
  • 网络resolution trust corporation;rtc
  1. 美国在1989年曾经成立过一个类似的机构--美国重组信托公司,应付房地产借款相关的坏帐。

    A similar agency , the Resolution Trust Corporation , was created in 1989 to deal with the bad debt related to real estate lending .

  2. 论企业债务与资产重组及信托投资公司之参与

    The realignment of enterprises ' debts , assets and the trust investment companies ' participation in

  3. 中国信托业经24年发展,经历了扩张、动荡、重组期,信托公司目前仅保留59家。

    The Chinese trust investment has already developed for 24 years , and has passed the period of expansion , turbulence , reorganization . Only 59 trust investment companies exist at present .