity and resistance .

  7. 分析性心理治疗疗效的间接判断指标

    Indirect indicators of therapeutic effects of analytical psychotherapy

  8. 依据临床间接判断冠脉再通的标准观察两组血管再通情况。

    Coronary recanalization ( based on indirect manifestation ) were observed in two groups .

  9. 以肟型树脂对铜吸附量的大小,间接判断树脂中氰基转化率的相对大小。

    The conversion of cyano group was measured indirectly by the adsorption capacity for copper of the chelating resin .

  10. 因此,以水稻发芽期的耐碱性可间接判断水稻幼苗前期的耐碱性。

    Therefore the alkaline tolerance at early seedling stage would indirectly evaluated by the alkaline tolerance at germination period .

  11. 但间接判断一个人的精神状况比判断身体疾病难得多。

    But identifying a mental condition without direct examination of a person can be much more difficult than a physical disorder .

  12. 植被演替对大气温度和土壤湿度的变化极为敏感,以此可间接判断多年冻土的发展趋势。

    Since vegetation succession is extremely sensitive to the changes of air temperature and soil moisture , the trend of permafrost development may be speculate indirectly .

  13. 根据钛酸盐的结构特点,通过测定各阶段固体和溶液中钛的含量,可以间接判断钛酸盐的组成。

    According to physical truth of titanates'structure , the contents of titanates could be judged indirectly through determining content of titanium in solution and solids at every stages .

  14. 应用此两种技术,可根据二尖瓣脱垂形态间接判断是否存在腱索断裂。

    TTE and TEE can provide accurate assessment of rupture of chordae tendineae according to the shape of mitral valve prolapse , and offer credible information for surgery choice .

  15. 而采用基于小波分层突变系数的趋势图和间接判断等方法来提取损坏零部件的早期故障特征,效果较好。

    In this article , the trend graphs of the saltation coefficient of the wavelet analysis and indirect estimation are used to abstract the fault characteristic of the early stage .

  16. 主要思路是通过建立专家判断矩阵中包含的直接判断信息与间接判断信息之间的相互关系,确定专家意见的一致程度,从而确定专家判断的相对可信程度。

    We determine the personal ( consistency ) by the relationship between the direct and indirect information from the judgment matrix , and then confirm the relative reliability of each expert .

  17. 本文在分析了国内外变压器局部放电检测系统发展的基础上,提出了一个基于油中电荷密度的局部放电检测方法,通过测量油中电荷密度间接判断局部放电的产生。

    On the base of analyzing transformer PD measuring system home and abroad , one measuring method on charge density in transformer oil was brought forward indirectly judging PD happen in the paper .

  18. 多年的实践已经验证,通过切换试验鉴定切换开关的切换顺序,如果切换顺序和各项性能指标符合设计要求就可以间接判断其切换能力,验证切换开关的质量,确保投入使用的开关质量符合要求。

    The transfer sequence of the transfer switch can be appraised by transfer test : if all performance indices meet the design requirements , its transfer capability can thus be ensured , which is proved by years'practices .

  19. 从这些结果中我们可以间接地判断Caspase-3活性。

    From these results we could determine the activity of caspase-3 indirectly .

  20. 从植物叶片中的硫含量可间接地判断大气被SO2污染的程度及植物对SO2吸收与抵抗能力的强弱。

    According to the content , the pollution level of SO_2 in the air and the resistance of vegetables to SO_2 can be indirectly determined .

  21. 临床上通常根据症状、肺功能、治疗效果以及气道高反应性来间接地判断气道炎症,或通过支气管肺泡灌洗和支气管肺活检来直接评价气道炎症。

    We usually judgement the airway inflammation indirectly according to clinical symptom , measurement of pulmonary function , treatment result and AHR , or evaluation the condition of the airway inflammation according to bronchoalveolar lavage and bronchi lung biopsy .

  22. 该模型采用三标度法间接地构造判断矩阵,简化了专家的判断难度,增强了判断矩阵的逻辑性。

    The three scale method is cited to construct the judgement matrices indirectly , which simplifies expert 's judgement degree of difficulty , and increases the logicality of judgement matrices .

  23. 由于电弧炉炉膛温度不可连续测温,因此对电弧炉炉况的判断一般都是通过间接的方法进行判断。

    Since the EAF hearth temperature can 't be continuously measured , this thesis introduces an indirect method to judge the EAP state .

  24. 改进专利技术侵权的种类有直接侵权和间接侵权,而判断原则是全面覆盖原则和等同原则。

    The types of infringement of improved patent technology are the direct infringement and indirect infringement , the principle of imputation of it is the main theme definition principle , and the principle of judgment of it are comprehensive coverage of principle and the principle of equivalent .