
  1. 邻居说:“这辆车真漂亮,是你的吗?”“有时候是。”布朗先生回答。

    The neighbor says , " That 's a nice car . Is it yours ? " " Sometimes . " Brown answers .

  2. 华盛顿放开遮在左眼的那只手,给警察看马的左眼并没有瞎掉。“哦,我说错了,”邻居说。“右眼是瞎的。”然后华盛顿展示了右眼同样也没有瞎。

    Washington took his hand from the left eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind in the left eye . " Oh , I have made .

  3. 他的父亲在外面遇见以漂亮著称的商咄,回到家后居然对邻居说:“我今天遇见商咄,他虽然漂亮,但和我儿子一比,就差远了。还是我的儿子长得好。”

    One day his father met Shang Duo who was noted1 fro being handsome on road . When he came back home , he said to his neighbor , " Today I met Shang Duo , he is handsome , but compared with my son , he is not as handsome as my son is . "

  4. 但Stratford的一名邻居说她确实对蜜蜂和黄蜂的毒液过敏,可当时并未随身携带治疗过敏性休克的肾上腺素注射器。

    But a neighbour in Stratford said she was indeed allergic to venom from bee and wasp stings but did not have an epinephrine injector with her to counteract anaphylactic shock .

  5. 邻居说她现在旅行在外。

    Neighbor said she 's away at a convention right now .

  6. 这位邻居说,这已经不是他们第一次入室偷盗了。

    She says it not the first time they do so .

  7. 新邻居说,“我是一个教授。”

    The new neighbor says ," I am a professor . "

  8. 你的邻居说我在这里能找到�

    Your neighbor said that I could probably find you here .

  9. 那和邻居说的也不相符。

    That 's not consistent with what the neighbor said , either .

  10. 你们一个邻居说见到他在你们家房子外。

    One of your neighbors said they saw him outside your house .

  11. 邻居说她近来经常听到争吵。

    Neighbor said she heard a lot of arguing lately .

  12. 你的邻居说他们当晚听到争吵

    Your neighbors said they heard an argument that night .

  13. 有邻居说看见你们把衣服拿去焚化炉烧。

    A neighbor said she saw you throwing clothes in the incinerator .

  14. 一个邻居说她听到一声枪声。

    One of the neighbours says she heard a shot .

  15. 他邻居说他一定在里面。

    His neighbor said he 's definitely in there .

  16. 我的邻居说六个月后新旅馆将会建好的。

    My neighbour said a new hotel would be built in six months .

  17. 你的邻居说听到了争吵和枪声。

    Some of your neighbors said they heard an argument , and gunshots .

  18. 邻居说他在门口看到了这个。

    Neighbor said he saw this from the door .

  19. 这起窃盗激怒了这位肉商。于是他就打电话给他的邻居说:

    Incensed at the theft , the butcher called up his neighter and said ,

  20. 我邻居说,在此之前,他们的孩子非常的健康和正常。

    They also said he was100 % normal and healthy prior to this happening .

  21. 邻居说有个白人男性,20-40岁间。

    Neighbor reports white male , 20to40years old .

  22. 我们对邻居说,不要在午夜后把收音机的音量开的太大。

    We asked our neighbours not to play their recorder so loudly after midnight .

  23. 他的一个邻居说。

    Talked to one of his neighbors .

  24. 再过些时候,我听他的邻居说他已经在屋里走动了。

    In some time after , I learnt in the neighbourhood that he was about house .

  25. 邻居说他只有一个人住。

    Neighbor says he lives alone .

  26. 我们的邻居说,如果我们再吵嚷喧哗,他就要向警察投诉。

    Our neighbour said he would complain about us to the police if we made any more noise .

  27. 这公寓的墙壁很薄,隔壁邻居说的话句句都可以听得到。

    The walls in this apartment are so thin you can hear just about every word the neighbours say .

  28. 你喜欢这一支吗?我邻居说这种粉色的百合在中国很普遍。

    Do you like this one ? My neighbor said lily with this pink color is more popular in China .

  29. 近年来他变得越来越极端,邻居说看过他穿着非法军事组织的军服。

    His views had become increasingly extreme in recent years and he had been seen by neighbours wearing paramilitary uniform .

  30. 我三天前去看望他,他的邻居说他早在两天前他就到北京去了。

    I visited him three days ago , but his neighbour said he had gone to Beijing two days before .