
  1. 安徽东部到处都是水泥厂和化肥厂,几乎全都建在长江支流旁边。

    Eastern Anhui is blanketed with cement and fertiliser factories , almost all of them next to waterways that flow into the Yangtze .

  2. 该自然保护区主任嘎伊那。顾切说,长江支流西宁河和西苏角河是马米泽自然保护区主要的水源。

    The Yangtze tributaries Xining River and Xisujiao River are the main water sources for Mamize , said Gyina Guqe , chief of the natural reserve .

  3. 今年的强降雨已经引发了大量长江支流河水泛滥,包括江西的赣江和湖南的湘江。

    The strong rainfall this year has already resulted in flooding on a number of Yangtze tributaries , including the Ganjiang River in Jiangxi province and the Xiangjiang River in Hunan province .

  4. 汪啸风此次重申之前提到的观点说,三峡的水污染问题仅限于长江支流,而且滑坡现象在大坝动工前早已存在。

    Repeating earlier assessments , he said water-pollution problems were limited to tributaries to the Yangtze , and that the region had been prone to deadly landslides long before the dam was built .

  5. 以长江支流乌江武隆站所建立的洪水随机模型为原型,应用统计试验方法初步研究了随机模拟中模型及参数不确定性对推求设计防洪库容精度的影响。

    Assuming that the population model of flood stochastic process is known , the effects of uncertainty of simulating model and parameters estimated on the precision of design flood control storage is preliminarily analysed by Monte Carlo method .

  6. 长江与其支流赣江、乌江的DSi年输送量与DSi年均含量和年径流量有密切关系。

    Annual DSi transport is closely related to DSi annual content and annual runoff in Yangtze River and its tributaries of Ganjiang and Wujiang .

  7. 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。

    Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries .

  8. 汉水为长江最大支流,也是中国古代历史文化名河之一。

    Though a well-known river with rich culture and history , Hanjiang was long in controversy for its real source .

  9. 此前,四川嘉陵江及其长江上游支流发布了橙色洪水预警。

    This comes after an orange flood warning was issued for the Jialing River and its tributary on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Sichuan .

  10. 探讨与香溪河具有相似纬度、相似河流长度和流域面积,同为长江上游支流的九龙河和冈曲河的大型底栖动物的群落结构特征与香溪河的差异。

    The three streams had similar latitude , river length and watershed area . All were the tributaries of the Yangtse River and located in the upstream areas .

  11. 2010年上半年重点流域水环境质量统计中,长江主要支流总体水质良好。

    In 2010 the first half of the year , water environment quality statistics of important River are that the Yangtze River main branch overall water quality is good .

  12. 汉江是长江最大支流,发源于秦岭南麓,干流流经陕西、湖北两省,在武汉市汇入长江。

    The Hanjiang River that originated in south of Qinling Mountains , got through Shaanxi province and Hubei province , imported to Yangtze River in Wuhan finally is the largest tributary of the Yangtze River .

  13. 随着十二五期间国家对长江干支流投入的加大,为了进一步释放长江的运能潜力,新一代多用途江海直达船的研发迫在眉睫。

    With the increase of the investment of the Yangtze River in the twelfth five-year plan period , the research on new multi-functional river-to-sea ships becomes extremely urgent , in order to further release potential of the Yangtze River .

  14. 我国江河流域面积广阔,其中在以黄河、长江及其支流流域为主要代表的地区,国家修建了大量的水利水电工程。

    There is a large area of river basins in our country , and the government build lots of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering , especially in the Yellow River and Yangtze river basins , as well as the tributaries .

  15. 本文研究了长江上游支流大渡河的水源地&贡嘎山东坡亚高山针叶林分布区土壤水分入渗性能及其影响因素,结果表明:研究区土壤稳渗率均较大;

    Water infiltration property and the influential factors of soils under subalpine coniferous forests on east slope of the Gongga Mountain , which is the water source of the Dadu River and lies in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River , were studied in this paper .

  16. 为了给该水库和输水总干渠让路,共有44万人需要搬迁,李德属于首批移民之列。这条总干渠将把中国南部长江及其支流的水资源运送至干旱的北部平原以及北京。

    The peasant farmer is among the first batch of 440,000 people who will be uprooted to make way for the reservoir and a canal that will carry water from the Yangtze river and its tributaries in the south of China to the arid northern plains and Beijing .

  17. 汉江流域是湖北省内长江重要的支流。

    Hanjiang River is an important branch of Yangtze River .

  18. 长江上游干支流近期水沙变化及其与水库修建的关系

    Recent Variations in Water and Sediment in Relation with Reservoir Construction in the Upper Changjiang River Basin

  19. 三峡库区长江干流和支流富营养化研究

    Study of Eutrophication in Main Stream and Tributaries of Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  20. 近40年来长江上游干支流悬移质泥沙粒度的变化及其与人类活动的关系

    Variation in grain size of suspended load in upper Changjiang River and its tributaries by human activities

  21. 就是这条长江最大的支流,奔腾着,传唱着这首流传千古的沧浪歌。

    It is the river , the biggest branch of Yangzi , flowing with the song of CANGLANG from one generation to another since the remote time .

  22. 嘉陵江流域是长江上游主要支流,嘉陵江流域严重退化的生态系统是形成该地区水土流失的主要原因。

    Jialing River is one of the main branched of ChangJiang river , the serious degraded eco-system is the main factors resulting in the water and soil loss .

  23. 中国最大河流长江的众多支流和湖泊的水量在不断膨大。官方已经就水位发出危险警报。

    Many tributaries and lakes of China 's longest river , the Yangtze , are swollen and officials have warned that water levels are dangerously high and still rising .

  24. 南水北调西线工程是从长江上游干支流调水入黄河上游的跨流域调水工程。

    The South North Water Transfer West Route Project is a transbasin water diversion project , transferring water from the main stream and tributaries of the upper Yangtze River to the upstream of the Yellow River .

  25. 明月坝遗址位于长江北恻支流澎溪河南岸的明月坝台地上,属重庆市云阳县高阳镇走马村。

    This site is located at the tableland of Mingyue dam , southern bank of Pengxi River , northern Changjiang River , and belongs to Zouma Village , Gaoyang Town , Yunyang Town of Chongqing City .

  26. 三峡库区消涨带是指三峡库区范围内长江干流及其支流由于江(河)水水位季节性涨落,导致其沿江(河)两岸土地出现周期性淹没而自然形成的带状区域。

    The water level fluctuating zone in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area is a belt zone of the bank beside Yangtze River and its branches in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area , which emerges and submerges periodically with the water level fluctuating seasonally .

  27. 产品成果分析:对产品成果进行分类并进行适量的精细人工编辑,得到长江干流和支流岸坡的最终产品。

    Finally we can use the ground points to generate DEM products . ( 4 ) Analysis of the produce results : Classify the produce results and do amount of the fine manual editing to get the final product of the mainstream and tributaries bank slope .

  28. 华溪蟹是我国淡水蟹类特有属的代表,种类最多,分布最广,数量也最大,见于整个长江水系及其支流等广阔地区的中高山区及丘陵、平原等不同的生态区。

    Sinopotamon is representative of the most widely distributed endemic freshwater crabs in our country , and the variety and numbers are the largest in the Yangtze River and its tributaries such as wide area of high mountains and hills , plains and other different ecological zones .

  29. 汉江是长江最大的支流,其流域面积广大,自古便是沟通我国南北方的重要河流,流域内聚落类型及其所包含的文化极其丰富。

    Hanjiang River is the largest tributary of the Yangtze River , its basin area is vast , it is an important river for communication in North and South of China since ancient times . the settlement types and their culture in this basin is extremely rich .

  30. 长江上游干流和支流河流泥沙近期变化及其原因

    Variations of sediment in upper stream of Yangtze River and its tributary