
cǎi zhī
  • resin tapping;tap resin
采脂[cǎi zhī]
  1. 采脂时,将盖封闭盖住脂液,避免了杂质的渗入和脂液的挥发。

    During resin tapping , the cover is closed to cover resin liquid to avoid the infiltration of impurities and the volatilization of the resin liquid .

  2. 一般在相对湿度50%以上,日间气温15~25℃为适宜采脂期。采脂季节在5月中旬~9月中下旬。

    Generally , the suitable period for resin tapping is 15 ~ 25 ° C at daytime with relative humidity over 50 % from the middle of May to September .

  3. 试验结果表明,在目前的技术条件下,马尾松钻一次孔其连续流脂时间最长为2d,不宜进行钻孔法采脂。

    According to the results , under the current technique term , for masson pine there is continuous oleoresin flowing for only 2 days in one borehole drilling period , and the borehole tapping is not suitable .

  4. 浅谈广西松树采脂现状与对策

    A review on status and strategy of oleoresin tapping in Guangxi

  5. 马尾松采脂量的相关因子分析

    Correlative analysis between the factors and oleoresin output of pinus massoniana

  6. 不同采脂方法对马尾松产脂量的影响

    On the Resin Yield of Pinus massoniana with Different Tapping Methods

  7. 中国采脂树种松脂的化学特征

    Chemical characteristics of oleoresins from Chinese pine species for OLEORESIN PRODUCTION

  8. 我国采脂刺激剂研究现状和发展趋势

    The recent research and developing trend of tapping irritant agent in China

  9. 松树钻孔采脂法研究进展

    Advances in the Research on the Methods of Oleoresin Tapping From Pine

  10. 湿地松高效低耗持续丰产采脂新技术的研究

    Research on the Techniques of Resin Tapping of Pinus elliottii

  11. 马尾松天然林采脂试验分析

    Analysis of tapping resin trial in natural stands of masson 's pine

  12. 世界主要采脂树种及松脂生产发展趋势

    Major tapping tree species and developing trends of oleoresin production in the world

  13. 采脂新方法&钻孔采脂

    New method of oleoresin tapping & the borehole tapping

  14. 广西梧州地区实施马尾松采脂技术综合开发的效果及前景

    Effects and prospects of integrated developing technology of Pinus massoniana tapping in Wuzhou

  15. 采脂资源变化与技术革新

    The Changing Trend of Masson pine Resin Resources and Technological Innovation of Bleeding

  16. 广西马尾松采脂林综合经营技术及其产业化模式研究

    Study on Management Technology and Models for Pinus Massoniana Resin Stands in Guangxi

  17. 采脂工劳动生产率提高66.6%;

    Adopt worker 's labor productivity of tapping to raise by 66.6 % ;

  18. 生长激素采脂试验

    Test on Resin - Tapping by Somatotropic Hormone

  19. 强调我国松脂生产的根本问题在于采脂劳动生产率低。

    The paper emphasized that the essential question affecting gum production is low labour productivity .

  20. 湿地松纸浆采脂两用林适宜经营密度及培育模式

    Appropriate management densities and cultivation patterns of slash pine forests for paper pulp and resin

  21. 丰脂灵化学采脂对马尾松木材构造及其松脂产量的影响

    Effect of Collecting Resin with Rich resin Panacea on Wood Structure and Resin Output of Pinus massoniana

  22. 太岳林区油松采脂量及其与测树因子关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Output of Resin and Stand Characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis in Taiyue Forest Farm

  23. 河南省马尾松采脂量与树体因子关系的研究

    Study on the Relation between the Quantities of Oleoresin Collection and Tree Factor of Masson Pine in Henan Province

  24. 马尾松采脂林胸径破坏致材积测量误差的修正

    Revision of the Wood Volume Measuring Error Resulted from the Tapped DBH of Pinus massoniana Forest for Resin Tapping

  25. 介绍了作者近年来对钻孔法采脂技术的试验情况和取得的初步结果。

    This article introduced the relevant investigative circumstance and the acquisition result of borehole oleoresin tapping tests in recent years .

  26. 根据树胶管的发生发育及分布规律,提出相当的采脂方法。

    The resin - tapped methods have been raised according to the laws of origination , development and distribution of gum ducts .

  27. 我国的采脂松树资源和松脂贮量&基于连清数据的估测

    Forest Resources and Estimated Resin Production of Pines in China & Based on the Data of Successive Nation-Wide Inventory of Forest Resources

  28. 根据世界各地采脂树种的情况,划分为美洲、欧洲和东亚三个采脂区域。

    According to the tapping tree species , there are three tapping areas in the world : America , Europe and East Asia .

  29. 初期采脂对马尾松木材构造的影响人工林青梅木材构造的初步研究

    INFLUENCE OF THE INITIAL RESIN TAPPING ON THE WOOD STRUCTURE OF PINUS MASSONIANA PLANTATION A primary anatomical study on the wood of Vatica astrotricha plantation

  30. 要改变这一状况,必须建立松脂生产基地,选育高产脂力良种,推广先进采脂技术,实行集约化经营。

    It is necessary to build bases of oleoresin production , select high gum-yielding trees for planting , spread advanced tapping technology and introduce intensive management .