
zuàn jǐnɡ pínɡ tái
  • drilling platform;oil rig
  1. 就在美国总统对唐熙华个人进行攻击的同时,白宫也正在努力应付批评,即自4月20日深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台爆炸以来,白宫方面表现得不够有力。

    His personal attack on Mr Hayward came amid White House efforts to address criticism that it has not been forceful enough since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20 .

  2. 今年5月份中国推出首个深水钻井平台时,中国海洋石油有限公司(CnoocLtd.,简称:中海油)董事长王宜林向公司员工和他在党内的上级传递了一个信息,说明这一平台对于北京的海外雄心意味着什么。

    When China launched its first deep-water oil rig in May , Cnooc Ltd. Chairman Wang Yilin delivered a message to employees and his Communist Party superiors about what it meant to Beijing 's ambitions abroad .

  3. 北海的石油开采商激烈反对要求他们在石油钻井平台使用期结束之后将其移除的立法。

    North Sea operators kicked against legislation making them responsible for removing oil platforms at the end of their useful life .

  4. 钢的易脆性在寒冷条件下建造钢结构,如在北极建造石油钻井平台时,仍然是一个问题。

    Brittleness remains a problem when building steel structures in cold conditions , such as oil rigs in the Arctic .

  5. X波段固态调频雷达在半潜式钻井平台上的试验和应用

    Experiments and applications of X-band FM-CW radar system on semi-submerged drilling well platforms

  6. 插销爬杆型液压自升式海洋石油钻井平台PLC控制

    PLC Control of Pin Climbing - Rod Hydraulic Self - Lift Ocean Oil Boring Platform

  7. 钻井平台SCR控制系统数字调速和PLC技术的应用研究

    The application research of SCR control system digital speed governing and PLC technology in drilling platform

  8. 其中,对7座不同钻井平台的8次检查记录显示,BP根本没有进行任何必要的培训。

    Of those , eight inspection records on seven different rigs suggested that the necessary training had not taken place at all .

  9. 可编程计算机控制器在钻井平台SCR系统中的应用

    The Application or Programmable Computer Controller in the SCR system of Drilling Rigs

  10. 因此,需要采用先进的CAD技术改变传统的二维设计方法,开发出相应的移动式钻井平台CAD软件。

    Therefore , advanced CAD technology must been apply to change the traditional two-dimensional design method and develop corresponding CAD softwares for mobile drilling platform .

  11. BP公司为海沃德辩护称,这是他自从四月20号的钻井平台爆炸造成漏油后的第一次假期。

    BP defended Mr Hayward , saying it was his first day off since the spill began after a deadly rig blast on20 April .

  12. 现在清楚的是,bp不仅在钻井平台爆炸前冒了不必要的风险,对接下来的生态灾难也毫无准备。

    It is now clear that BP not only took needless risks before the rig explosion , but was unprepared for the environmental disaster that followed .

  13. BP最新努力的第一步是将一个被破坏的用于将石油带到深水地平线钻井平台的提升管移开,这是一项复杂的操作。

    The first step in BP 's latest effort is the intricate removal of a damaged riser that brought oil to the surface of the Deepwater Horizon rig .

  14. 英国石油(bp)的墨西哥湾漏油事件,始于导致11人丧生的“深水地平线”(deepwaterhorizon)钻井平台爆炸。

    The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico began with an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 people .

  15. 过去几天至少四个中国钻井平台在南中国海(SouthChinaSea,中国称南海)移动的情况并不一定会引发担忧,因为过去该海域的钻井平台移动活动比较频繁。

    The movement of at least four Chinese drilling rigs in the South China Sea in the last couple of days isn 't necessarily alarming given the frequency of rig movement in the region in the past .

  16. 武汉船用机械厂技术总监SunKai表示,他们的主要业务之一就是生产驳船,为海上石油钻井平台提供物流服务。

    Wuhan Marine Technology Director Sun Kai says one of their main businesses is producing barges which provide logistic services for oil drilling platforms .

  17. 采用Windows多线程技术使主要数据处理模块能并行地运行,使监控软件能及时反映海洋钻井平台的真实状态。

    By using windows multi-thread technique , main models of data disposal can be simultaneously operated in the control software which can ensure to monitor the real state of ocean rig timely .

  18. 该钻井平台由钻探承包商transocean拥有和运行,但bp是这个项目的牵头方。

    The rig was owned and operated by Transocean , a drilling contractor , but BP led the project .

  19. 一年前,同样是效力于bp的深水地平线钻井平台,曾钻出有史以来最深的商业油井,达3.5055万英尺,超过了珠穆朗玛峰的高度。

    The same Deepwater Horizon rig , also working for BP , a year ago drilled the deepest-ever commercial well to a depth of 35055 feet more than the height of Mount Everest .

  20. 海洋钻井平台HAZOP分析的研究

    Study on HAZOP of offshore drilling platform

  21. 石油巨头BP在伦敦举行的年度高层会议被抗议者打断,这是自去年钻井平台爆炸,引发大量石油向墨西哥湾泄漏以来的首次抗议活动。

    Protests have interrupted the annual general meeting in London of the oil giant BP , the first since last year 's oil rig blast and huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .

  22. 在一个中心环节中,巴比尔法官着重强调了爆炸发生前大约40分钟时,该钻井平台上一名资深BP员工和一名身在休斯顿的工程师之间通的一个电话。

    In a central episode , Judge Barbier highlighted a phone call between a senior BP employee on the rig and an engineer in Houston that took place roughly 40 minutes before the explosion .

  23. Transocean公司称,BP未采取任何措施停止当时正在进行的将钻井平台脱离油井的程序。

    According to Transocean , they did not take any action to stop the procedures then under way for detaching the rig from the well .

  24. 他们指责bp为了节省时间和金钱,在安全措施上偷工减料,尤其对于“深水地平线”(deepwaterhorizon)钻井平台之下油井四周水泥浇注工程的仓促完成感到关切。

    They accused BP of cutting corners on safety to save time and money , and voiced particular concern that the cement around the well under the Deepwater Horizon rig was hurried .

  25. 苏联OXA号钻井平台承修工程和施工管理

    Construction Management for Repairing USSR OXA Drilling Platform

  26. 给出各种可靠度下的RSN曲线估算式,并与对数正态分布处理的结果进行了比较,对海上石油钻井平台的安全性评估具有一定的意义。

    Life estimate formulas for R S N curve are derived based on the Weibull distribution , and the results are compared with the result based on logarithmic mormal distribution . It is possible to predict thd safty and reliability of offshore structure .

  27. 本文论述液压自升式海洋石油钻井平台中为控制主缸及上、下插销缸做插销爬杆式的顺序运动,以推动桩腿升降或平台同步升降的PLC控制系统。

    PLC control system of hydraulic self - lift ocean oil boring platform is presented . The sequential motions of main cylinder , upper pin cylinder and lower pin cylinder are controlled by the system to elevate the legs or platform synchronously .

  28. 它很有可能与Petrobras公司进行大量的交易,集中在建设和维护船舶和钻井平台等方面。

    It looks likely to do lots of business with Petrobras , Brazil 's state-controlled oil giant , building and maintaining ships and rigs .

  29. awilco拥有5座浅海自升式钻井平台,另有3座正在建造中。

    Awilco has five jack-up rigs , for shallower water , with three more under construction .

  30. 英国石油公司一家英国能源公司,该公司经营这个油井,并向钻井平台所有者瑞士越洋钻探公司(Transocean)公司租用了深水地平线。

    BP is the British-based energy company that operated the well and leased the Deepwater Horizon from the rig 's owner , Transocean .