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pū chén
  • elaborate;arrange;describe at great length;narrate in detail
铺陈 [pū chén]
  • (1) [arrange]∶摆设;布置

  • 六义互铺陈。--白居易《读张籍古乐府》

  • 铺陈得整整齐齐。--《琵琶记》

  • 铺陈酒器

  • (2) [narrate in detail;elaborate]∶详细地叙述

  • 铺陈经过

铺陈[pū chén]
  1. 一个好的故事可以为一个小时的对话铺陈。

    A good story can set up HOURS of conversation topics .

  2. 经由此一铺陈,结论自然蕴于其中。

    This one presented by , in which natural conclusion .

  3. 礼的表述方式影响了汉赋的铺陈。

    The way expressing courtesy influenced Han fu 's expatiation .

  4. 段落式的铺陈方法是指作品中用一个诗段或自然段落描绘某一个主题。

    Paragraphed elaboration means that the author describes one theme in one paragraph .

  5. 铺陈是辞赋的基本创作方法。

    Elaboration is the basic writing method of cifu .

  6. 随着叙事的铺陈,裘德伤痕累累的神秘过往浮现出来。

    As the narrative unfolds , Jude 's mysterious and traumatic past emerges .

  7. 不借他人之绿铺陈夏色,

    Making no summer of another 's green ,

  8. 杰克逊把托尔金的小说改编成电影三部曲时,运用艺术家创作的风格,并未按照书中的情节铺陈。

    Jackson took some artistic licence in adapting Tolkien 's novels into a movie trilogy .

  9. 这些(量体)铺陈渐进成为破碎的,直到最后由海洋接手支配了建筑的形体。

    These layers become progressively fragmented until the sea finally enters to form the architecture .

  10. 十集的剧情铺陈下来,几乎所有人都是表里不一的。

    Over the course of its 10 episodes , almost no one was who they appeared to be .

  11. 赋为铺陈直叙,即诗人把思想感情及其有关的事物平铺直叙地表达出来。

    Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet 's ideas and other related matters descriptively .

  12. 他的作品以精美的细节、滑的涂饰和华丽的纹理铺陈著称。

    His paintings are noted for fine detail , smooth finish , and the realistic representations of textures .

  13. 同时,总结出我国现阶段制度的不足点,以期为后文完善铺陈。

    Meanwhile , summed up the present system , in order to insufficient points after wen perfect elaborate language .

  14. 其次,是浪漫主义的表现手法,主要包括铺陈夸张、虚构想象、崇尚奇谲。

    Secondly , the romantic way of expression includes elaboration , fiction , overstatement , imagination and advocating odd deceitful .

  15. 这是有可能作出任何必要的改变,一个模型,然后铺陈格局对织物。

    It is possible to make any necessary changes for a model and then lay out the pattern on fabric .

  16. 加上最后的结局铺陈,使整出电影看起来令人难以信服。

    And , when the final twist is revealed at the end , it makes it all seem too unbelievably contrived .

  17. 他在铺陈细节、捕捉最细微的光线变化或人物的情绪波动方面,具有非凡的天赋。

    He had an extraordinary talent for spotting detail , for capturing the slightest shift in light or in a character 's mood .

  18. 第二部分主要对农民市民化理论的国外研究成果与国内研究现状进行了铺陈概述。

    The second part is mainly an overview of the foreign research dynamics and domestic research on the theory of the citizenization of peasants .

  19. 于是在批判了传统先验神学理论之后,康德认为,宗教是道德的铺陈演绎,如果没有道德,上帝何以可能。

    Then , after animadvert traditional transcendental theology , Kant thought the religious was moralities deduction . If no morality , how God is possible .

  20. 而1988年政治解严为建筑界铺陈了一个允许与鼓励建筑美学百花齐放的政经环境。

    In 1988 the political transition laid out a political and economic environment of architectural aesthetics to permit and encourage all flowers bloom together for the construction industry .

  21. 汉大赋是辞赋为了适应新的表现对象事物外观、发展新的表现力体物绘事而逐渐散文化的结果,也是辞赋适应新的文学审美观以铺陈为美的西汉文学审美观念的结果。

    Han " fu " results from its new expressive objects and then has a prose trend and conforms to new aesthetic concept & description at great length .

  22. 使用铺陈的方式(将内容分类,使用多层标题,用视觉线索和树状图)

    Use scannable layout ( categorize the content , use multiple heading levels , use visual elements and bulleted lists which break the flow of uniform text blocks )

  23. 大量使用排比句,使语言铺陈细致、音韵和谐、语势强烈、感情充沛;

    Parallelism was employed so much so that it made the language elaborate , the rhyme and rhythm harmonious , tones convincing , and touching and moving in emotions .

  24. 同时沿其作品铺陈的台湾文学生态地图,追踪七十年代至今台湾文学中的若干重要问题;

    Meanwhile , along the literary ecological map of Taiwan literature drew by his works , traces several important questions about Taiwan literature from the 70 's until now ;

  25. 一方面抽取混凝土材料在建筑中应用的重要性能特征和建造技术进行介绍,为后文的细节铺陈打下基础。

    On the other hand in order to lay a foundation for the latter detail it introduced the important property features and constructional technologies when applying concrete in architectures .

  26. 本文以当代美术史为基础,采用结构理论,在现象的铺陈与陈述中,寻找并呈现事物内在的逻辑联系。

    Based on the history of the contemporary fine arts , the thesis uses the structure theory to discuss the logic connection of many objects through the description of phenomena .

  27. 这一派文学理论和文学实践中呈现了异常明显的现代性特征,而且顺应着近现代中国新文化想像与建构的思维路向,因此被文学史家作了大量的辑录、书写与铺陈。

    The works and literary theories of this school not only embodies the distinct spirit of " modernity ", but also conform to the mainstream to construct modern Chinese culture .

  28. 推导题问的不是那些文章中蕴含的生僻含义或者暗示,而是那些作者间接铺陈的含义或者特别暗示。

    The questions do not ask about meanings or implications that are remote from the passage but about meanings that are developed indirectly or implications specifically suggested by the author .

  29. 他们的共同指向皆为对异域生活的描写,对过去岁月的追忆和故国风土人情的诗意描写,对中西文化冲突的极力铺陈。

    What is common among them is their description of the foreign life , the past years , the customs and traditions of their homeland , and Chinese and Western cultures .

  30. 外在因素,如战国时代的社会环境,也一定程度上造就了孟文铺陈繁复、气势凌厉的风格。

    External factors , such as the Warring States Period , the social environment , but also to some extent , created a complicated lay out Meng , Yang Li exaggerated style .