
shǎn mǐ tè rén
  • Semite
  1. 在13世纪和16世纪之间,由于闪米特人和蒙古人的激励作用,由于希腊经典作品的重新发现,欧洲雅利安人摆脱拉丁传统,再次上升到人类知识和物质两方面的领导地位。

    Between the thirteenth and sixteenth century the European aryans , thanks to the stimulating influence of Semite and Mongol and the rediscovery of the Greek classics , broke away from the Latin tradition and rose again to the intellectual and material leadership of mankind .

  2. 紧跟在这些先行者之后的是闪米特人。

    The Semitic peoples followed close upon these pioneers .

  3. 那双闪米特人的黑眼睛盯住了雅夏看,流露出一丝心领神会的嘲笑。

    The black , Semitic eyes gazed at Yasha with a sort of knowing mockery .

  4. 路加向他的读者解释闪米特人的人名和术语并且讲到了犹太习俗。

    Luke explains to his readers Semitic names and terms and speaks of Jewish customs .

  5. 在古代美索不达米亚,粗野的闪米特人袭击并最终战胜了富有和先进的苏美尔人。

    In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier , more sophisticated Sumerians .

  6. 纳粹不欢迎对反闪米特人的道德论证,他们只是简单地按照它的推理结果去做。

    The Nazis did not invite a discussion of the merits of anti-Semitism ; they simply acted out its consequences .

  7. 在公元前3000年前,苏美尔人就建立了好几个城邦国家。他们皮肤黝黑,可能是从东方移民过来的非闪米特人。

    Already by3000 BC several city-states had been established by Sumerians dark-skinned , non-Semitic people who probably migrated from the east .

  8. 闪米特人的吉尔伽美什史诗充满了火焰般的战车,还有人类被带到神的花园。

    The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with mentions of fiery chariots and people being taken up to the garden of God .

  9. 至少对于旧大陆各文化民族说来,对于雅利安人和闪米特人说来,这一点看来已经得到证明了。

    For the civilized peoples of the Old World , for the Aryans and Semites at any rate , this seems to be established .

  10. 雅利安人和闪米特人这两个种族的卓越的发展,或许应归功于他们的丰富的肉乳食物,特别是这种食物对于儿童发育的有利影响。

    The plentiful supply of milk and meat and especially the beneficial effect of these foods on the growth of the children account perhaps for the superior development of the Aryan and Semitic races .

  11. 牲畜的驯养和繁殖以及较大规模的畜群的形成,看来是使雅利安人和闪米特人从其余的野蛮人群中分离出来的原因。

    It was , apparently , the domestication and breeding of animals and the formation of herds of considerable size that led to the differentiation of the Aryans and Semites from the mass of barbarians .