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huó po
  • lively;active;reactive;vivacious;vivid;sprightly;full of life;pizzazz
活泼 [huó pō]
  • (1) [lively;vivacious;vivid]∶生活自然,不呆板

  • 举止活泼

  • (2) [reactive]∶指单质或化合物容易与其他物质起化学反应

  • 钠、钾的化学性质活泼

活泼[huó po]
  1. 他们的孩子都喂养得很好,活泼而又健康。

    Their children are well-fed , active and healthy .

  2. 她是一位活泼的姑娘。

    She is an active girl .

  3. 孩子们在农场期间健康活泼有生气。

    The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm .

  4. 这门课程可提供一整套新鲜活泼的技能训练。

    The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills .

  5. 他被她的美丽与活泼迷住了。

    He was charmed by her beauty and vivacity .

  6. 他有三个活泼漂亮的女儿。

    He had three pretty , vivacious daughters .

  7. 他记忆中的她依然是他多年以前认识的那个活泼的少女。

    He still remembered her as the lively teenager he 'd known years before .

  8. 女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。

    The girls watched , little teasing smiles animating their faces .

  9. 这是他行文风格轻松活泼的作品中最出色的作品之一。

    It is one of his finest works in a lighter vein

  10. 他有一种活泼外向的幽默感,看上去大方自信。

    He has a lively sense of humour and appears naturally confident .

  11. 一个健康活泼的婴儿的出生真是一件可喜的事情。

    The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event

  12. 她漂亮活泼,魅力十足。

    She 's beautiful , vivacious , and charming .

  13. 他是个生性活泼的小男孩。

    He was by nature a spirited little boy .

  14. 在这种宜人的天气里,他们健康活泼地茁壮成长。

    They are bouncing with health in the good weather

  15. 约瑟芬聪明、活泼、开朗。

    Josephine was bright , lively and cheerful .

  16. 她个性开朗活泼而又独立。

    She had a perky , independent spirit .

  17. 她性格开朗活泼。

    She had a bright and bubbly personality .

  18. 我是个活泼类型的人,因此喜欢明亮的色调。

    I 'm a cheery sort of person , so I like cheerful tones .

  19. 她的性格可爱活泼。

    She had a sweet , lively personality

  20. 她是个非常不错的女孩,活泼而开朗。

    She 's a terrific , sparky girl

  21. 这个男孩活泼开朗,充满活力。

    The boy was so bright and animated

  22. 一些年轻人孩童时脾气随和、性格活泼,刚进入青春期却变得害羞起来。

    Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence .

  23. 虽然他也有活泼的时候,但他并非如你所想的那么外向。

    He 's not the thoroughly outgoing character you 'd predict , although he has his moments .

  24. 每个人都变得更加活泼热情。

    Everyone became more animated .

  25. 他生性活泼调皮。

    He has a lively , playful disposition .

  26. 他们都那样活泼,显得我太板了。

    I looked a bit stiff while they were so lively .

  27. 这孩子既健康又活泼。

    The child is lively as well as healthy .

  28. 笑话使谈话变得活泼。

    The conversation was enlivened with jokes .

  29. 他举止活泼轻快。

    He has a breezy manner .

  30. 她穿着黄色的背心裙看上去非常轻松活泼。

    She looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress .