
  1. 本文报道9例以深感觉障碍为主要表现的格林-巴利综合症(GBS)。

    Nine patients with GBS predominantly manifesting as deep sensory disfunction were reported .

  2. 方法总结16例以深感觉障碍为主要表现的CIDP患者的临床资料。

    Methods To Summarize clinical data of 16 cases with sensory ataxia form of GBS . Results The main clinical manifestations was sensory ataxia .

  3. 结果目前脊髓痨的主要临床特征为:除行走不稳、下肢深感觉障碍、跟膝反射减弱或消失以及Romberg征阳性外,其他典型临床特征缺乏。

    Results The main clinical characteristics of tabes dorsalis were : ( 1 ) Absence of classic clinical features of tabes dorsalis except for impaired vibratory and position sense in feet and legs , absent tendon reflexes at knee and ankle , gait ataxia and Romberg sign ;

  4. 结论痉挛性脑瘫有明显的深感觉障碍,而浅感觉基本正常,周围神经的病变可能是其原因之一。

    Conclusions It is obvious that the superficial sense was normal , and the deep sense was abnormal in spastic cerebral palsy .

  5. 结果本组临床资料可见,浅感觉痛觉基本正常,深感觉关节觉障碍明显;

    Results Clinical examination showed that the superficial sense was normal but the deep sense was abnormal .