
lín jiē quán
  • neighboring right
  1. 其中,我国著作权法与TRIPS协议在邻接权、合理使用,出租权、权利限制、执法措施等方面均有不同程度的差距。

    There 's a certain distance of judicial provisions between our civil Copyright Law and TRIPS treaty in many aspects , such as neighboring right , proper usage , rent right , right limit and law enforcement measures .

  2. 互联网上的著作邻接权研究

    Research on Neighboring Right on the Internet

  3. 版权还是邻接权&关于MTV的性质问题讨论

    Copyrights or Neighboring Rights & Discussion on the Nature of MTV

  4. WCT和WPPT这两个新条约分别对《伯尔尼公约》和《罗马公约》进行补充和延伸,使之更适应新的技术环境下版权与邻接权保护的需要。

    To some extent , these two treaties act as the supplement and extension of 《 Berne Convention 》 and 《 Rome Convention 》, which make them more capable for the needs to protect copyrights and neighboring rights under the new technical circumstance .

  5. 邻接权与数字图书馆有偿服务

    Neighboring Rights and Fee - Based Service of the Digital Library

  6. 试论建立数字图书馆邻接权制度的必要性和法律依据

    Necessity and Legal Basis on Building the Neighbour Right System in Digital Libraries

  7. 但录音制作者邻接权没有跟上步伐。

    However , the related rights concerning producer of a phonogram does not keep pace .

  8. 图书期刊的版式设计属于出版者的创造性智力劳动成果,其版式权性质上应属于广义著作权中的邻接权范畴。

    Format Right is the right that the publisher protects the format design of book and periodical .

  9. 第二部分(第二章)介绍了有关的邻接权国际公约和我国邻接权的法律关系。

    The second section discusses the treaties on neighboring rights and the contents of neighboring rights in China .

  10. 文章认为,著作出租权的权利主体应包括著作权人及邻接权人。

    The article says the subject of the Rental Right of Works should contain the owner of copyright and neighboring right .

  11. 另一方面,对音乐家和演员来说,利用版权或邻接权却是这两个联合会的优先事项。

    On the other hand , using copyright or neighboring rights for musicians and actors was a priority for the two federations .

  12. 这使得一方面,它具有和作品相似的使他人成为邻接权主体的派生能力;

    This makes that it has derived ability just like origin works which makes others become the principal part of neighboring right ;

  13. 网络等新型传播媒介的出现,不会改变邻接权的本质,只会改变其具体表现形式。

    The appearance of new medias such as network can only change the concrete forms of expression not the essence of neighbouring right .

  14. 信息网络传播权的内容包括精神性权利和财产性权利,并且兼具著作权和邻接权的特点。

    Information Network Transmission Right covers the rights and property of spiritual rights , and both the characteristics of copyright and neighboring rights .

  15. 相同的是:无论是实体环境下的盗版,还是网络环境下的盗版都侵犯了著作权人、邻接权人的复制权。

    The similarity is that piracy in practical and internet both violate the right of reproduction of copyright owner and neighboring rights owner .

  16. 将出版者的某些权利也纳入邻接权范围之中是我国著作权法所独创。

    In the copyright law of our country , there is also the right of publisher except these three rights in the neighbouring right .

  17. 对于目前我国网络环境下邻接权制度的梳理,能够更好的弄清楚问题所在。

    Sorting out neighboring rights system in the current network environment in China , are better able to figure out where the problem lies .

  18. 邻接权从本质上来讲是指作品传播者在传播作品的过程中所应具有的权利。

    The neighbouring right , from essential speak , refers to the right that disseminator of works should have during the process of propagating the works .

  19. 德国出版商希望建立所谓的邻接权(即:作品传播者权),类似已经存在的对音乐出版商和其他内容所有者的保护一样。

    German publishers want to create a so-called neighboring right for publishers , similar to protections that already exist for music publishers and other content owners .

  20. 著作邻接权制度的产生是人类传播技术进步的结果,并随着人类传播技术的不断进步而发展。

    The neighbouring right system is the result of the progress of mankind propagate technology , and develops with the constant development of the mankind propagate technology .

  21. 同时,提出网络环境中图书馆法律地位的异化也为建立数字图书馆邻接权制度提供了法律依据。

    At the same time , alienation of the library legal status under the net-worked environment offers a legislative basis on setting up the digital library neighbour right system .

  22. 我国的法定许可使用制度主要在邻接权主体、权利保护和责任承担三方面存在缺陷。第四,关于我国著作权法定许可使用制度的完善。

    The deficiencies of statutory licensing : the body of mainly related rights , rights protection and accountability . Fourthly , the perfection of our copyright statutory licensing System .

  23. 第一部分(第一章)为引言,论述了邻接权术语的来源与含义,指出了当前邻接权研究中的某些不足。

    The first section narrates the origin and the meaning of the term of neighboring rights and points out the shortage of present research in this field in China .

  24. 民间文学艺术表达的保护是由发展中国家最先提出的,现行的法律保护模式主要是著作权和邻接权保护模式,两者都存在缺陷。

    The protection of expressions of folklore was put forward by the developing countries at first , and the main patterns of protection are copyright law and neighboring right law .

  25. 未来邻接权要得到更有效的保护,有赖于立法、司法、技术和公众守法意识水平的全面提高。

    In the future , it depends on the progress of legislation , justice , technologies and the law-abiding consciousness of the users to protect the neighboring rights more effectively .

  26. 第一部分主要运用了文献分析的研究方法,首先对邻接权的进本内容进行分析,进而探讨引出网络环境下邻接权的内涵及特征。

    In the first part , exploring the connotation and characteristics of neighboring rights in the network environment , which mainly used a literature review of research method to analyze .

  27. 运用比较分析法,提出邻接权保护非独创性数据库比特别权利保护更适合,而不正当竞争法可作为法律最后的一个兜底保护手段。

    From comparing the unfair competition law and the neighboring right , this paper puts forward the view that the neighboring right is more suitable for protecting the unoriginal database .

  28. 知识产权广义上讲包括专利权、商标权和著作权以及各自的邻接权,许可是知识产权权利人行使权利的主要方式,也是其获取经济利益的主要途径。

    Broadly speaking , intellectual property including patents , trademarks and copyright and their respective neighboring rights , permission is the main form , and the main way of economic benefits .

  29. 盗版是指未经著作权或邻接权人的许可或授权,将其作品、表演、录音录像制品等进行复制、发行的行为。

    Piracy is such behavior that copys and distributes others ' works , performances , audio and video recording products without a license or authorization of the copyright or neighboring rights .

  30. 著作权集体管理组织以保护、捍卫和促进涉及其会员著作权及邻接权利益为目标,在尊重著作权的前提下,追求作品使用的效率。

    The target of the collective management organization is protecting and accelerating the related copyright and the adjoining benefits . In the premise of esteeming the copyright , it pursued the efficiency .