
zuān tàn
  • drilling;probing;misering;testboring
钻探 [zuān tàn]
  • [drilling] 钻挖勘探,取样分析,寻找矿藏

  • 钻探大队

钻探[zuān tàn]
  1. 通过钻探,地质学家可以在不同深度测量。

    By drilling , geologists can take measurements at various depths

  2. 允许进行更多近海石油钻探的决定激怒了一些加利福尼亚人。

    The decision to allow more offshore oil drilling angered some Californians .

  3. 有人提议钻探更多的石油。

    There have been proposals to drill for more oil

  4. 该处的钻探工作将继续下去,以便估测新油田的面积。

    Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield

  5. 钻探条例亦已放宽,以加速油田的开发。

    Drilling regulations , too , have been loosened to speed the development of the fields .

  6. 钻探队还在钻探。

    The team is still drilling .

  7. 一群参议员计划通过发表长篇大论来阻挠一项允许在阿拉斯加州钻探石油的议案获得通过。

    A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska .

  8. 将该套技术应用于高邮凹陷富民地区的深层地震勘探,钻探的深探井B井获得油流。

    FM area applied above methods and drilled B deep well successfully .

  9. Air(初三适用)水井气举钻探新技术推广应用市场综述

    Market Summary on the Expanding Application of New Air - lift Technology in Water Well Drilling

  10. 钻探机械制造企业CRM应用分析

    Analysis on Application of CRM at Drilling Mechanism Manufacturing Enterprises

  11. 今年夏天,日本政府也加入了实验,康菲石油也在阿拉斯加州北坡(NorthSlope)完成了试验井的钻探工作。

    This summer the Japanese government joined the experiment and Conoco Phillips finished boring the test well on the North Slope of Alaska .

  12. CSR钻探方法在中国矿产勘探中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of CSR Drilling Method in Mineral Exploration of China

  13. 在该工程中,笔者用钻探取芯结果约束地震CT的反演结果。

    In the engineering , the authors combine the result of drilling survey and inversion result of seismic CT technology , and then analyze the two comparative results .

  14. 高品质油田钻探用金刚石复合片(PDC)的研制

    Development of High Quality PDC for Oil Drilling

  15. TQC方法在煤层钻探中的应用

    The application of TQC method in drilling coal beds

  16. 大洋钻探(ODP)与测井地质研究

    Ocean Drilling Project and logging geology

  17. 贝加尔钻探计划(BDP)中的96-1井位于贝加尔湖中央的科学湖脊,1996年冬从位于332m水深以下的钻井采样。

    In winter of 1996 a Baikal Drilling Project ( BDP ) 96-1 was carried out .

  18. 磁化率和密度对中国大陆科学钻探主孔100~2000m岩石类型的判别

    Lithology Determination of Rocks from CCSD 100-2000m Main Hole by Magnetic Susceptibility and Density Using Discriminant Function Analysis

  19. 较为详细地介绍了大洋钻探计划(ODP)的科学目标、研究主题及其重要的科学意义。

    Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) is the largest and worldwide attention attracting international program in the marine science research .

  20. 检察官请求法庭规定一切在阿斯佩特里亚的ALEC船,钻探设备和现金都被扣押。

    The Prosecutor requested that the court order the sequestration of all ALEC vessels , drilling equipment , and cash within the territory of Aspatria .

  21. 通过资料分析、现场考察和地球物理勘探以及钻探等手段,对通过闸址区而直接影响船闸群安全的F5断裂进行了系统的分析和评价。

    The comprehensive analysis and evaluation was made of the fault F5 which passes the site and directly influences the ship lock 's safety .

  22. 本文将从油藏地质概况及钻井的主要特点、钻探效果、钻井技术等方面来介绍女MH-1水平井的情况,并分析讨论井眼轨迹控制等技术。

    This article introduces Nu-MH-1 horizontal well from the property of the pay zone formation , the well production , the drilling programs and also analyzes and discuss the Nu-MH-1 well trajectory control techniques .

  23. 文中介绍了由新型非离子型表面活性剂TEO-17研制的非离子型润滑剂PAL钻井润滑剂的性能特点、作用机理及其在钻探、石材加工生产中的应用效果。

    The PAL drilling lubricant is made of a new non-ionic surface active agent & TEO-17.Its function features , action mecha-nism and application effect on drilling and processing of stone materials are given in this paper .

  24. 在DSDP/ODP的26年钻探中,有近20个航次钻遇到热液作用踪迹或热液产物。

    Deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal products which were found dur-ing nearly 20 cruises in the past 26 years of DSDP / ODP are introduced .

  25. 韧性剪切带中片麻岩和超高压榴辉岩变形特征及其与地震波速各向异性的关系:来自中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)680~1200米岩心的证据

    Deformation features of gneiss and UHP eclogite from ductile shear zone and its relation with seismic velocity anisotropy : Evidences from core samples at depth of 680 ~ 1200m of CCSD

  26. 针对我国目前钻探设备制造技术现状,介绍了柔性制造系统(FMS)的内涵及组成,分析了我国钻探设备制造业应用FMS的必要性及发展前景。

    The connotation and formation of flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ) were introduced on the current technology situation of drilling machine manufacturing in my country . The necessary and development prospect of using FMS in Chinese drilling equipment manufacturing industry were also analyzed .

  27. 中国大陆科学钻探预先导孔(CCSD-PP2)榴闪岩的地球化学组成及其地质意义

    Geochemical Characteristics of Garnet-Amphibolite from the Pre-Pilot Hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling ( CCSD-PP2 ) and Its Geological Significance

  28. 基于大井距(10~15km)的评价钻探结果表明,该区是一个大面积含气但同时具有明显非均质性的砂岩复合气藏。

    Appraisal well results based on large hole spacing ( 10 ~ 15km ) show that the area is composite sandstone gas reservoir both gas-bearing with large area and typical heterogeneous .

  29. 根据土壤测量结果优选出验证靶区。钻探验证结果在地表620m以下发现了近30m厚的Au矿化体,Au含量最高1.5g/t。

    On the basis of soil survey , the target area for verification was selected through optimization , and then a gold mineralized body 30m in thickness was revealed by drilling below the depth of 620m , with the highest Au content being 1.5g/T .

  30. 采用气举反循环的钻探工艺,在孔径为3.0m、厚度为33m的超厚砂卵石地层桩基础施工中,改进了钻进施工工艺方法。

    Adopting air-lift reverse technique in super thick sandy gravels with thickness of 33 m and 3.0 m in pile diameter , construction technique and its drilling method were improved .