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yín bēi
  • silver cup
银杯 [yín bēi]
  • [silver cup] 银制成的茶杯或酒杯;授于体育竞赛优胜者的银质杯形奖品

银杯[yín bēi]
  1. 他的名字刻在了银杯上。

    His name was engraved on the silver cup .

  2. 银杯上刻有他的名字。

    The silver cup was engraved with his name .

  3. 他破窗而入,偷走了很多银杯。

    He smashed a window to get in and nicked a load of silver cups

  4. 埃弗顿展示了他们最近获得的银杯。

    Everton paraded their recently acquired silverware .

  5. 比赛的优胜者的奖品是一个配有木架的银杯。

    The prize for the winner of the competition was a silver cup on a wooden mount .

  6. 葬礼师&找到隐藏在圣玛丽亚大殿地下墓穴中的刺客之墓。(银杯,20G)

    Undertaker-Discover the Assassin 's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella . ( Silver , 20G )

  7. 你哪里去找到争取另一个银杯的机会呀?

    Where are you going to find room for another silver cup ?

  8. 银杯授给了获胜者。

    The silver trophy was bestowed upon the winner .

  9. 他把银杯颁给了获胜者。

    He present a silver cup to the winner .

  10. 我觉得银杯是给第二名的。

    I thought silver was for second place .

  11. 银杯啊银杯啊斟满酒。

    Fill up the silver cups with wine .

  12. 我们为了得到银杯而比赛。

    We played for the Silver Trophy .

  13. 在两只篮子之间,他放下了一只银质的小杯子,银杯上有一个同样质地的盖子。

    Between the two baskets he placed a small silver cup with a silver cover .

  14. 赖尼夫端来一瓶冒着气的香料酒和四个银杯。

    Rynelf returned with the spiced wine steaming in a flagon and four silver cups .

  15. 如果这个银杯没有被盖上纯度印记,你怎么知道它有多少年的历史?

    How can you tell how old this silver cup is if it hasn 't been hallmarked ?

  16. 肖邦最后的遗愿是将银杯中祖国波兰的泥土撒在他的墓碑上。

    Chopin 's last request was that the Polish soil in the silver goblet be sprinkled over his grave .

  17. 利物浦后卫因苏阿决心把本赛季把欧罗巴冠军银杯带到安菲尔德。

    Liverpool defender Emiliano Insua is determined to bring silverware to Anfield this season in the form of the Europa League trophy .

  18. 并将我的银杯和那少年人籴粮的银子一同装在他的口袋里。

    And put my cup , the silver cup , in the sack 's mouth of the youngest , and his corn money .

  19. 虽然他们知道便雅悯没有偷那银杯,但是他们没有办法说服那个多疑的埃及官。

    Not Benjamin ! They knew Benjamin have not stolen that cup , but how would they ever be able to convince that suspicious Egyptian ruler !

  20. 他们穿过那屋子时,马格洛大娘正把那些银杯盏塞进他床头的壁橱。

    At the moment when he was crossing this apartment , Madame Magloire was putting away the silverware in the cupboard near the head of the bed .

  21. 奖章授予者的选择主要依据政府的建议。他把银杯授予获胜者。

    The awards are given on the advice of the government . He presented a silver cup to the winner [ presented the winner with a silver cup ] .

  22. 如果你找到了,你可以处死那人,而我们其余的人都作你的仆人。”“说得好!”约瑟的管家回答。“只需要那个偷了银杯的人作仆人。”

    st of us will be your servants . " Very well , " the steward said , " Only whoever has stolen the cup shall be the servant . "

  23. 桌子左边的银杯放钱,并且本子上会纪录来客的名字和他出的钱。

    The silver cup on the table to the left is for putting money and the book is to record the names of the visitors and how much money they gave .

  24. 卡尔莱从教师办公室拿来银杯和铜杯。他把银杯授予获胜者。

    Carly takes the silver and Bronze medals from the Teachers ' Room . He presented a silver cup to the winner [ presented the winner with a silver cup ] .