
  1. 摘要社会经济发展中的不确定性是随时存在的,重大危机事件是随机发生的。

    The uncertainties of social economy development are existent at any moment , and the great crisis happened stochastically .

  2. 三鹿乳业、丰田汽车等国内外知名企业的重大声誉危机事件使企业声誉成为世界范围广泛关注的显要问题。

    Sanlu Dairy , Toyota and other major domestic and international well-known enterprises ' corporate reputation crisis makes corporate reputation become a world-wide prominent issue .

  3. 早年曾经有过重大危机生活事件的个体与未曾经历的学生在消极应对方式上有一定的差异。

    As for negative coping styles , students who had ever experienced crisis in early years had some significant difference with those who hadn 't ever experienced .