
yín hánɡ zī běn
  • banking capital;bank stock
  1. 第三部分运用数理模型对银行资本监管的信贷紧缩效应进行了论证。

    The third part applies mathematics and physics model to verify credit crunch caused by banking capital supervision .

  2. 第一章回顾了银行资本监管理论的历史沿革,特别是简单介绍了近年来的一些研究成果;

    In chapter one , there is a brief historical retrospect to banking capital regulation theory , especially those recent researches is introduced .

  3. 随着股价下跌,银行资本也减少了。

    As stock prices have dropped , so too has bank capital .

  4. 但是,让欧洲金融稳定机制(efsf)贷款给西班牙银行资本重组基金(按西班牙语称为frob)的构想,无法通过这一测试。

    But the idea for the European financial stability facility to lend money to the Spanish bank recapitalisation fund , known by its Spanish initials frob , does not meet this test .

  5. 对我国银行资本约束的成因剖析及对策建议

    On China bank capital control 's reason anatomy and countermeasure suggestion

  6. 银行资本职能与两种金融功能观

    The Function of Bank Capital and Two Views of Financial Function

  7. 国有商业银行资本充足率之法律维度分析

    Legislative Analysis of Capital Adequacy Ratio for State-owned Commercial Banks

  8. 中国商业银行资本结构优化研究

    The Research on the Optimization of Capital Structure of Chinese Commercial Banks

  9. 当代银行资本监管理论及其新进展

    The Bank Capital Supervising Theory and Its Late Progress

  10. 论商业银行资本的长期市场价值最大化

    On the Maximization of Long-term Market Value of the Commercial Bank 's Capital

  11. 银行资本持有量往往与银行家风险偏好密切相关。

    The amount of capital is closely related to the bankers ' appetite .

  12. 我国商业银行资本充足监管的理论与实证研究

    Theory and Empirical Study on the Capital Sufficient Supervision of Our Country Commercial Banks

  13. 商业银行资本配置风险管理

    Bank Risk Management Based on the Capital Disposition

  14. 其次,要夯实银行资本和资金。

    Second , stabilise bank capital and funding .

  15. 增加银行资本金或对银行进行重组;

    Adding capital or restructuring the banks ;

  16. 银行资本充足性管制的有效性探讨

    Analysis of capital adequacy regulation of banks

  17. 我国银行资本监管有效性与资本结构探讨

    Probe into the Validity of Capital Supervision and Control and the Capital Structure of Chinese Banks

  18. 基于分母战略的我国商业银行资本充足率管理研究

    The Research of Capital Adequacy Ratio of China 's Commercial Banks Based on the Denominator Strategy

  19. 新资本协议下我国商业银行资本管理实践及其发展建议

    Capital Management Practice of Commercial Banks in China under New Basel Capital Accord & Development Proposals

  20. 巴塞尔协议制定一个统一的国际银行资本比率的方式是不合适的。

    The way that Basel Agreement stipulates a uniform capital ratio of international banks is not fitting .

  21. 新巴塞尔协议:我国商业银行资本管理面临的新挑战

    New Basel Agreement : Facing New Challenge to the Capital Management of Commercial Banks in our Country

  22. 出于这个理由,我赞同目前欧洲正在激辩的做法&提高银行资本充足率要求。

    For that reason , I applaud the current European debate about raising banks ' capital requirements .

  23. 巴塞尔新资本协议对我国银行资本监管的挑战和对策研究

    A Research on the Challenge and Solution to Chinese Bank Capital Supervision from the New Basel Capital Accord

  24. 研究的主要结论&是城市商业银行资本补充的必要性。

    Main conclusions of the research : First conclusion is necessity of capital supplementation of urban commercial banks .

  25. 上周末达成的银行资本和流动性新标准是重要的一步。

    A fundamental step was taken last weekend with the agreement on new bank capital and liquidity standards .

  26. 这项改革对于增加商业银行资本和贷款能力是有利的。

    This reform will help add commercial banks ' capital and enhance the loaning capacity of commercial banks .

  27. 有助于提高商业银行资本充足率、优化商业银行资本结构;

    They will contribute to increase the rate of capital sufficiency and optimize the capital structure in commercial banks .

  28. 实际上,政治家们过于胆小,新的银行资本规模不足。

    In reality , the politicians had been too timid and the amount of new bank capital was inadequate .

  29. 产业资本与银行资本结合代表着商业银行资本运营的发展方向和趋势。

    The combination between industrial capital and bank 's capital presents the developing direction of commercial bank 's capital operation .

  30. 此举并不明智:如果银行资本金不足,它们不应等待近10年才去解决问题。

    It is unwise : if banks are undercapitalised , they should not wait nearly a decade to fix the problem .