
  • 网络Chongqing Commercial Bank
  1. 本周,美国私人股本基金凯雷集团(carlylegroup)收购重庆商业银行(chongqingcommercialbank)8%股权的交易,未能获得监管机构的批准。

    This week Carlyle Group , the US private equity fund , failed to secure approval to buy an 8 per cent stake in Chongqing Commercial Bank .

  2. 本部分根据所得到数据资料对Q地区的重庆商业银行的资本充足率等相关指标进行分析,同时考察重庆市的非正规金融机构的现状以及农村金融运行的外部环境。

    On the basis of the received data from Q region in Chongqing city , this part gives the analysis on the capital adequacy ratio and other related indictors of Chongqing commercial banks .

  3. 凯雷还被排斥在两家中国国有银行的投资行列之外,这两家银行分别是广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentbank)和重庆市商业银行(ChongqingCityCommercialBank)。

    It has also been locked out of investments in two state-owned banks , Guangdong Development Bank and Chongqing City Commercial Bank .

  4. 今年,凯雷拟收购重庆市商业银行(ChongqingCommercialBank)8%股份的交易,未能获得中国监管机构的批准。重庆市商业银行是中国一家省级银行。

    This year it failed to secure approval for an 8 per cent stake in Chongqing Commercial Bank , a provincial lender .

  5. 徽商银行融资额达到13亿美元,是自重庆农村商业银行(ChongqingRuralCommercialBank)2010年在香港上市以来中资银行最大的一宗IPO。

    At $ 1.3bn , the Huishang deal is the largest by a Chinese lender since Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank listed in the city in 2010 .

  6. 凯雷还被排除在投资于两家国有银行的大门之外,一家是广东发展银行,该行最终出售给了花旗集团(Citigroup)牵头的一个财团;另一家是最近的重庆城市商业银行。

    Carlyle has also been locked out of investments in two state-owned banks , Guangdong Development Bank ( eventually sold to a consortium led by Citigroup ) and more recently Chongqing City Commercial Bank .

  7. 此次入股重庆市商业银行,是凯雷首次涉足中国银行业。

    The investment is Carlyle 's first in China 's banking sector .

  8. 据信,其它外国银行也曾参与竞标入股重庆市商业银行。

    It is believed that other foreign banks were also bidding to invest in the Chongqing bank .

  9. 近几年,中国很多城市商业银行都对外资敞开了大门,重庆市商业银行即是最新一例。

    The Chongqing lender is one of a dozen urban commercial banks that have attracted foreign capital in recent years .

  10. 据此,本文在最后对实证研究进行总结并给出重庆市商业银行效率的提升路径建议。

    Finally , based on the empirical study , it summarizes and gives suggestions to promote the efficiency of Chongqing commercial bank .

  11. 与中国其它城市银行和四大国有商业银行一样,在为当地项目提供融资方面,重庆市商业银行发挥着重要作用。

    Chongqing Commercial Bank , like other city banks as well as the big four state lenders , plays an important role in funding local projects .

  12. 评级服务机构穆迪(Moody's)在一份针对重庆市商业银行的研究分析中称:当地政府积极参与了该银行的运作,例如,任命管理层关键职位等。

    Local government is actively involved in the bank 's operations , for example , in appointing key management , said a research analysis of the bank by ratings service Moody 's.

  13. 结合重庆农村商业银行的实际,对中小银行推行事业部制管理转型的对策讨论部分,提出了一些解决中小商业银行事业部制管理转型的方法及对策。

    The sixth part is unifies Chongqing Rural commerce Bank the reality , to the small bank carrying out services department system management reforming countermeasure discussion part , proposed in some solutions the small trader industry bank services department system management reforming method and the countermeasure .

  14. 重庆直辖市商业银行制度建设的关键和任务

    The Key and Taskes of Construction of Chongqing 's Commercial Bank System

  15. 本文最后利用重庆市某商业银行数据进行应用研究,证明文中所构建的价值评价模型和所选用的客户分类方法合理有效。

    On the basis it chooses the data of one commercial bank in Chongqing for study and demonstrates the evaluation model and method of customer classification reasonable and feasible .

  16. 重庆市股份制商业银行的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Chongqing 's Joint-stock Commercial Banks

  17. 光大银行重庆分行作为最先进入重庆的股份制商业银行,在银行绩效考评方面进行了积极的探索。

    As the first joint stock bank that went into operation in Chongqing , China Everbright Bank Chongqing Branch ( abbr. CEB CQ ) has actively made much efforts in Performance Evaluation .