
huánɡ jīn shuǐ dào
  • golden watercourse
  1. 长江素有黄金水道之称,长江干支流通航总里程长达8万Km,三峡工程建成后,库区航道将有较大的改善,万吨级船队可直达重庆。

    The Yangtze River has been called the " golden waterway " . after the completion of the Xian Xia Project reservoir will have a larger waterway improvement , ten thousand-ton vessels can reach Chongqing .

  2. 而长江是中国内河航运最重要的一条黄金水道。

    And Yangtze River is the golden river in China .

  3. 长江三峡是旅游的黄金水道。

    Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are a golden tourism waterway .

  4. 渤海湾黄金水道整改纪实

    Report on the Rectification of the " Golden Waterway " in Bohai Bay

  5. 充分利用黄金水道大力发展长江港口

    Making the Best of Golden Channel to Develop Well the Ports Along Yangtze River

  6. 码头从太仓港沿长江黄金水道溯流而上,可直达重庆。

    Port From Taicang Port , go up stream along Yangtze River directly to Chongqing .

  7. 澜沧江贯穿东南亚的黄金水道

    Lancang River , A Cross-Border Golden Waterway

  8. 治理黄金水道建设湘江明珠&湖南湘江航运建设二期工程简介

    Regulating Golden Channel to Construct Xiangjiang Pearl - Brief Introduction of the 2nd-phase Xiangjiang Navigation Construction Project in Hunan Province

  9. 十二五期间国家将重点发展内河综合运输体系,加大对珠江水系西江黄金水道的建设。

    China focuses on developing inland water transportation system and building the West River Waterway during the twelfth five-year guideline .

  10. 江南区紧靠长江黄金水道,可以减轻企业的运输成本;

    Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area is located close to Yangtze River Golden Waterway , helping enterprises to reduce transport cost .

  11. 两江四湖成为桂林最大的开放式公园和继漓江后的又一条黄金水道。

    The Two Rivers and Four Lakes have become the largest open park of Guilin and another golden waterway after the Lijiang River .

  12. 三峡枢纽货运需求和通过能力的研究对进一步提高三峡枢纽交通资源的利用效率,对构建黄金水道具有深远的意义。

    The research in cargo transportation demand and lock capacity has significant effects to enhance the Three Gorges ' efficiency and establish golden river passage .

  13. 西江是南中国一条资源密集的“金腰带”,是连接沿海发达地区和大西南的黄金水道。

    Xijiang River is " gold belt " with condensed resources in South China , which connects the coastal developed areas to southwest of China .

  14. 但是,作为一条黄金水道,它的价值是在重庆开埠后才真正体现出来的。

    But , as a golden waterway , it is only after Chongqing 's opening to business in 1890 that its value has been truly realized .

  15. 三峡水库的形成极大地提升了长江的通航能力,进一步增强了黄金水道的航运功能。

    The Three Gorges Reservoir has greatly enhanced the ability of the Yangtze River shipping and enhanced the shipping function of the " golden waterway " .

  16. 各种复杂因素的交织,制约着重庆长江上游航运中心的建设和长江黄金水道效能的发挥。

    The intertwined complicated factors restrict the construction of the shipping center in upper reaches of Yangtze River in Chongqing and the function of the golden waterway .

  17. 开发了基于上述模型的长江黄金水道重点航段安全预警管理软件系统。

    The paper has developed the key sectors of the gold aqueduct in the Yangtze River safety early warning management software system based on the model above .

  18. 而长江作为黄金水道,水路危险品运输量增长尤为迅猛,种类也趋于繁多,带来的安全隐患和环境污染问题也更为突出。

    As golden waterway , dangerous goods transport in Yangtze River waterway grew by leaps and bounds , the security risks and environmental pollution problems are increasingly prominent .

  19. 阐述了长江航运发展对上海国际航运中心建设的积极意义,并指出目前该黄金水道的潜力远远没有发挥。

    It is positive significance of the Yangtze River shipping development to Shanghai International Shipping Center , but the potential of present golden channel has not been exploited .

  20. 从桂林到阳朔约83公里的水程,被称为“黄金水道”,是中外游客必游的桂林景区。

    The83-kilometer waterway from Guilin to Yangshuo is known as the " golden waterway " and is a must for Chinese and foreign tourists in their trip to Guilin .

  21. 打造安全畅通的黄金水道&长江干线海事巡航救助一体化工作成效显著

    Establishing the safe and smooth " Golden Water Route " & Remarkable results gained in the integration of maritime patrolling and rescue in the main stream of the Yangtze River

  22. 长江是我国内河运输的黄金水道,是连接我国西南、华中、华东三大经济区的重要纽带。

    The Yangtze River is the golden waterway of our country , it connect the three major economic zones in the southwest , central , eastern of China as a link .

  23. 我们将推动沿海向内地梯度发展,依托长江黄金水道和重要陆路交通干线,培育新的经济支撑带。

    We will expand development from the coastal areas to the inland regions in a phased way and nurture new economic support belts along the Yangtze River waterway and important land transportation trunks .

  24. 交通上,合巢芜高速公路连接中国长三角核心区,长江黄金水道贯通南京港、上海港,为产品运输提供优势快捷的物流通道。

    On the one hand , highways run through cities of HeFei , Chaohu and Wuhu , connecting with the Yangtze delta , on the other hand , Nanjing port links up with Shanghai port via the Changjiang River .

  25. 在危险品的运输中,水运以其运量大,运费低的优势受到青睐,重庆市依靠长江黄金水道,利用水路运输的天然优势,危险品货物运输增速高,种类多、潜力大。

    Of various modes of dangerous goods transportation , the shipping traffic is favored for its advantages of large capacity and low freight rates . Chongqing , the city on the Yangtze River golden waterway , has the natural advantages of water transportation .

  26. 特别是下游航道的建设,使长江黄金水道更适应货物运输量快速增长和船舶大型化发展的需要,对加快上海国际航运中心建设和促进长江三角洲及长江流域经济发展具有重要意义。

    Especially , downstream channel constructions have made the golden waterway better meet the rapid growth of cargo traffic and larger-scale ships , which has great sense to construction of Shanghai international shipping center and the development of the Yangtze River delta and basin .

  27. 长江通航条件优越,素有黄金水道之称,将西南、华中、华东三大经济区有机的相连,得天独厚的区位优势及水运能力在区域经济协作中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Yangtze River , known as the " golden waterway ", has favorable navigable conditions , which makes the southwest , central , east three economic zone organic connected . By virtue of the unique advantages and water transport capacity it plays an irreplaceable role in regional economic cooperation .

  28. 长江航道作为内陆的黄金水道,横贯中国东、中、西部地区,不占用土地资源,清洁、廉价,其建设却长期没有受到足够的重视,发展长期滞后。

    As the golden waterway in inland waterway , Yangtze River across the Chinese eastern , central and western regions , it do not take up land , clean , cheap , but its construction have not paid enough attention for a long time , so the development always lagged .

  29. 它北起北京,南至杭州,经过北京、天津、河北、山东、江苏、浙江六省市,沟通了海河、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,是中国仅次于长江的第二条“黄金水道”。

    The canal begins from Beijing and ends in Hang Zhou crossing Tianjing , He-bei , Shangdong , Jiangshu and Zhejiang , linking not only Haihe River , the Yellow River but also Huaihe River and Yangtze River . So it is the second prime channel only following Yangtze River in China .