
gāng chuán
  • steel ship
钢船[gāng chuán]
  1. 假如钢船是完全实心的,它就会沉入水中。

    If a steel ship were solid throughout , it would sink into water .

  2. 为任何尺寸的玻璃钢船或者内装的应用进行绘制传统式或者“最先进的”CNC模具切割图。

    Traditional or " State of the Art " CNC tooling for any sized FRP vessel or interior application .

  3. C-Mn钢船用锻件化学成分确定的简捷计算方法

    The Brief Calculating Method How To Determine Chemical Composition of C-Mn Steel Forgings for Ship

  4. 小型钢船折边组合型材最佳高宽比的确定

    Determination of Optimum Width-Height Ratio of Flanged Combined Bars for Small Steel Ships

  5. 玻璃钢船用通风管道的研制

    Development of Marine FRP Duct

  6. 本文给出了一种分析玻璃钢船结构在水下爆炸作用下动响应的分析方法。

    The paper presents a method to analyze the responses of glass reinforced polymer ( GRP ) ship structures to underwater explosion .

  7. 浅谈高速玻璃钢船在大风浪中航行受到的危害及应采取的安全措施

    Discussed shallowly the security measure silver Wu Asia abstract which the high speed glass fiber reinforced plastic ship navigates in the big storm which receives

  8. 我们公司主要经营:充气游艇、漂流艇、钓鱼船、运动船、香蕉船和玻璃钢船。

    Our company mainly deals with : inflatable boat , rafting boat , fishing boat , sport boat , RIB boat , and banana boat .

  9. 布朗家族的第一艘渡轮可以运送三辆车,后来换成可运十五辆车的钢船,再后来换成了现在这种由钢索拉动的轮船,可运送24辆车。

    The Browns ' first ferry carried three cars . That was replaced by a steel boat for 15 cars , and later came the current 24-car vessel pulled by a cable .

  10. 产品即使出厂后,如发现问题,五湖玻璃钢旅游船也会立即解决,直到客户满意。

    Even after manufactured products , such as problem identification , lakes FRP vessels will be immediately resolved , until customer satisfaction .

  11. 五湖玻璃钢旅游船热忱欢迎有志之士来我公司参观、洽谈,携手共创美好的明天!

    Five Lakes FRP vessels ambitious people to warmly welcome our company visits , talks , to join hands in creating a better tomorrow !

  12. 机动式近海基地(MOB)一般由多个长方形半潜式钢结构模块船组成,每个模块船上都装有动力定位系统,通过协调控制算法保持各个模块的相对定位。

    Mobile offshore base ( MOB ) is generally constituted by several rectangular steel semi-submersible ship modules ; each module is equipped with dynamic positioning system .

  13. 225客玻璃钢双体气垫船电气设计特点

    Design features of the electric system of the 225-passenger GRP air-cushion catamaran

  14. 浮式钢系靠船设施结构和计算方法研究

    Research on Structure of Floating Steel Berthing Facility and Its Calculation Method

  15. 高强度钢缓冲型船艏研究

    Study of Ship Buffer Bow Constructed of High-strength Steel

  16. 玻璃钢鳄鱼游览船的研制

    Developing GRP crocodile shape sightseeing boat

  17. 在该工程中采用了全部攻关成果,如全直桩方案,浮式钢系靠船设施和新型上部结构等。

    In this project , all break-through items including complete vertical piles , floating steel mooring facilities and new-type superstructure were adopted .

  18. 介绍浮式钢系靠船设计的原理和特点,提出该设施的船舶有效撞击能量、撞击力的计算方法。

    Abstract The principle and characteristics of design for floating steel berthing facility is introduced . The calculation method for the limited impact energy from vessel and impact force are put forward .

  19. 滑轮的缆绳和钢槽连接着船的一边。

    And pulleys cables and steel tanks were attached to one side of the ship .

  20. 耐层状撕裂钢用于石油钻井船和原油生产平台。

    Steel with lamellar tear resistance is used in oil drilling ships and crude oil production platforms .

  21. 对精炼船用钢和非精炼船用钢的化学成分、夹杂物、金相组织进行了分析对比。

    This paper analyzes the differences of chemistry , inclusions and microstructure for refined and unrefined ship steels .

  22. 介绍某长江特大桥主塔墩基础钢围堰单导向船精确定位施工技术方案论证和实施全过程。

    Introduction of construction technology and performance process of main tower foundation of a Yangtze bridge built inside a large anomalistic double-wall steel cofferdam with accurate orientation by single guiding barge .

  23. 这儿冶炼六十多种钢,如低合金钢、碳素结构钢和船用碳素钢等。

    We smell more than sixty kinds of steel here , such as low alloy steel , carbon structural steel and shipbuilding carbon steel .

  24. 通过大量试验,给出高速船玻璃钢夹层结构件原材料(聚氨酯泡沫塑料PU、聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料PVC、多层胶合板、松木和玻璃钢等)的力学性能及统计曲线,可供高速玻璃钢船设计时使用。

    The mechanical properties and statistical curves of raw materials ( PU , PVC foam , plywood , pine wood and GFRP ) for GFRP sandwich components of high speed ships are presented through a large number of tests , giving a reference to designs of high speed GFRP ships .