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  • bit;drill;drilling bit;broach;bore bit;aiguille;boring crown
钻头 [zuàn tóu]
  • (1) [drilling bit]∶钻、钻床、钻探机上的刀具,用于在工件或岩石上造成孔洞

  • (2) [aiguille]∶一种工具,用于在石头中或在其他石工材料中钻孔,或用于钻爆炸孔

钻头[zuàn tóu]
  1. 形成一套完整的PDC钻头制造方案。

    A set of PDC of integrity drilling bit manufacturing project have be formed .

  2. 在PDC钻头的设计理论研究中,系统地研究了PDC钻头冠部形状与地层的适应性、切削齿的破岩作用与布齿设计和、喷嘴水道及排屑槽。

    In the design theories research of the PDC drilling bit , it systematically study the adaptability between the crest shape of bit and geologic strata , the breaking rock function , arranging design , bit nozzle runner , and junk slot of the cutting gear .

  3. 钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。

    The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole .

  4. 打钻和提钻时要保持钻头平稳。

    Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends

  5. 你得拆开这个钻头。

    You 'll have to disassemble the drill .

  6. 做这个活儿要拿个特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。

    Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job .

  7. 利用微型钻头模拟PDC钻头的切削破岩过程,对PDC钻头的岩石研磨性进行了试验研究。

    The rock abrasiveness encountered in drilling using PDC bit was discussed .

  8. 扬雪车上庞大的钻头叶片在开始大量吞进积雪。

    Already the Snowblast 's huge auger blades were engorging snow .

  9. 什么时候换的钻头?

    When did you change the bit ?

  10. 钢体式人造金刚石复合片钻头来自身体的N种疼痛

    Steel Body Type Synthetic Diamond Compact Bit

  11. 井底轨迹图CAD在牙轮钻头布齿设计中的应用

    Application of the Bottom Hole Path CAD to the Rock Bit Insert Arrangement Design

  12. 修复式PDC钻头降低钻井综合成本的应用

    Application of renovated PDC bit for reducing the general drilling cost

  13. 川东地区使用PDC钻头的配套钻井液技术

    Drilling fluid technology for PDC bit in East Sichuan region

  14. 挠性抗回旋PDC钻头的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Anti - Whirl PDC Bit

  15. 国外抗回旋PDC钻头研究及使用动态

    The reasearch and application of anti - whirl PDC bit in abroad

  16. PDC钻头焊前焊后处理工艺的试验研究

    Study on the Treatment Technology before and after Welding of PDC Bit

  17. 一种新型齿柱在密闭PDC取心钻头上的应用

    A New Kind of Stub Apply to the Core Bit

  18. 钻头及涡轮钻具轴承组件MoS2滑化处理研究

    Study on bearing assembly smooth treatment by MoS_2 for rock bit or a turbodrill

  19. PDC钻头使用效果评价与降低钻井成本

    PDC Bit Performance Evaluation and Reduction of Drilling Cost

  20. 钢体PDC钻头修复技术之研究

    Research on Repair Technique of Steel Body PDC Bit

  21. 南方海相PDC钻头下岩屑录井方法

    Cutting Logging Methods While Using PDC Drilling Bit in Southern Marine Facies Stratum

  22. PDC钻头自动感应焊接装置的研究

    Research on Automatically Inductive Welding Equipment for PDC Bits

  23. 喷嘴方位角对PDC钻头齿清洗力的影响

    Influence of Nozzle Azimuth on the Cleaning Force of PDC Bit 's Teeth

  24. 振动钻削Al2O(3f)+Cf/ZL109复合材料钻头磨损研究

    Tool Wear in Vibration Drilling of Al_2O_ ( 3f ) + C_f / ZL109 Composites

  25. 为PDC钻头连续钻进进行钻井液性能控制

    Drilling fluid properties control for PDC bit drilling

  26. 混合切削结构PDC钻头简论

    Discussion on hybrid cutting structure PDC drill bits

  27. 复合PDC钻头成功钻穿多夹层地层

    PDC bits success in multi - interbedded formation

  28. 考虑切削次序的PDC钻头切削体积计算研究

    A study on cutting-volume computation of a PDC bit accounting for different cutting sequences

  29. PDC钻头地质录井方法探讨

    The discussion of PDC bit geo-logging method

  30. 全尺寸PDC钻头切削齿载荷分布规律的实验研究

    Experimental study on the working load distribution on cutting teeth of full scale PDC bit