
  1. ,研究了四园林绿化树种叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量的动态变化以及叶绿素与丙二醛、脯氨酸的相关性。

    The dynamic changes of a , b and total contents of chlorophyll were studied and the correlation of chlorophyll contents with MDA and Pro were analysed .

  2. 北京市六种园林绿化树种对UVB的屏蔽效应

    Screening Effect to UVB of Six Species of Garden Plants in Beijing

  3. 6个园林绿化树种对SO2抗性的研究

    Study of Six Ornamental Tree Species on Sulfur Dioxide Stress Resistance

  4. 低温处理对6种园林绿化树种幼苗生理生化特性的影响

    Effects of low temperature treatment on physiological-biochemical characteristics of six seedlings

  5. 11个园林绿化树种对SO2胁迫反应特性的研究

    Responses of Eleven Ornamental Tree Species to Sulfur Dioxide Stress Treatment

  6. 信阳市城镇园林绿化树种的选择与应用

    The choice and application of gardening tree variety in Xinyang

  7. 园林绿化树种灰色综合评价与分级选择的研究

    Study on Graduation and Grey Comprehensive Evaluation for Landscape Plant

  8. 园林绿化树种枝叶滞尘效果分类研究

    Study on Classification of Dust-blocking Effect of Branches of Landscaping Tree Species

  9. 江苏省新沂市城市园林绿化树种应用调查

    Investigation of Landscape Tree Species and Their Application in Xinyi

  10. 齐齐哈尔市园林绿化树种的选择和配置

    The election and disposition of plant trees in Qiqihar

  11. 青岛市园林绿化树种的调查与评价研究

    Investigation and Evaluation of Landscaping Tree in Qingdao City

  12. 部分品种可作植被恢复及园林绿化树种。

    Some varieties can be used for plant recovery and gardening and greening .

  13. 该植物也是中国北方城市的一种重要园林绿化树种。

    It is also an important plant for city landscape construction in North China .

  14. 长春市园林绿化树种的选择

    Selection of Landscape Tree Species in Changchun City

  15. 吉林市园林绿化树种规划

    Plan on Garden Plant Species of JiLin City

  16. 山东省小城镇园林绿化树种与绿地率研究

    Study on Greening Plants and Rate of Green Land of Small Towns in Shandong

  17. 城市园林绿化树种嫩枝扦插繁殖技术

    Softwood Cutting Techniques of Garden Greening Species

  18. 论泰康镇园林绿化树种选择

    Garden Virescence Selection Of Taikang Town Discussion on the garden greening of small city and town

  19. 园林绿化树种的滞尘能力是评价其园林绿化效果的重要指标。

    Dust-blocking ability of landscaping tree species is the main index to evaluate the effect of landscaping .

  20. 南京市园林绿化树种的组成特色浅析

    A brief analysis on the characteristics of composition and zonal vegetation of greening tree species in Nanjing

  21. 西北地区园林绿化树种的调查分析观赏树木在园林造景中的美学探讨

    Investigation and Analysis of Gardening Tree Resources in Northwest China Research on Esthetics of Tree Disposition in Gardening

  22. 蒲葵是一种优良的园林绿化树种,但大树移植较困难。

    Livistona chinensis is a good species for landscape engineering , but its big tree transplanting is difficult .

  23. 园林绿化树种的应用和规划研究有助于有目的、有计划、有方向的开展城市园林建设。

    The research of application and planning of landscape tree species can help to construct purposefully and designedly the urban landscape .

  24. 以4种南方园林绿化树种为实验材料,研究了固体水的释放规律及其对树木水分生理的影响。

    Water release law and effect of solid water on water physiology of plants were studied with 4 south afforestation trees .

  25. 选准切入点,让北京城市绿化更加多姿多彩&北京城市园林绿化树种选择发展的思考

    Find key problems , making Beijing more colorful & A Strategy for selection and de-velopment of city greening tree species in Beijing

  26. 由于园林绿化树种规划滞后,致使现在生产这类树种的少。

    Because the type planning of garden trees lags behind , it leads to these types that produce on a small scale .

  27. 为龙岩市乡土园林绿化树种的选择应用和进一步深入研究提供基础资料。

    These recommendations can provide a basis for the selection and application of local wild greening species and further research information in Longyan .

  28. 研究测定了部分城市园林绿化树种对重金属中大气铅、镉污染物的吸滞能力。

    The absorption and purification ability of some green tree species to heavy metal Pb and Cd in the atmosphere is measured and compared .

  29. 其树干通直,树形优美,是很好的园林绿化树种,广泛应用于园林中,通常做植物造景树和景观背景树。

    Due to its straight trunk and beautiful tree shape Poplar is a good landscape trees and widely used in the garden , which usually be took as plant landscaping trees and landscape background tree .

  30. 为了全面了解各绿化树种的生理生态特性,增加哈尔滨市园林绿化树种及其生态功能的多样性,为绿化树种的选择提供理论依据。

    In order to comprehensively understand the eco-physiological characteristics of the greening trees , increase the diversity of the garden greening trees and their ecological function and provide the scientific basis for choosing the greening trees species in Harbin .