
  • 网络Long March II F carrier rocket
  1. 是的,它是第二大长河。长征二号F运载火箭

    Yes , it 's the second longest river . Long March II F carrier rocket

  2. 长征二号F运载火箭

    Long March II F carrier rocket

  3. 长征二号c运载火箭由中国运载火箭研究院研制开发。

    The Long March II C carrier rocket was developed by the China Institute of carrier rocket technology .

  4. 长征二号F火箭逃逸系统整流罩装配技术

    Assembly Technology of the Fairing of CZ-2F Escaping System

  5. 基于面向对象技术的长征二号F火箭应急救生半实物仿真系统

    Semi-practicality simulation system used for emergency lifesaving in LM-2F simulation based on object oriented technology

  6. 目前,载人飞船和长征二号F火箭正在发射场进行最后的组装和测试。

    The craft and the Long March-2F rocket are now undergoing final assembly and testing at the launch site .

  7. 上周六,运载火箭长征二号F和逃逸塔均已顺利安装在发射台上。

    The spacecraft , its Long-March II-F carrier rocket and the escape tower were fitted on the launch pad on Saturday .

  8. 四月十九日新华社四川报道,中国成功的用长征二号C运载火箭将两枚新型卫星送入太空。

    XICHANG , Sichuan , April 19 ( Xinhuanet ) & China successfully sent two new satellites into space early Monday with a Long March II C carrier rocket .

  9. 长征二号E是中国最新研制出来的一种大型捆绑式运载火箭。

    Long March 2E , a large strap-on launch vehicle developed by China , represents a major achievement of the country in space launch technology .

  10. 9月4日下午,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心利用长征二号F运载火箭成功发射一型可重复使用的试验航天器。

    The reusable experimental vehicle was lifted into orbit atop a Long March 2F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Friday afternoon .

  11. 9月29日,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号F运载火箭将天宫一号目标飞行器发射升空。

    A screen shows the blast-off of the Long March-2FT1 carrier rocket loaded with Tiangong-1 unmanned space lab module at Beijing Aerospace Control Center , Sept.29,2011 .

  12. 概要介绍了基于面向对象技术的长征二号F火箭应急救生半实物仿真系统的组成和应用。

    A brief introduction of constitution and application of semi-practicality simulation system based on object oriented technology , which is used for emergency lifesaving in LM-2F simulation , is presented .

  13. 周二凌晨5时58分酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟八号搭载长征二号F型火箭发射升空,进入预定轨道。

    The spacecraft was successfully sent into the designated orbit after the blastoff at 5:58 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern desert area , carried by an upgraded Long March-2F rocket .

  14. 本文原理性地介绍了长征二号E大推力运载火箭捆绑结构的传力特性,并简要地介绍了上下支点处的捆绑加强结构的设计及承受集中力的问题。

    This paper describes in principle the force transfer characteristics of the strap-on structure of the LM-2E heavy lift launch vehicle , and gives a brief introduction of the design and the concentrated force of the strengthening strap-on structure both on upper and lower ful-crums .

  15. 长征二号大推力捆绑式火箭推土铲的最大推压力

    The Long March-2E heavy-thrust cluster carrier rocket

  16. 在国家“长征二号”捆绑式火箭、核潜艇和正负电子对撞机中,都有乐清生产的配件。

    In the country " long march on the2nd ," strap-on rockets , nuclear submarines and electron-positron collider , there are Yueqing components produced .

  17. 6月11日酒泉:周二下午在中国西南的酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟十号飞船已搭载长征二号运载火箭发射升空。

    JIUQUAN , June 11 ( Xinhua ) & China 's Shenzhou-10 spacecraft , on a Long March-2F carrier rocket , blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Tuesday afternoon .