- 网络heating transportation;heating crude transport

The obvious peculiarity of extracting oil of highly-watery stage is that the total liquid yield rises ceaselessly and the temperature of out well also increases , this has the condition which makes the well whole year or seasonal without heating transportation come true .
Solar water heating system in solar heating system for crude oil transportation
System of Heated Transportation Crude Oil Using Solar Energy Phase Change Accumulator
Determining The Optimum Temperature of Heating Transferring Crude by Microcomputers
Crude Oil Non-heating Transferring Technology by Magnetic Viscosity Decreasing Treatment
Calculation the Heat Capacity of Waxy Crude Oil and Its Applicationin Hot-Oil Pipelines
Critical Conditions by Non-heating Transportation of Crude Oil
This technology has been extended in a large area and achieved obvious economicrsults .
The high waxy crude oil is transported with heating process in De-Su pipeline .
Optimum Operation of Heated Waxy Crude Pipelines
Economical Benefits of Chemical Paraffin Control in Oil Wells and Non-Heating Gathering & Transferring of Crude Oil
The Design and Research on a New Heat Exchanger in Solar Energy System for Heating Crude Oil
Effects of the Change in Thermal Capacitance of Waxy Crude on the Heating of the Gathering and Transferring System
Two phase flow of gas-non-Newfonian fluid often occurs in the mixed transfer pipelines in the course of oil-gas non-heating transferring .
Based on the heat equilibrium analysis , the critical conditions by non-heating transportation for oil pipeline are outlined in this paper .
According to the Process conditions and operating characteristic of crude oil , a solar energy system for oil field has been designed .
Owing to lacking the study of the temperature limit and the pressure drop for oil-gas-water mixed transportation during extracting oil of highly-watery , restricting scale-up of transportation without heating .
Our country teems the crude oil with high velocity and freezing point , in order to meet the requirement of production and energy conservation , we adopt heating measure to transport crude oil at present .
Laboratory test data are analysed for the viscosity of pipe transported oil from Shuguang pump station in Liao-he oil field , and the heating-for-temperature technology is compared with heating-for-viscosity technology with the latter 's advantages introduced .
Research on the Utilization of Heating and Transportation System of Crude Oil by Solar Energy
Because of the facility of heating , transportation of semi-solid billets and easy to achieve auto-control , thixoforming of semi-solid has become one of the prime technics method nowadays .
The Structure Design and Engineering Practice of Bitumen Transport Hoses by Using HTF to Heat and Insulate
In oil and gas storage process , requiring heating oil and gas in order to transport , but heating system often have lag characteristics .
Finally , a summary of the paper is given . We hope the new scheme can be applied in the new-plan carrier rocket , though further experiment and theory research are required .
Taking a transmission system of conveying roller in front of slab heating furnace in a hot strip plant as a example , the clamping factor of spring coupling was analyzed based on this model and the damping capacity was tested .
The causes are the decrease of CO2 partial pressure during oil produc - tion , the mixture of two types of incompatible produced water in commingled production well , the increase of tem - perature by heating for demulsification or transportation of produced fluid .
To reduce heating energy consumption in crude oil transportation , solar energy can be used to heat crude oil .
In order to improve the management of oil transportation and cut down transporting costs , it is necessary to adopt heating-for-viscosity technology in pump-heating station with either manual or automatic temperature con-trol .