
  • 【石油】long distance oil pipeline
  1. GIS在长距离输油管道信息管理中的应用

    Application of GIS on a Long Distance Oil Pipeline Information Management System

  2. 长距离输油管道设计计算软件的开发

    Development of Computer Software for Long Distance Oil Pipeline Design / Calculations

  3. 长距离输油管道水力瞬变特性分析

    Analysis on Hydraulic Transient Property in Long - distance Oil Transmission Pipeline

  4. 特征线法分析长距离输油管道的流动瞬变过程

    The Dynamic Flowing Variation Process Analyzing of the Long-distance Pipeline by Characteristic Method

  5. 长距离输油管道阴极保护死区的腐蚀控制

    Corrosion control for the dead area of cathodic protection of long distance oil pipeline

  6. Ф457~610mm长距离输油管道的管型比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis about Type of Ф 457 ~ 610 mm Pipeline for Long-distance Oil Transportation

  7. 苏嵯输油管道是呼伦贝尔油田第一条长距离输油管道,承担着其主要的原油输送任务。

    Sue Cuo oil pipeline is the HuLunBeir oilfield first long distance pipeline , undertakes the main oil conveying task .

  8. 本文建立了基于特征线方法求解流动瞬变过程的数值模型,编制了针对长距离输油管道流动瞬变过程的分析软件。

    Based on the characteristic analyzing method , this paper establishes a numerical model to solve the flowing dynamic variation process .

  9. 工业社会对石油的需求逐渐加大,长距离输油管道的泄露检测问题变得越发重要。

    The demand for oil has increase gradually in industrial times , the technology of long-distance oil pipeline leakage detection is becoming more important .

  10. 在长距离输油管道的运行中,防止水击发生,是管道安全平稳运行的重要保证。

    Take the PetroChina Pipeline Company as an example , this paper introduces and discusses the application of relief valve against surge to protect pipelines .

  11. 长距离输油管道一般需要给油泵(设在首站)和主输油泵两种。

    In general , a long distance oil transporting pipeline needs both feeding pumps ( installed in the first pumping station ) and main delivery pumps .

  12. 本试验的结论将有助于控制与减少顺序输送中原油在管道中的沉积成膜量,并降低对后续成品油的色度污染。可应用于长距离输油管道的顺序输送中。

    This research can help to reduce the aggradation and control the color pollute in the order transportation of crude oil and diesel oil in the pipeline .

  13. 长距离输油气管道的工作压力

    The Determination on the Operating Pressure of Oil and Gas Transportation Pipelines

  14. 防爆阀门在石油、化工、长距离输油气管道、环保等行业中有广泛的应用。

    Explosion protected valve is widely used in the chemical , petrochemical industries , pipeline transportation system of oil and gas .

  15. 在长距离密闭输油管道中间泵站断电停运的情况下,采用特征线法对全线压力变化情况进行了数值模拟。

    In the case when a relay pump station of long and enclosed oil pipelines has ceased to work due to power failure , used methods of characteristics to numerically simulate the transient pressure of the pipelines .

  16. 本文构建的长距离输油气管道安全预警体系已投入中石油管道局的现实应用,经现场验证,具有高精度和智能化的优点。

    The long-distance oil pipeline safety monitoring system based on the architecture presented in this thesis has been put into operation by China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau . The results show that it has advantages of high precision and high intelligence .

  17. 长距离输油输气管道建设&焊接工艺制订及焊接设备选型

    Construction of Long Distance Oil and Gas Transmitting Pipeline & Setting of Welding Procedure and Making a Choice of Welding Equipment

  18. 在分析长距离输油输气管道工程控制测量特点的基础上,以某测区的长距离天然气输气管道的控制测量为例,说明具有省时、省力、工作效率高、精度高等优点。

    On the basis of analyzing character of control surveying on long distance oil or gas transfer gas pipe , some advantage such as time-saving , convenient , efficient , high precision is explained by some surveying district as example .

  19. 在长距离输油(气)管道工程中,大部分泵站内的主泵采用调速电机驱动。

    Most of main pump in pump stations driven by variable speed motor for long distance transport petroleum engineering .

  20. 油气集输是以油井为起点,矿场原油库或长距离输油、输气管道首站以及油田注水站为终点的矿场业务,是一个连续的、系统的生产过程。

    The origin is oil well , and the terminal is mine crude oil or long distance oil-gas transportation pipeline initial station or water-injection station . It is a continuous and systematic production process .

  21. 在岩溶区建设长距离的输油、气管道工程将会遇到较多的岩溶工程地质问题,如岩溶水、岩溶洞穴、特殊土层及岩溶塌陷和崩塌等。

    There are lots of engineering geological problems for gas pipe construction for distant transporting oil in karst areas , due to karst water , karst cave , special soil , karst sink and karst collapse , etc.