
  1. 里院建筑(又称合院式建筑)就是在这种时代大背景下产生和发展起来的。

    Liyuan buildings had produced and developed in the context of this era .

  2. 等他们冲进里院时,发现潘带着还乡团早己跑掉了。

    Bursting into the inner courtyards , they found that the Pan Corps had already gone .

  3. 拉结会堂(OhelRachel)坐落在一座绿意盎然的院子里。院门外标牌写着:“上海市绿化委员会”。但值得庆幸的是,没有迹象显示,在不举行犹太教庆祝活动的时候,这里被用来存放农用设备。

    Outside the main gate of the leafy compound in which the Ohel Rachel synagogue is located , a sign says " Shanghai Afforestation Commission " - although , thankfully , there is no indication that the building is used to store agricultural equipment between Jewish high holidays .

  4. 耶和华就照摩西的话行。凡在房里,院中,田间的青蛙都死了。

    And the LORD did as Moses said ; and there was an end of all the frogs in the houses and in the open spaces and in the fields .

  5. 方法回顾性分析了在过去一年里我院收治的22例胎儿畸形,孕妇经腹扫查,观察其声像图特征并进行分析。

    Methods A total of 22 fetal deformity cases were diagnosed with ultrasonography within one year the pregnant women underwent transabdominal sonography ( TAS ) and the ultrasonic characteristics of fetal deformity were analysed retrospectively .

  6. Fasano医生是马里兰州里大学医学院腹腔疾病研究中心的主任。

    Doctor Fasano directs the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland School of Medicine .

  7. 我住在孤儿院的一间小屋里,距院农场有半英里,这一切尽收眼底。

    I found them all , living in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage , half a mile beyond the orphanage farm .

  8. 笔者相信真实数据一定远不止这个数,因为在家里或疗养院死亡的数字并未被统计在内。

    The authors believe the number is actually much higher , as home and nursing home deaths are not counted in that total .

  9. 她在修院里待了五年,她脑子里的修院精神仍在慢慢地从她体内散发出来,使她感到自己周围的一切都是岌岌可危的。

    The spirit of the convent , with which she had been permeated for the space of five years , was still in the process of slow evaporation from her person , and made everything tremble around her .

  10. 呆在家里不要去歌剧院。

    Stay at home and don 't go to the Opera House .

  11. 美国国防部建立这个网络是为了军事承包商和大学里的军事研究院进行信息交流。

    The Pentagon built the network for military contractors and universities doing military research to exchange information .

  12. 他住在那里,拉乌尔,住在湖上的房子里,在歌剧院的底下!”

    He lives there , Raoul , in a house on the lake , under the Opera House ! '

  13. 他们正在到处找您;因为您不在家里,所以元老院派了三队人出来分头寻访。

    When , being not at your lodging to be found , The senate hath sent about three several guests To search you out .

  14. 他们可能在精神病院里工作,疗养院,咨询中心,危机干预中心,以及其他各种临床设施。

    They may work in psychiatric facilities , nursing homes , counseling centers , crisis intervention centers , and a variety of other clinical settings .

  15. 父亲在庭院里耙落叶。院中篱落,参差错落,别有风趣。

    Father is raking fallen leaves in the garden . The fences in the yard are irregular and strewn at random , which has a unique appeal .

  16. 他们二人急忙离开,来到巴户琳某人的家里;那人院中有一口井,他们就下到井里。

    And both of them went off quickly and came to the house of a man in bahurim , who had a well in his courtyard ; and they went down into it .

  17. 然而有一个童子看见他们、就去告诉押沙龙。他们急忙跑到巴户琳某人的家里。那人院中有一口井、他们就下到井里。

    But a boy saw them , and gave word of it to absalom : so the two of them went away quickly , and came to the house of a man in Bahurim who had a water-hole in his garden , and they went down into it .