
suān huánɡ ɡuā
  • sour cucumber;pickled cucumber
  1. 同时对黄瓜泡菜与传统酸黄瓜进行了感官评价。

    And the pickled cucumber and traditional sour cucumber were also evaluated by sensory evaluation .

  2. 酸黄瓜、果酱、腌浆果、西红柿,凡是你说得出的,他们都有。

    Pickled cucumbers , jam , pickled berries , tomatoes ; you name it , they 've got it

  3. 把酸黄瓜递给我好吗?我又没嫁给他。

    Could you please pass the pickles ? We 're not married .

  4. 如果你不喜欢酸黄瓜,检查看看是不是你的脑子有问题。

    If you don 't like pickles , get your head checked .

  5. 柠檬,辣根,洋葱,酸黄瓜,橄榄。

    Lemon wedges , horseradish , Onion , cucumber pickles and olives .

  6. 另外还可以加西红柿、酸黄瓜和生菜。

    That 's before adding tomatoes , pickles and lettuce .

  7. 探讨了以小黄瓜为原料,生产酸黄瓜的加工工艺。

    This paper discuss the processing technology of acid cucumber on tender cucumber .

  8. 煮蛋,炸茄子,西红柿,酸黄瓜,调味芝麻酱。

    Boiled egg , Fried eggplant , Tomato , Cucumber , Coriander , Tahini .

  9. 你还叫我去摸那酸黄瓜。

    And you asked meto hold the pickle .

  10. 嗯加酸黄瓜麻烦压得扁扁的谢谢

    Yeah and with pickles and can you smush it down real flat ? Thanks

  11. 沙爹鸡肉,牛肉,配花生酱油米饼及酸黄瓜。

    Beef and Chicken Sate , Peanut Soy Sauce , Pressed Rice Cake , Cucumber Pickles .

  12. 在一大碗里混合土豆,洋葱,切碎的蛋,酸黄瓜。

    In a large bowl , combine the potatoes , chopped eggs , pickles and onion .

  13. 酸黄瓜比男人更好用。

    Pickles are better than men .

  14. 鸡尾洋葱,酸黄瓜,黑水榄,大藏芥末,美式芥末和带籽芥末。

    Cocktail onion , gherkin , black olive , Dijon mustard , American mustard and seeded mustard .

  15. 你需要准备几片薄薄的莳萝酸黄瓜,几片厚厚的番茄片。

    What you need is thin wisps of a dill pickle , thicker wisps of sliced tomato .

  16. 酸黄瓜是通过把黄瓜和诸如小茴香籽的成分放在充满盐水的桶中而制得的。

    Pickles are produced by placing cucumbers and such components as dill seeds in casks filled with a brine .

  17. 涪陵榨菜以其鲜、香、嫩、脆的独特品质,享誉世界,与德国甜酸甘蓝、欧洲酸黄瓜并称世界三大名腌菜。

    With its fresh , fragrant , crisp and tender quality , Fuling Pickled mustard tuber has become famous all over the world .

  18. 从薯条的粗细到汉堡上放几根酸黄瓜,麦当劳以产品的一致性为招牌,打造了一个全球帝国。

    McDonald 's has built a global empire based on the consistency of its products , down to the thickness of fries and the number of pickles on a sandwich .

  19. 汉堡上并没有任何的菌斑甚至是奇怪的气味,唯一的变化是夹在中间的酸黄瓜分解了。

    The burger had no signs of mold , fungus or even a strange odor , the show 's hosts said . The only thing that had changed over the years was that the pickle had disintegrated .

  20. 活体试验表明,500μg/ml交链孢酸对黄瓜灰霉病和油菜菌核防治效果分别为82.7%和83.3%。

    The control effects of alternaric acid at 500 μ g / ml against the grey mold of cucumber and sclerotinia rot of rape on living plants reached 82.7 % and 83.3 % , respectively .

  21. Ca~(2+)对脱落酸诱导黄瓜离体子叶生根的影响

    The Effect of Calciun on Root Inducement of Cucumber Cotyledon by ABA

  22. 外源酚酸对黄瓜生长及膜保护系统影响的研究

    Study on Effects of Exogenous Phenolic Acids on Growth and Membrane Protective System of Cucumber

  23. 酚酸物质减轻黄瓜枯萎病的效果及其原因分析

    Effect and Mechanism of Phenol Compounds in Alleviating Cucumber Fusarium Wilt

  24. 外源茉莉酸甲酯对黄瓜采后冷害及生理生化的影响

    Effects of Exogenous Methyl Jasmonate on Chilling Injury and Physiology and Biochemistry in Postharvest Cucumber

  25. 这里的三明治配有酸卷心菜丝和半条酸黄瓜。

    The sandwiches here come with coleslaw and half a pickle .