
  • 网络cutting method;style of cutting,felling method
  1. 不同采伐方式对林地土壤养分的影响

    The Influence of Different Cutting Method to the Soil Nutrients

  2. 采伐方式对马尾松林下植被和土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of Style of Cutting on Underground Vegetation and Soil Fertility of Pinus massoniana

  3. 杉木人工林不同采伐方式综合效益研究

    Study on comprehensive benefits of different cutting ways of Chinese fir

  4. 不同采伐方式的人工林畜力集材效率比较

    Comparison of Efficiencies of Animal Skidding under Different Cutting Modes for Larch Plantations

  5. 世界采运机械的采伐方式及发展进程

    Development of Logging & Transportation Machinery and Its Logging Style in the World

  6. 不同采伐方式对云冷杉林更新与生境的影响

    Effects of different cutting methods on regeneration and habitat for spruce fir forests

  7. 森林采伐方式对伐后迹地光照条件及更新质量的影响

    Impacts of harvesting ways on sun-light density and regeneration quality in the felling sites

  8. 现代森林采伐方式的探讨

    The logging ways of current forest

  9. 现行森林采伐方式类别

    Classification of forest felling methods

  10. 在对不同采伐方式、采伐强度、采伐作业技术的比较研究基础上,提出了生态约束下的采伐更新技术。

    Comparison study on different cutting types , intensity and operation techniques resulted regeneration by ecological cutting .

  11. 第一章讲述了生态环境措施,分别介绍了采伐方式、集材方式、更新方式、更新跟上采伐、伐根剥皮、伐后清理等;

    The first section introduced ecological harvesting measures , such as cutting system and skidding system , regeneration methods , stump debarking , slash disposal etc.

  12. 对林相破碎、生产力低的林分加大抚育力度,提高林分质量和效益,同时调整采伐方式。

    Measurement is made to forbid cutting , to enforce the plantation , to increase the forest quality and benefit , and adjust the cutting methods .

  13. 从采伐方式上而言,粗放型采伐方式更加有利于碳储量的积累,且其固碳能力高于集约型采伐方式。

    From the perspective of the harvesting styles , the extensive harvesting more conducive to the accumulation of carbon stocks and carbon fixation is higher than that intensive harvesting .

  14. 结果表明:立地条件的差异和疫木不同采伐方式对植物群落次生演替的进程和方向都有不同程度的影响。

    The results show that the differences and site conditions different harvesting methods to tree secondary succession of plant communities on the process and direction have varying degrees of impact .

  15. 结果表明:不同林型、郁闭度、坡度、坡向、采伐方式及采伐强度其更新效果明显不同。

    It shows that there are very different results of regenerative effects with the condition of different forest type , gloomy degree , slope degree , slope direction , deforest methods and deforest degree .

  16. 针对森林持续退化和不断消失等问题以及传统采伐方式和恢复方法的局限性,人们开始探索新的采伐理念和模式,并从景观尺度上开展森林恢复。

    People began to explore new cutting mode and concept and carry out forest restoration on landscape scale to solve the problem of forest continuous degradation and disappearing and overcome the limitation of traditional logging and recovery method .

  17. 此外,分析了采伐方式、集材方式、林分郁闭度、枯落物厚度,土壤厚度,地形、下木及活地被物与华山松天然更新的关系,提出经营利用秦岭林区华山松林应注意的问题。

    The relationships between natural regeneration and cutting and skidding system , canopy closure , litter layer thickness , the depth of soil layers , topography , understorey or ground vegetation were analyzed . Considerations for the management and utilization of the forests were also suggested .

  18. 为提高出材率,可采用挖根采伐的方式,在改造中要使规划具备整体性,渠路一体化。

    Felling pattern of grubbing root can be adopted in order to increase the rate of recovery .

  19. 其防治措施是增加桉树人工林生物多样性、回归林地调落于土壤、应用适当的采伐利用方式和采伐剩余物的处理方式。

    The control measures are to increase the biodiversity of the eucalyptus plantations , return litter to forest soil , adopt proper falling and utilization ways of trees , as well as proper treating ways of the falling residue .

  20. 采伐迹地清理方式对水土流失及更新苗木的影响

    Impact of Slash Disposal on Soil and Water Loss and Growth of Planted Seedlings

  21. 森林采伐作业适宜方式的探讨

    The reasonable ways of forest logging

  22. 控释肥在苗木生产中的应用采伐迹地清理方式对水土流失及更新苗木的影响

    Studies on application of controlled release fertilizer in nursery seedling production Impact of Slash Disposal on Soil and Water Loss and Growth of Planted Seedlings

  23. 在调整工业内部比例方面,安徽省采取关、停、并、转工业企业,加强轻工业生产,发展采掘和采伐工业等方式来平衡轻重工业比例。

    To adjusting internal industrial proportion , Anhui Province reversed the proportion of light and heavy industries by closing and incorporating industrial enterprises , strengthening light manufacturing , improving mining and logging industry and so on .

  24. 在考虑各种作业的集材量和集材道面积的情况下,经主成分分析得出不同采伐、集材方式对林地土壤理化性质的干扰程度。

    With the consideration of the affection of skidding volume and the area of skidding trials , it also revealed the disturbance degree of soil after different harvesting methods by means of principle component analysis ( PCA ) .

  25. 为彻底解决国有林区面临的问题,建议尽快出台自主经营、森林采伐和林地经营方式等方面的相关配套政策。

    En order to completely solve the problems of state-owned forest areas , suggest the speedy introduction of their own decisions , policies and forest harvesting operations , and other related policy .

  26. 通过对常绿阔叶林采伐迹地不同更新方式林地土壤肥力的比较研究,结果表明:采用人促天然更新形成的米槠单优群落林地具有良好的土壤结构性能与水分性状;

    The comparative study results of the forest soil fertility through different reproductive modes on the evergreen broadleaved forest felling blank indicate that the forest land of Castanopsis carlesii consociation formed by the natural reproduction with artificial promotion possesses the good soil structure performance and water character ;

  27. 阐述了森林采伐中如何通过采伐方式和工艺类型的合理选择、采伐量的合理确定,来满足林业经济的持续性。

    This Paper mainly introduced hoe to satisfy forestry economical duration by reasonably selecting logging ways and technology type .

  28. 采伐作业是森林经营中重要环节,不同采伐方式对森林植被和土壤肥力产生影响。

    Harvesting operation is one of more important parts in the forest cultivation .

  29. 对人工林的采伐往往是大面积高强度的作业过程,传统的人工采伐方式已不能满足生产的需求,因此一些林业工作者正开始将目标转向机械采伐。

    Moreover , The harvesting operation in plantation is large-area and high-intensity and the traditional manual felling can not meet the demands of high production , so some of forest managers begin introduce forestry machine to felling trees .