
They are sleeping in the carpenter 's shop directly above .
The money from her dowry was invested in her mother 's store .
She 's at her dressmaker 's being fitted for a suit .
The Greens deal with the butcher at the corner of the block .
The gayly apparelled clerk from the Bonneville store lost his head in the confusion .
Store tobacco is flat black plug , but these fellows mostly chaws the natural leaf twisted .
' Yes , I 'm her milliner , and she 's a neighbour of mine . '
The hammer swung the devil around the shop and beat him everywhere , and beat him hard .
By about eleven , the horde of creditors in the Lin shop were quarrelling with a tremendous din .
One day he returned home from the shop with a bag of gold when a gang of thieves passed by .
I would gladly pay forty crowns for my boots even though I could obtain boots for ten crowns at another store .
I didn 't even have time to run out and grab a bite at that Kentucky Fried Chicken place across the street .
Half an hour later , I walk out of a shop selling " African groceries " carrying a stone that had cost me 99p .
And we mean to treat you all , added Lydia ; but you must lend us the money , for we have just spent ours at the shop out there .
He said Tauren came to him at the forge , offered to pay him a fortune for his help , not to make weapons , for an experiment or something .
As they tore their bread apart in big mouthfuls , they blocked up the shop of the baker , who , now that they had paid their money , looked angrily at them .
Little Luke carried on for ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the hammer . By about eleven , the horde of creditors in the Lin shop were quarrelling with a tremendous din .
A smile never left Miss Lin 's face , for business in the shop was good , her new silk dress was finished , and because they were fighting back against the Japanese in Shanghai .
the old clerks of Hauschen Street very seldom met together ; each one remained in his own booth , which was closed early enough in the evening , and then it looked dark and dismal out in the street .
and Kitty and Lydia , determined if possible to find out , led the way across the street , under pretense of wanting something in an opposite shop , and fortunately had just gained the pavement when the two gentlemen , turning back , had reached the same spot .
His forge , Merlin . It 's the finest in the Kingdom .