
  • 网络Pen Tool
  1. 用钢笔工具(P)画一些曲面。

    Using your Pen Tool ( P ) draw couple curvy shapes .

  2. 使用钢笔工具(P),绘制一个路径,然后填充黑色。

    Draw a path with the Pen Tool ( P ) and fill it with black .

  3. 与钢笔工具性(P)制定的一个亮点形状对叶片顶端的一半。

    With the Pen Tool ( P ) draw a highlight shape on the top leaf half .

  4. 选择钢笔工具(P)的设置填充颜色对零票,和中风的黑色。

    Select the Pen Tool ( P ), set the fill color to none , and the stroke to black .

  5. 设置“素描”不透明度为20%。使用钢笔工具(P)绘制的头部形状。

    Set the " Sketch " Opacity to20 % . Use the Pen Tool ( P ) to draw the head shape .

  6. 现在使用钢笔工具(P)绘制一条路径,如下图所示,然后应用自定义笔刷。

    Now create a path with the Pen Tool ( P ) as you see in the image below , then apply the custom brush .

  7. 你可以借鉴这些元素与钢笔工具性(P),但你会发现它更一致和更容易使用毛笔。

    You can draw these elements with the Pen Tool ( P ), but you 'll find it more consistent and easier to use a brush .

  8. 再次,随着钢笔工具(p)项,制定的路线,开始在尖叶和结束在中东的底部的一部分,叶。

    Again , with the Pen Tool ( P ), draw a line that starts at the tip of leaf and ends in the middle of the bottom part of the leaf .

  9. 移动了一点更大的绿色圆圈,然后利用钢笔工具(规划)绘制的铅笔的身体形态,捕捉到导游(5A)条。

    Move the bigger green circle down a bit , then using the Pen Tool ( P ) draw the shape for the pencil 's body , snapping to the guides ( 5a ) .

  10. 使用钢笔工具绘制一张照片的基本形状。

    Use pen tool to draw basic shape of a photo .

  11. 使用钢笔工具又增加厚度的人物。

    Using the Pen Tool again add thickness to the sketchbook .

  12. 使用钢笔工具绘制成图像显示如下。

    Use Pen tool to drawn as image show below .

  13. 按下图所示用钢笔工具绘制反射。

    Use the pen tool to draw reflections as shown .

  14. 现在抓的钢笔工具和画出光行。

    Now grab the Pen Tool and draw line across the light .

  15. 使用钢笔工具绘制下面的图像作为显示如下。

    Use Pen tool to draw the following images as show below .

  16. 选择钢笔工具,并像下面的图片路径。

    Select the pen tool and make a path like the image below .

  17. 这个问题的时候,我的回答是我用钢笔工具画的。

    I often have to answer that I 've used the Pen tool .

  18. 使用钢笔工具绘制这个形状。

    Use pen tool to draw this shape .

  19. 然后在选择的道路和选择画笔描边路径右击钢笔工具。

    Then while choosing Pen tool right click on the Path and select Stroke Path with brush .

  20. 更需要注意的是,把你的扫描稿用钢笔工具的贝塞尔曲线手动转换的过程。

    More specifically , take care while converting your scanned image manually with a Bezier based pen tool .

  21. 对于“心回”层,用钢笔工具绘制图像,显示如下。

    For " heart back " layer , use Pen tool to drawn as show in images below .

  22. 我选择的缰绳与钢笔工具和复制到一个新层机械化之前的一匹黑马。

    I selected the bridle with Pen Tool and copied it to a new layer before mechanizing the horse .

  23. 使用钢笔工具沿拐角处和文件夹、箭头和纸张的边缘绘制路径。然后在工作区右键选择描边路径-画笔。

    Use the pen tool to create the stroke lines around the corners and all the margins of the folder , paper and arrow .

  24. 然后使用钢笔工具,切断了火,让您工作的轮廓,使火焰看起来自然。

    Then using the Pen Tool , cut up the fire so you work with the contours of the flame so it looks natural .

  25. 新建图层“颈灯光”,使用钢笔工具在绘制一条直线路径。

    Then add a new Layer named " neck lights ", With the Pen Tool ( P ), Clic the Path icon and draw a straight line .

  26. 您将使用下列工具:移动工具,克隆图章,橡皮擦,加深工具,刷子,魔术棒,钢笔工具。

    You will be using the following tools : Move Tool , Clone Stamp , Eraser , Burn Tool , Brush , Magic Wand , Pen Tool .

  27. 喜欢我所看到的,我提取的形象,妥善,这个时候用钢笔工具,正如我要保存好,弯曲的优势。

    Liking what I saw , I extracted the image properly , this time using the pen tool , as I wanted to preserve the nicely curved edges .

  28. 后期出现的铅笔、钢笔等工具,拓宽了现代黑白画线条表现的技法和形式,对于东西方线条的交融起到了重要作用。

    The appearance of pencils and pens expand the way of expressing for modern monochrome pictures , and plays a important role in combining the orient style and the western style .

  29. 书法是以汉字为载体,主要以毛笔或钢笔为书写工具的艺术。

    Calligraphy in Chinese characters as the carrier , brush or pen to the art of writing instruments .

  30. 我(用这笔钱)为孩子们购买了鞋子、钢笔以及数学工具盒等返校所需的必需品,并且将剩余部分捐给一个需要做心脏手书的孩子。

    I bought shoes , pens and mathematical instrument boxes that were needed to get children back to school and was also able to give out of this money financial help for a child who needed heart surgery .